1.A study of Madame XIAN s Hanization from the perspective of her view of the current political situation;从冼夫人的时局观看其汉化特征
2.A Review of "Hanization" and Relevant Problems in the Past Decade;关于十年来“汉化”及其相关问题研究的考察
3.Hanization on the Scholarship and Customs of Minority during the Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms;十六国时期少数民族学术与风俗习惯的汉化

1.The Trend of Han-hua under the Conflict between Hu and Han in the Dong-Wei and Bei-Qi Dynasties;东魏北齐“胡汉冲突”下的汉化趋势
2.Chineselization of Uygur Language Loanwords in the Chinese of Xinjiang;新疆汉话中维吾尔语借词的汉化现象
3.On the Sino-characteristics of the Chinese Translated Version of Sutra on Taking Auspices by Celestial Constellations and Bodies;《宿曜经》汉译版本之汉化痕迹考证
4.Semantic Adaptation of Chinese Loan Words and Their Translation in Chinese-English Dictionaries;外来词的词义汉化和汉英词典的英译
5.A Study on Orbit and Law of Chineselized Foreign Words in Modern Chinese;现代汉语外来词汉化轨迹及规律初探
6.Analysis of Anti-Chinesization Performance and Causes of Chinese Loanwords汉语外来语反汉化的表现及原因分析
7.To Chinesize the Application of WINDOWS Operating System;浅议WINDOWS应用程序的汉化
8.While there was clearly Han nationality characters in their system culture.而制度文化上则引进汉制 ,呈现明显的汉化特征
9.the Scheme for Simplifying Chinese Characters汉语(字)简化方案
10.Rediscussion of the Relationship Among Hanshui River Culture, ?Chu Culture and Han Culture再论汉水文化与楚文化、汉文化的关系
11.Comments on the Charm of Chu-Har Literature;论楚风汉韵——汉水文化与楚汉文化之关系
12.Comments on Chinese Character and the Chinese Character Explanation within the Chinese Culture Research;试论汉字学与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
13.The Components of Chinese Character And Its Explanation In The Culturology of Chinese Character;汉字构形与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
14.The Research of the Teaching of Chinese Character to the International Students Who Have no Background of Chinese Character;非汉字文化圈留学生的汉字教学研究
15.Research on Normalization of Modern Chinese and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;现代汉语规范化与对外汉语教学研究
16.The Cultural Connotations of Chinese Characters Should Be Discussed in Order to Improve the Teaching of Chinese Characters of Middle School;探讨汉字文化蕴涵 改进中学汉字教学
17.Language Contacts and Cultural Exchange in Xinjiang;从民汉语言的接触看民汉文化的交流
18.The Specialization in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language;汉语的“专化现象”与对外汉语教学初探

1.FEM Software s Localization and the Further Development of ANSYS;ANSYS的汉化及二次开发
2.In this paper, we discuss the relations between the translation works and the localization software.本文以西文软件的汉化为例,从汉化软件与翻译作品的比较研究入手,探讨了汉化软件著作权归属问题。
3)Chinese localization汉化
1.A Chinese localization method of application routine interface for XView;XView 应用程序界面的汉化方法
2.Application of Meteorological Soft with Chinese localization in GPS Water Vapor Observation;气象软件汉化在GPS水汽观测中的应用
3.In his poem writing,Chen Xianfa insists on Chinese localization.陈先发的诗歌创作,坚持"汉化",在思维、精神、理念、人格及诗歌美学上,均与汉语特质连接在一起。
1.Theorya and Its Implementation of the print of the Dynamic Curve and Table in Chinese in Single Chip Micro-Computer Applying System;单片机动态汉化曲线表格打印原理和实现
2.Into China with the burial Sogdians found growing Sogdians the nation\'s living habits , religion and income of the Chinese Sogdians process , finished the degree of burial in the Chinese result, as well as carrying various factors the wealth of information in these issues is becoming a hot research , many scholars of their research , and is deepening .随着入华粟特人墓葬发现的逐渐增多,粟特人这一民族的生活习惯、宗教信仰和入华粟特人的汉化过程、汉化程度、汉化结果以及墓葬中各因素所承载的丰富信息这些问题也逐渐成为研究的热点,不少学者对其进行了研究,且正在不断加深。
1.Discussion of the Win 32 Portable Executable File Format and Chineselization of Software;Win32可执行文件格式探讨及软件汉化
2.Chineselization of Uygur Language Loanwords in the Chinese of Xinjiang;新疆汉话中维吾尔语借词的汉化现象
3.On the Steps of Buddhism-words Chineselization;试论佛源外来词汉化的步骤
6)chinese characterization design汉化设计

中国徐州汉文化国际旅游节徐州位于江苏省西北部,北与山东省临界,解放后,曾一度是山东省辖区,后划归为江苏省辖,其地理位置优越、区位优势明显,既是亚欧大陆桥上的第一个区域性中心城市,又是我国长江三角洲和环渤海两大经济区的结合部,同时也是苏、鲁、豫、皖四省接壤地区淮海经济区的中心城市和区域性商贸都会。徐州古称“彭城”,具有四千多年的历史,境内人文遗存众多,是国家历史文化名城之一,同时也是全国优秀的旅游城市,现已形成了以“两汉、战争、山水”等为代表的旅游文化。传说五帝时代,尧将今天的徐州市区封给彭祖的部落大彭氏居住,该地遂称“彭城”,三国曹魏时始称徐州,两汉时期,这里是汉高祖刘邦的故乡。由此,徐州以其独特的历史地位、众多的文化遗迹而誉满神州,尤以星罗棋布的汉墓,巧夺天工的汉画石像和独具艺术魅力和文化内涵的汉兵马俑等“汉代三绝”等受到关注。徐州历来为兵家必争之地,素有“北国锁钥、南国门户”之称。此外,徐州地处华北平原的东南部,境内虽以平原为主,但有山地丘陵相间,境内山水风光、自然美景优美迷人,水上世界、森林公园、风景区等一应俱全,山、亭、楼、榭等点缀其间,游人可与自然相近、与绿色相亲,心境自然也就应景怡悦。因为具有上述特点,徐州成了瞩目的旅游景区。为了弘扬两汉文化,发展徐州的特色旅游,从 1997年开始,原彭城文化节更名为汉文化国际旅游节,并定于每年的10月份在徐州市举行。该活动规模大、内容多。凡是参加徐州汉文化国际旅游节者,可以在汉皇故里探访游及参与盛大的庆典活动。在徐州汉城,将观看到大型广场仿古文化仪式表演《汉宫盛典》及汉乐、汉舞、汉民俗表演等,还能参观游览汉墓、汉兵马俑、汉画像石、项羽戏马台、云龙山、云龙湖等一系列驰名于世的旅游景点,以及汉代出土文物精品展、徐州民间工艺品展等。为了弘扬两汉文化,发展徐州的特色旅游,从1997年始,原彭城文化节更名为汉文化国际旅游节,每年的10月份在徐州市举行,活动规模大、内容多、持续时间长、涉及面广,具有轰动效应和良好的社会与经济效益。参加徐州汉文化国际旅游节和汉皇故里探访游及盛大的庆典活动,可在徐州汉城观看到大型广场仿古文化仪式表演《汉宫盛典》及汉乐、汉舞、汉民俗表演,参观游览汉墓、汉兵马俑、汉画像石、项羽戏马台、云龙山、云龙湖等一系列驰名于世的旅游景点,以及汉代出土文物精品展、徐州民间工艺品展等。到沛县汉城观赏大型仿古文化仪式表演《高庙祭典》,每年都吸引大量的海外刘氏后裔来徐观光旅游、寻根访祖。