互动交际,Interactive Communication
1)Interactive Communication互动交际
1.On Promotion of the Interactive Communication in Classroom Instruction in FLT;论如何促进外语课堂教学中的“互动交际
2.Response failures will greatly affe ct the interactive communications b etween the communicative parties.回应失误会极大地影响交际双方的互动交际活动。
3.However, many English learners, when involved in face to face interaction, often pay more attention to one way presentation rather than to interactive communication, thus resulting in communication failure.互动交际是人际交流最典型的特征 ,它是通过交际双方之间的默契合作 ,以话轮传递的方式 ,并借助各种交际策略、会话技巧以及非语言手段来实现的。

1.On the Development of English Learners Interactive Communicative Competence;试论英语学习者互动交际能力的培养
2.On Promotion of the Interactive Communication in Classroom Instruction in FLT;论如何促进外语课堂教学中的“互动交际
3.A Study of the Problems and Countermeasures in Fostering Oral English Interactive Communicative Competence of College Students;大学英语口语互动交际能力培养中的问题与对策研究
4.Analysis about the Characters of Interpersonal Social Contact among The Children in Single-Parent Family;单亲家庭子女人际交往——互动特征分析
5.A Brief Talk on the Class Mutual Activity in Communicative Teaching;浅谈高中英语交际教学中的课堂互动
6.Research of interactive roles and initiatives in the application of communicative approach;交际教学互动作用的分析、研究与探讨
7.On Classroom Interaction and the Cultivation of Communicative Ability in English leaching;英语教学中的课堂交互活动与交际能力培养
8.Conversational Negotiation--The Process of Communication as the Interactive and Dynamic Negotiation;会话协调——交际的过程是互动的动态协调过程
9.A Study on the Interactive Relationship between Guangdong Intercity Transportation and Regional Economic Development;广东城际交通与区域经济发展的互动关系研究
10.Interpersonal Communication: A Comparitive Research on Symbolic Interactionism with Social Exchange Theory;人际传播:符号互动论与社会交换论的比较研究
11.Improving Student Oral Communicative Competence Through Interactive Language Teaching;通过互动式教学提高学生的口语交际能力
12.Communicative Oral English Testing and Interactive Oral English Teaching;交际性英语口语测试与互动式英语口语教学
13.Interactive Teaching Strategy and the Fostering of Middle School English Students Communicative Competence;互动式教学策略与学生英语交际能力的培养
14.Developing Students Oral Communicative Competence Through Interactive Learning;通过互动式学习提高学生的口语交际能力
15.The Main Factors Affecting NfM in T-and-S interaction;影响互动性交际中意义磋商的主要因素
16.The Interactive Research on College Girl Students Consumption Identity and Communication View;女大学生消费认同与交际观的互动研究
17.Group Work in English Classroom is an Effective Way for Communicative Language Teaching;小组互动是英语交际法教学的有效方法
18.On the Nature of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure--From Two-way Cognitive Interaction of Addresser-Addressee;从交际主体的双向认知互动看语用失误的本质

communicative interaction交际互动
1.Functionalist Translation Theory holds that translation is a kind of cultural transfer,a communicative interaction,and a cross-culture event oriented towards the functions of the TL.德国功能派翻译理论认为,翻译是一种文化转换,一种交际互动,一种以目的语功能为导向的跨文化活动。
2.Functionalist Translation Theory holds that translation is a cultural transfer,a communicative interaction,and a cross-culture event oriented towards the function or functions of the TL,in which the clients specific requirements,the specific text functions,and the receiving audience s expectations for the TL text,etc.功能翻译理论认为,翻译是一种文化转换,一种交际互动,一种以的语功能为导向的跨文化活动。
1.The Main Factors Affecting NfM in T-and-S interaction;影响互动性交际中意义磋商的主要因素
4)test-takers interaction考生互动交际
5)interactive communication ability互动交际能力
6)computer-mediated communication (CMC)网络互动交际
1.In fact, the language used in computer-mediated communication (CMC) has developed into a new language variety-Netspeak, which is in its infancy of evolution as the Internet is still very young.事实上,在网络互动交际中所应用的语言已经有了自己的风格,形成了一种新的独具特色的语体—网话。

符号互动  见符号互动论。