可理解性输出,comprehensible output
1)comprehensible output可理解性输出
2)comprehensible output可理解输出
1.With the help of image schema and retrieval structure,learner can develop his LT-WM and improve the effectiveness of vocabulary comprehensible outpu语言的可理解输出在语言学习中的作用被越来越多的实践研究证明是积极、有效的。
2.Enlightened by the studies of metacognition and comprehensible output, this paper proposes that metacognition-driven English listening teaching can benefits learner\'s listening skills and learning competence.文章依据对英语专业多媒体视听课堂教学特点的分析,探讨元认知驱动的可理解输出在英语专业多媒体视听课堂教学中的作用。

1.The Output Hypothesis in Foreign Language Teaching and the Applied Principles;论外语教学的可理解输出假设及其运用原则
2.Enlightenment of Swain's Output Hypothesis on the Enhancement of Students' Spoken English Communicative AbilitySwain的可理解输出假设理论对于提高学生英语口语交际能力的启示
3.Linguistic errors in classroom conversations of primary school,corrective feedback and modified comprehensive output;小学英语课堂会话中的语言错误、纠正反馈语和修正后的可理解输出
4.When the RSTDISBL fuse is programmed, this pin is a general input pin. In ATtiny12, it is also an open-drain output pin.在我的理解,12里面可以作为集电极开路输出,如果输出端已经上拉,应该有高电平出现。
5.Their output of data does not slow computation and is available in easily assimilated graphical form.它们的数据输出不会延缓计算,而可以用容易理解的图形来显示。
6.Interpretation and Verification of Input-Output Hypothesis in FLT;“输入—输出假说”在外语教学中的理解和验证
7.the utterance of intelligible speech.说出可以理解的语言。
8.He was understandably upset when he lost the game.他比赛输了,心烦意乱是可以理解的。
9.Teacher Talk and Comprehensible Input in English Class-From the Perspective of Discourse Analysis;英语课堂的教师话语和可理解性输入
10.On Constructing the Efficient Listening Teaching System on the Basis of the Input and Output Theory;试论输入输出理论与听力能力的可持续发展
11.input/output error handling routine输入输出出错处理程序
12.Enter a strong password to protect the trusted publishing domain file that you are exporting. Contact your domain administrator to obtain password guidelines.输入难破解的密码来保护要导出的可信发布域文件。请与您的域管理员联系以获取密码标准。
13.The people of the OPEC states are unlikely to be impressed by the intricacies of international finance.石油输出国组织成员国的人民对于国际金融的错综复杂的情况不可能有深刻的理解。
14.Of course, the physical laws governing the energy generation cycle holds still, but the equations seemingly meet with a singularity.无疑,掌管著能量输出的物理定律仍然有效,方程组却遇上了无可解决的奇异点。
15.Application of comprehensible input and teachability hypothesis in foreign language teaching;可理解输入与可教性假设在外语教学中的应用
16.You can include outputs from other projects in your solution.可以在解决方案中包括来自其他项目的输出。
17.PIO Programmed Input Output可编程输入输出模式
18.The I/O Decoupling Control for Induction Motor Based on the Differential Geometry;基于微分几何理论的感应电机输入输出解耦控制

comprehensible output可理解输出
1.With the help of image schema and retrieval structure,learner can develop his LT-WM and improve the effectiveness of vocabulary comprehensible outpu语言的可理解输出在语言学习中的作用被越来越多的实践研究证明是积极、有效的。
2.Enlightened by the studies of metacognition and comprehensible output, this paper proposes that metacognition-driven English listening teaching can benefits learner\'s listening skills and learning competence.文章依据对英语专业多媒体视听课堂教学特点的分析,探讨元认知驱动的可理解输出在英语专业多媒体视听课堂教学中的作用。
3)Comprehensible Output Hypothesis可理解性输出假设
4)comprehensible output理解性输出
1.Based on theories of comprehensible output of second language acquisition and notions of the Length Approach,the study investigates the relationship between the Length Approach and language learning efficiency.这项研究根据第二语言习得中理解性输出的有关理论,结合"写长法"的教学理念,对"写长法"与语言学习效率之间的关系进行了探讨。
5)Comprehensible Output Hypothesis可理解输出假设
1.The Cognitive Basis of Comprehensible Output Hypothesis;可理解输出假设的认知基础
2.The Comprehensible Output Hypothesis proposed by Swain (1985,1995) claims that production makes the learner move from semantic processing in comprehension to more syntactic processing that is necessary for second language development.Swain(1985,1995)提出的可理解输出假设明确地阐明输出促使学习者从以语义为基础的认知处理转向以句法为基础的认知处理,后者在语言的准确表达乃至最终的习得中是十分必要的。
6)comprehensible input and output可理解的输入输出

计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)computer input/output control system  iisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。