中西文化差异,cultural differences
1)cultural differences中西文化差异

1.Reflection of Western and Chinese Cultural Differences in the Languages;中西文化差异在语言、文字上的反映
2.Cultural Differences in Chinese-English Proverbs从英汉谚语看中西文化差异(英文)
3.Cultural Differences and English Learning;浅谈英语学习中的几点中西文化差异
4.On Analyze the Chinese and western Cultural Deference in Daily Communication;解析日常交际中存在的中西文化差异
5.More Attention to Cultural Differences in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中应注意中西文化差异
6.An Examination Football Game in China from the Perspective of Chinese-Western Cultural Differences从中西文化差异之棱镜再窥中国足球
7.Influence of English-Chinese Vocabularies on the Differences of Cultures between the East and the West中西文化差异对英汉词汇交流的影响
8.On the Cultural Differences between China and the West in the Geography and the Climate;浅谈地理及气候带来的中西文化差异
9.A Probe into Cross-Cultural Differences in Communication;跨文化交际中的东西方文化差异研究
10.The Intercultural Communication and Differences of Face Perception in Chinese and Western Culture;中西方“面子”文化差异与跨文化交际
11.Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Nouns of Locality:East,South,West and North;从“东南西北”方位词看中西文化的差异
12.Cultural Differences and the Comparison of the Acceptability of Advertisement Texts between China and the West;文化差异:中西广告文案接受的比较
13.The Comparative Study of Phoenix and Fenghuang in the Perspective of Culture;Phoenix与凤凰在中西方文化中的差异研究
14.Reflections of Chinese and Western Cultural Factors in the Film of Banquet;中西方文化差异在电影《喜宴》中的反映
15.Viewing the differences between the western and eastern in Good Earth from marriage culture description;从《大地》中婚俗描述看中西文化的差异
16.Linguistic-cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Medicine and English Translation of Chinese Medicine;论中西医学语言文化差异与中医英译
17.Explore differences in sports from the comparison between Chinese and Western Culture;从中西文化的对比中探究体育的差异
18.Look at the difference of culture and arts between West and East from the movies of China and America;从中美影片看中西文化及艺术的差异

cultural difference中西文化差异
1.On the cultural difference between east and west from the pragmatic distinction of English and Chinese politeness从英汉礼貌的语用对比看中西文化差异
2.Cultural difference may bring a foreigh-language learner many difficulties, so it’s necessary for the learner to get a general understanding of the cultural difference between the aim-language and the parent language.本文以此为前提 ,从宗教、文学及民族社会发展史等角度简要分析了西方、尤其是英语文化背景特征 ,以及这种不同的文化背景给中西国际交往带来的障碍 ,说明了在英语教学中引导学生去认识中西文化差异以克服文化障碍的重要意
3)cultural differences中西方文化差异
1.This paper makes a contrast between the two cultures and analyzes the causes leading to cultural misuses made by both Chinese students and native speakers,only by further understanding cultural differences between China and Western countries along with characteristics of English learning,can cross-cultural communication run successfully.语言交际离不开文化,语言是文化的一部分,同时又是文化的载体,如果对中西文化不了解,势必造成英语学习乃至交际的失误,只有深刻了解不同民族不同的文化渊源,熟悉中西方文化差异并结合英语学习的特点,才能达到跨文化交际。
4)the culture differences between Chinese medicine and drugs中西药文化差异
1.There are some main reasons which can explain the difficulty of exporting Chinese medicine goods,the one of them is the culture differences between Chinese medicine and drugs.我国中药产品难以走出国门的原因众多,中西药文化差异是主要原因之一。
5)The difference between the Chinese medical culture and the western medicall culture中西医文化之间的差异
6)theory of the differences between Chinese and western sports cultures中西体育文化差异论
1.Are Chinese and western sports cultures really the same kind of sports culture?——A discussion with the authors of "queries about the ‘theory of the differences between Chinese and western sports cultures";中西体育文化果真是同一种体育文化吗?——与《对“中西体育文化差异论”的质疑》作者商榷

〖ZK(〗中西医结合治疗妇产科常见病经验汇编〖ZK)〗〖ZK(〗中西医结合治疗妇产科常见病经验汇编〖ZK)〗  妇产科著作。北京医学院第一附属医院编。此书汇集全国(以各地城市医院为主的)有关中西医结合治疗妇产科疾病的临床经验编成。列肿瘤、月经病、炎症、天花粉引产、宫外孕、子宫脱垂、转胎等8类,分别介绍运用中西医结合的治疗方法,包括针灸以及其他新医疗法对妇产科常见病的诊治经验和疗效观察。反映了70年代妇产科临床研究的概况。1979年由人民卫生出版社出版。