母语负迁移,negative transfer of mother tongue
1)negative transfer of mother tongue母语负迁移
1.Study on negative transfer of mother tongue in language acquisition and teaching strategy外语学习中母语负迁移现象与教学策略之研究
2.Mother tongue transfer is inevitable in language learning and the impact of negative transfer of mother tongue to English writing is strong enough to hamper learners development of writing ability.从母语负迁移入手,通过分析写作中词汇、句法、语篇三个语言层面的汉语母语负迁移现象,以探求提高大学生英语写作水平的有效途径。
3.The negative transfer of mother tongue is common and plays a key role in affecting English language learning.本文从中国高校教育的现实情况出发,分析了当前大学生存在的母语负迁移障碍。

1.On Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in College Students EFL Writing;大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移研究
2.Negative Transfer of Native Language in Chinese College Students EFL Writing;中国大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移
3.The Negative Transfer of Chinese on English Writing Teaching;谈谈母语负迁移与大学英语写作教学
4.On the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in English Writing of Senior High School Students中学生英语写作中的母语负迁移研究
5.L1 Negative Transfer in Chinese Students EFL Writing;中国学生EFL写作中的母语负迁移现象
6.Textual reciting:the effective ways to overcome the negative transfer of learners mother tongue;篇章背诵——克服母语负迁移的有效途径
7.The Influence of Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue on Translation and the Countermeasures;母语负迁移对翻译的影响及解决办法
8.On the Effect of Negative Transfer of the Mother Tongue to Translation and the Countermeasure浅论母语负迁移对翻译的影响及对策
9.On the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Chinese Non-English Majors English Writing;中国非英语专业学生英语写作中的母语负迁移
10.Negative Transfer of LI at the Grammatical Level and Its Implications for EFL Teaching;语法层面上的母语负迁移及对英语教学的启示
11.Influences of Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue on English-majors’ Writing;母语负迁移对英语专业生英语写作的影响
12.A Study of Mother Tongue Negative Transfer in Senior High School Students Writing;母语负迁移对高中生英语写作影响的调查研究
13.Negative Transfer of Native Language in English writing of Chinese Non-English Major College Students;母语负迁移对中国大学生英语写作的影响
14.Negative Chinese Transfer in English Writing of Chinese College Students and Countermeasures;中国大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移及对策
15.Research on Chinese Interference in Senior High School Students English Writing;中学生英语写作中的母语负迁移现象研究
16.Counter measures of negative transfer of mother tongue during Japanese Language Acquisition;浅析日语学习中母语负迁移及其教学对策
17.The Negtive Transfer of Mother Tongue on English Study and the Corresponding Countermeasures;母语负迁移对英语学习的影响及其对策
18.Positive and Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in English Teaching;母语在外语教学中的正迁移和负迁移

negative transfer母语负迁移
1.The Effect of Negative Transfer of Chinese Language on Non-English Majors' Translation and Writing母语负迁移对大学生英语译写能力的影响
2.Language transfer can be classified as positive transfer and negative transfer.迁移分为正迁移和负迁移,正迁移:指的是母语与目的语的相似之处对目的语学习的促进作用;而负迁移则指的是母语与目的语的不同之处对于目的语学习的干扰作用,母语负迁移往往以干扰形错误的形式存在于目的语中。
3.Therefore, native language’s transfer, especially negative transfer has been a major concern of both language teachers and language researchers.高中生的英语写作有着明显的母语迁移痕迹,母语负迁移是高中生提高英语写作的主要障碍。
3)mother tongue negative transfer母语负迁移
1.This paper analyzes the misuses of parts of speech in college English writing from the perspective of mother tongue negative transfer and finds two major reasons.本文从母语负迁移的角度,对非英语专业本科生英语作文中的词类误用现象进行了分析,并归纳了造成负迁移影响的两大原因。
4)L1 negative transfer母语负迁移
1.Since there is remarkable difference between the English and Chinese cultures and modes of thinking,Chinese EFL learners are likely to be exposed to the interference of their native language,which results in the phenomenon of L1 negative transfer.由于英汉文化及思维模式存在显著差异,中国学生在EFL写作中易受汉语文化及思维方式的干扰,产生母语负迁移现象。
2.L1 negative transfer is one of the difficulties met in L2 acquisition.母语负迁移是二语习得者面临的诸多困难之一,不论在词汇、语法还是文化知识层面,特别在写作课程中表现得更为突出。
5)Chinese negative transfer母语负迁移
1.This thesis aims at studying the Chinese negative transfer on Chinese university non-English majors’ spoken English.通过对由母语负迁移引起的错误的分析,使学生能够发现和改正该类错误,从而有效地减少由母语负迁移导致的错误。
2.This paper analyzes the phenomenon of Chinese negative transfer in college English writing from the levels of vocabulary, sentence and discourse.通过从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面对大学英语写作中的汉语母语负迁移现象进行分析 ,来探求提高大学英语写作水平的有效途
6)negative transference of mother language母语的负迁移

负迁移负迁移negative transfer  负迁移(negative transfer)迁移的-种类型。指一种学习对另一种学习的阻碍作用。作用特点是,一种学习阻碍、干扰另一种学习,使之费时费力,甚至相互混淆、不能分化。多产生于两种学习情境相同,但反应不同的学习条件中迁移的方式多以泛化抑制形式出现,使学习者难以区分。如在一字多音、多义的情况下互相混淆,在负数运算中使用正数运算规则等均属于这类影响作用。 (王丽荣撰威立夫审)