词汇手段,Lexical devices
1)Lexical devices词汇手段
1.They consist of lexical devices including synonyms, antonyms, subordinates and super-ordinates, and of syntactical devices comprising fronting, ellipsis, repetition, passive voice and parallelism, which are used to link sentences together logically, coherently and smoothly.英语中承上启下的连接纽带除了人们熟悉的连接性副词或连接性状语外,还有很多其他手段,有词汇手段,其中包括同义词、反义词、上下义词;有句法手段,其中包括前置、省略、重复、被动语态、排比等。
2.The co-hesion and coherence of a text can be brought about by means of grammatical,logical and lexical devices.而词汇手段包括 :重复关键词、运用同义词、运用上下义词、运用反义词、运用互补词、交织使用等。
2)Lexical cohesive devices词汇衔接手段
1.Many Chinese and foreign researchers have reached the conclusion theoretically and practically that the adoption of lexical cohesive devices is closely related to the writing quality.衔接是语篇的重要组成部分之一,它是实现语篇连贯性的重要手段,而词汇衔接手段则是实现语篇连贯各种机制中较为重要的一种。

1.An Analysis of Reiteration--Lexical Cohesion in the Translation from English to Chinese;英汉翻译词汇衔接手段——复现现象分析
2.Lexical Cohesive Devices in English and Its Implication in Teaching;词汇衔接手段及其对外语教学的启示
3.Similarities and Differences of Lexical Cohesion between Chinese and American English News Reports中美英语新闻报道中词汇衔接手段之异同
4.Features and Functions of Lexical Cohesion in Text词汇衔接手段的特点及其在篇章中的作用
5.A Contrastive Study on Lexical Cohesive Devices of Hongloumeng and Its English Version a Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》及其英译本词汇衔接手段对比研究
6.Lexical Cohesion and Writing Quality;词汇衔接手段与作文质量的相关性研究
7.A Contrastive Analysis of Several Lexical Cohesive Devices in English and Chinese;英汉语篇若干词汇衔接手段的对比研究
8.A Study of Lexical Cohesive Devices in the Chinese University Students Compositions;大学生英语作文中词汇衔接手段使用的实证研究
9.Analytical Study of the Reiteration of Lexical Cohesion in Vietnamese Oversea Students;越南留学生词汇衔接中复现手段的考察分析
10.About Semi-content Words;准实义词:一种有效的语篇衔接手段
11.Probe into Grammatical Cohesion in the Lyrics of English Songs英文歌曲中歌词的语法衔接手段探究
12.The Importance of Appropriate Transfer of Cohesive Devices in E/C and C/E Translation through An Analysis of Mistranslations;从衔接词语的翻译失当看英汉语篇中衔接手段合理转换的重要性
13.A Corpus-Based Study on Cohesive Devices-Conjunctions in Maritime Law English;基于语料库的海商法英语衔接手段—连词的研究
14.Cohesion and Style: the stylistic features of reference and lexical cohesion;衔接与文体——指称与词汇衔接的文体特征
15.A Study of the Relation between Lexical Density and Lexical Cohesion in English-Chinese Translation Texts英汉翻译文本中词汇密度与词汇衔接关系研究
16.Lexical Cohesion and Senior High School Students Writing Quality;词汇衔接与高中英语作文质量的关系
17.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Lexical Cohesive Devices;从词汇衔接角度比较《呼啸山庄》两译本
18.Lexical Reiteration and the Teaching of English Writing;词汇复现的衔接功能与英语写作教学

Lexical cohesive devices词汇衔接手段
1.Many Chinese and foreign researchers have reached the conclusion theoretically and practically that the adoption of lexical cohesive devices is closely related to the writing quality.衔接是语篇的重要组成部分之一,它是实现语篇连贯性的重要手段,而词汇衔接手段则是实现语篇连贯各种机制中较为重要的一种。
3)vocabulary handbook词汇手册
4)lexical device词法手段
1.According to the lexical devices employed, these metaphors can roughly be classified into two types: nominal metaphors and verbal metaphors.在此基础上 ,运用相关语料分析了赛事报道中使用的各类隐喻的词法手段。
5)coinage means造词手段
1.Furthermore,some coinage means can be formed from some morp.另外,一定的语素成分类别按一定顺序排列能构成一定的造词手段,而一定的造词手段表现一定的类型意义的情况可以概括为一定的造词范畴。
6)pre-lexical stage前词汇阶段

《关于电影的特殊表现手段》  中国电影艺术理论文集。张骏祥著。1959年中国电影出版社出版,1979年人民文学出版社修订重版。修订版除编入原有的《关于电影的特殊表现手段》、《电影剧本为什么会太长》、《关于展开戏剧冲突的一些问题》、《谈悬念》、《电影的对话》5篇论文以外,补进了《谈电影剧本创作中的三个问题》一文。书中论文对电影艺术表现形式的基本规律、情节结构与突出人物之间的关系、如何创造性地发挥电影语言及运用电影手段等问题,作了鲜明的阐释和论述。