体裁结构潜势,generic structural potential
1)generic structural potential体裁结构潜势
1.Generic Structural Potential,Semantic Attribute and Lexicogrammatical Pattern:Genre Analysis of the Opening and Closing Sections of Grimm’s Fairy Tales;体裁结构潜势、语义特征与语法体现——格林童话的首尾研究
2.By analyzing the academic thesis and the academic speech,the paper aims to compare and indicate the impact of variables of context on generic structural potential form and prove "genre analysi.选择学术论文语篇和学术演讲语篇作为研究的对象,考察、对比和分析语境配置变量和语域变量的改变对语篇体裁结构潜势的影响,揭示语境因素与语篇体裁多样性之间的关系,从而进一步证实语言形式是"意义潜势的体现"。

1.A Corpus-based Study of the Generic Structure Potential of Business News;基于语料的经济新闻体裁结构潜势分析
2.A Study on the Generic Structure Potential of the English Political News英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势研究
3.Generic Structural Potential,Semantic Attribute and Lexicogrammatical Pattern:Genre Analysis of the Opening and Closing Sections of Grimm’s Fairy Tales;体裁结构潜势、语义特征与语法体现——格林童话的首尾研究
4.Increase the Expectation in Listening by Means of Hasan s Theory of Generic Structure Potential;浅谈Hasan的体裁结构潜势理论对听力预测能力的培养
5.Generic Structure Potentials,Semantic Attributes and Lexiogrammatical Patterns;语类结构潜势、语义特征与语法体现——汉语同学间互评体裁研究
6.Generic/schematic structure and Hemingway s The Old Man and the Sea;生成结构潜势与语篇体裁——从小说《老人与海》所想到的
7.Analysis of the GSP and Stylistic Features of Courtroom Inquiries in Anglo-American Law System;英美法系法庭审问的语类结构潜势及语体特征
8.Study on Pressure Hull Structure Design of Large Deep Diving Submarine;大型深潜潜艇耐压船体结构设计研究
10.Discourse Structure and Genre:An Insight into Sewame Package Instructions;解读“雪完美”,聚焦语篇结构与体裁
11.Using Genre-Based Teaching Approach and Schema Theory to Improve English Majors Reading Abilities Effectively;体裁教学法、语篇图式结构与阅读教学
12.Schematic structures and the significance of genre analysis;语篇的图式结构与体裁分析的重要性
13.Study on the Hierarchical Structure of PE Hidden Curriculum and Characteristics;体育潜课程的层次结构及其特征研究
14.This research conducts the contrast of Chinese and English abstracts in sci-tech journals on the basis of genre analysis.运用体裁分析理论对中英文摘要的体裁结构进行对比分析。
15.Modeling of Component-based Software Architecture for Submarine Combat Systems基于构件的潜艇作战系统软件体系结构
16.A New Tendency of Developing Big Five traits:an Underlying Two-Dimensional Structure大五人格理论发展的新趋势:一个潜在的两大维度结构
17.Theory of GSP and Its Application in College English Writing;语类结构潜势理论在大学英语写作教学中的应用
18.The Generic Structure Potential of Newspaper Editorials;从系统功能观探究英语新闻社论的语类结构潜势

Generic Structure Potential体裁结构潜势
1.The survey was conducted following Hasan s theory of Generic Structure Potential.本文以哈桑的体裁结构潜势理论为依据,对我国3所高校537名学生的英语写作教学现状和存在的各种问题做了调查,证实了我国高校英语写作教学体裁意识不强的假设。
2.This essay intends to solve the problem partially by applying Hasan s theory of generic structure potential in the analysis of different genres to develop students expectation in listening.本文试图根据Hasan提出的体裁结构潜势理论,对大学英语教学中使用的听力教材进行语篇体裁结构分析,在帮助学生解读语篇的体裁结构的同时,探索出培养学生对听力语篇的预测能力的有效途径,从而提高学生听力的整体水平。
1.The present study aims to discover the move structure and the GSP of the summar.本文旨在揭示招股章程概要的语步结构和体裁结构潜势以及招股文件的语篇特点。
4)generic structure potential语篇体裁结构潜势
1.The notion of generic structure potential is then applied to the study of a particular genre,i e.语篇体裁结构潜势概念的提出对于创造产生新的同类语篇及创造用以对所有语篇体裁进行描述的元语言有着双重意义。
2.The generic structure potential of the English political news creates the meta-language which is used to describe the English political news as a genre.英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势创造了对英语政治新闻语篇体裁进行描述的元语言。
5)generic structural potential语篇体裁结构潜势
1.The view about the relationship between the contextual configuration and the generic structural potential has been received more attention and thus connects linguistic functions and meanings with the spectfic forms of vocabulary.在语篇分析的研究中 ,系统功能语言学者提出的语境配置和语篇体裁结构潜势的观点较为引人注目 ,它将语言所表达的功能和意义与具体的词汇语法表现形式结合起来 ,既充分体现了“形式是意义的体现”这一系统功能语言观点 ,又为语言形式如何体现意义潜势的分析和阐释提供了较具说服力的理论依据。
2.By analyzing a corpus of news headlines, the paper aims to compare and indicate the impact of variables of context on both generic structural potential and specific language expressi.在语篇分析的研究中 ,系统功能语言学者提出的语境配置和语篇体裁结构潜势的观点将语言所表达的功能与词汇语法表现形式结合起来 ,充分体现了“形式是意义的体现”这一系统功能语言观。
6)generic structure potential (GSP)文体结构潜势

冲突潜势冲突潜势potency of conflicts  冲突潜势(poteney of eonfliets)组织中己经蕴含着某些潜在冲突的因素或组织冲突虽已形成但尚未爆发两种状态。在组织冲突处于潜势时,人们可以预见或认识到冲突可能发生。管理者在正确诊断冲突性质后,审时度势,或设法事前防止消极冲突的发生,或诱发其积极性冲突的早日到来,用以推动组织的变革一与发展。 (孙俊山撰张觉审)