汉语文化,Chinese culture
1)Chinese culture汉语文化
1.It first generalizes the theoretical research in English and Chinese cultures.首先概述了英、汉语文化中对礼貌问题的研究状况,其次,对两种语言的礼貌原则进行对比分析,这些差异成为跨文化交际障碍之一。

1.China English and the Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words;中国英语与汉语文化词语的异化翻译
2.Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Proverbs and Translation of English Proverbs into Chinese;英汉谚语的文化差异及英文谚语的汉译
3.Chinese Language System and Cultural Infiltration during Teaching Chinese as A Second Language汉语语言系统及对外汉语教学中的文化渗透
4.An Analysis on the Cultural Differences and Similarities of the Loanwords in Chinese and Korean;试析汉语与韩语中外来语的文化异同
5.Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese;英语汉语中动物词语的文化内涵分析
6.Language Contacts and Cultural Exchange in Xinjiang;从民汉语言的接触看民汉文化的交流
7.Discussions of E/C Translation of Idioms from Cultural Difference;从英汉文化差异浅议英汉成语的翻译
8.An Approach to the Cultural Differences between English and Chinese by Studying the Sources of Their Habitual Expressions;从英汉习语来源看英汉民族文化差异
9.The Spirit of Japan and The Scholarship of China"--Study how the literature of China to be assimilated in "Genshimonogadri;;“和魂汉才”——《源氏物语》对汉文化的吸收
10.On the Wuhan-style Culture and Language in Chi Li's Novels论池莉小说的汉味文化及其汉味语言
11.Common saying is the live fossil about national culture.汉语俗语是民族文化的“活化石”。
12.Figurative Expression Forms of Chinese Language and Their Cultural Origins;汉语言语形象化表达形式及其文化源
13.On the Influence of Social Culture on the Change of Chinese Words;试论社会文化对汉语词语变化的影响
14.From Chinese Loanwords Looking at the Influence of the Chinese Culture on the Uygur Culture;从汉语借词看汉族文化对维吾尔文化的影响
15.On Language and Culture--My View on the Differences Between the English Cuture and the Chinese Culture;谈语言与文化——英汉文化差异之我见
16.On The Cultural Connotations and Differences of Color Words;英汉色彩语码的文化内涵与文化差异
17.Semantic Difference of the color words between English and Chinese in Cross-cultural Communication;跨文化交际中英汉色彩文化语义对比
18.Cultural Losses: the Cultural Dimension of the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;文化缺失:汉语古诗词英译之文化维度

Han cultural circle汉语文化圈
3)Chinese Characters and Chinese Culture汉字与汉语文化
4)Chinese language culture汉语语言文化
5)the Chinese teaching materials culture汉语文教材文化
1.As an important branch of the Chinese educational culture, the Chinese teaching materials culture, which is as old as Chinese culture, is the parent body that inherits Chinese culture and cultivates Chinese Sons and daughters.中国汉语文教材文化是中国教育文化的重要分支,与中华文化一样古老,是传承中华文化,培养中华儿女的母体。
6)Chinese culture appeal汉语文化资源
