新词新语,new words and expressions
1)new words and expressions新词新语
1.In recent years, having influenced by the social and scientific and technological progress as well as by the development of the language proper, the language used in the news title is appearing to be varied and flexible, whi ch is characterized by frequent use of new words and expressions, extensive use of acronyms, and varied ways of both grammar and rhetoric.近年来,受社会与科技进步以及语言自身发展的共同影响,新闻标题语言的运用日益呈现出多样性和灵活性的特点:频繁出现新词新语;广泛运用字母词;语法和修辞表现手法日趋多样化。
2.This paper explores some new words and expressions coming from dialects, technical terms, loanwords and expressions, which are still not familiar to readers, and tend to be stable but still new, or old forms bearing new meanings.本文考察了人们尚不太熟悉但趋于稳定,旧词形有了新意义,来自方言或专业术语的、外来的和网络的一些新词新语 的来源和发展轨迹。

1.Comparative Study on Neologism of Chinese and Vietnamese of the Contemporary当代汉语、越南语新词新语比较研究
2.On the principle and quality of English Translation of Chinese neologisms;试论汉语新词新语翻译原则及其质量
3."Predicament of Linguistic Sense" in Norm Study of New Words and Phrases新词新语规范研究的“语感困境”刍议
4.On Characteristics of New Words and Phrases of Modern Chinese Language from Perspective of Syntax从词汇学角度浅论现代汉语中新词新语的特点
5.The Study of Word-Coinage of New Words from 《Xinhua New Word Dictionary》;从《新华新词语词典》看新词语造词法
6.On the New Morphemes in the New Transliterations;新词语外来音译词带来的新语素考察
7.Language Contact and New Words and Addition of Senses in Chinese--A Study of Loan Translation语言接触与汉语新词新义:仿译词研究
8.Morphological Features of Neologisms in Chinese-With Comments on The Xinhua Dictionary of Chinese Neologisms;现代汉语新词语的构词特点——兼评《新华新词语词典》
9.An Examination of Translations of Chinese Neologisms in Two Dictionaries;《汉英双语现代汉语词典》和《新华新词语词典》部分新词译文商榷
10.Coverage and Translation of New Words in Chinese in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary新词·新义·新译·新意——评《新世纪汉英大词典》中新词语的收录与翻译
11.Naming the English New Words--With an analysis of the definitions in A Dictionary of Contemporary English New Words;为新词“正名”——兼评《当代英语新词语词典》的释义
12.a lexicographer of new words and expressions.新词或新词语的字典编篡者。
13.Study on the Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives in Shishuo Xinyu;《世说新语》名词、动词、形容词研究
14.Neologisms and Their Influence on Chinese Vocabulary and Syntax;新词语及其对汉语词汇和句法的影响
15.The Influence of Modern English New Word on Chinese Vocabulary System;现代英语新词对汉语词汇系统的影响
16.Research on the “rhetoric lexicalization” based on new words and expressions corpus;基于新词语语料库的修辞词汇化研究
17.The New Words in the explanation in Guang Yun during Song Dynasty;《广韵》语词训诂所反映的宋代新语词
18.To devise(a new word or phrase.杜撰设计(新单词或短语)

1.Under the rapid development of social economy in 21 century, the article analyses the origin and interal rule of neologism, and explains them respectively with examples.在21世纪社会经济迅猛发展的形势下,分析新词新语的来源及其内部规律,并对其分别举例说明。
2.By analyzing the causes for the production of neologisms, it is found that the neologisms are chiefly created by means of inventing new words to denote new entities arising from social development, giving new definitions of the existing words, borrowing foreign words, and abbreviating.对各类新词新语产生的原因进行了分析,归纳出新词新语的产生途径,主要有:社会发展、新事物的出现;旧词新诠释;吸收外来语;求简求快等。
3.The paper makes an overall review and analysis of the theoretical problems, the main viewpoints and the latest development in the study of the normalization of neologism: 1) The language normalization in the new era has a great change, some new concepts are also presented.文章对新词新语规范研究的理论问题、主要观点及研究动态进行了全面梳理和评析 :(一 )新时期语言规范观发生显著变化 ,提出了规范的层次性、语言的中介状态及规范度。
1.The application of neologisms in news title is the "light spot" of news title producing.新词新语的运用是新闻标题制作的“亮点”。
2.This thesis primarily studies the generation and construction of the neologisms.文中初步分析和归纳了新词新语的产生方式:借词、缩略语、修辞方法构词、类词缀构词等;初步分析和归纳了词语新义和新用现象的产生方式:移用、名词、形容词新用、突破语义规则的新用等。
3.At the same time,the emergence or dormancy of large amount of neologisms have also greatly effected the vocabulary system.新词新语的大量出现极大地丰富了当代汉语的词库,使汉语呈现出崭新的面貌;同时,新词新语的大量涌现和消隐也给汉语的词汇系统带来了巨大的影响。
4)new words and phrases新词新语
1.A large number of new words and phrases have appeared.现代汉语出现了一些新的特点 ,突出表现在词汇方面 ,出现了大量的新词新语 ,与原有词语相比较新词语具有如下新的特点 ;1。
5)word creativity词语创新
6)new English words英语新词
1.By using word -formation devices, this paper analyzes three main sources of new English words:derivatives, coinages and loanwords, and illustrates their usages by citing some examples.英语新词是英语词汇不可分割的重要组成部分,是英语语言发展变化的产物和反映。
2.This paper demonstrates with the latest development in new English words.英语新词不但是历史发展的沉淀,而且是未来社会发展的路标。

新词宛转递相传,振袖倾鬟风露前。月落乌啼云雨散,游童陌上拾花钿。【作者】:刘禹锡 【朝代】:唐 【体裁】:乐府【格律】:○平声 ●仄声 ⊙可平可仄 △平韵 ▲仄韵新词宛转递相传,○○⊙●●○○振袖倾鬟风露前。⊙●○○○●△月落乌啼云雨散,●●○○○●●游童陌上拾花钿。○○●●●○△==注释==:1.新词:表示当时那些歌男舞女所唱的歌子,都是即兴抒怀、脱口而出的新曲,悠扬宛转,十分悦耳动听,并一递一句接连不歇。2.花钿:女子的首饰==前言==:《踏歌词》四首,是刘禹锡学习民歌体写作的一组小诗,此是四首中的第三首。==赏析==:首句虽用平述记叙的语气,却寄寓着作者对民间男女的无上智慧和艺术才能的赞赏与称颂。第二句用“振袖倾鬟”来写他们的舞姿情态,活现出当时那些跳舞者热烈的情绪和狂欢的情景。“月落乌啼云雨散”是说他们歌舞竟夜,直至天明。从意思上讲,狂欢之夜的情景已经写完,但作者又用“游童陌上拾花钿”一语,对狂欢之夜做了无声的渲染。次日,游童们沿路去拾取女郎遗落的花钿,花钿遗落满地而不觉,可知当时歌舞女子是如何沉浸在歌舞狂欢之中。这种从侧面的、启人想象的写法,其含意的丰富和情味的悠长,更胜于正面的描写。这使我们联想到画家齐白石在艺术构思上的一个故事,一次,齐白石画“蛙声十里出山泉”诗意,但画家在画面上并没有画蛙,而是用一股山泉,几个蝌蚪来表现,从而调动人们的想象,使人联想到“蛙声十里”的喧嚣情景。艺术巨匠们的构思,常常是出人意表的。==简评==:诗的内容是记写当时四川民俗,每当春季,民间男女相聚会,联翩起舞,相互对歌的热烈场景。全诗四句,主要在勾勒一种狂欢的场面和气氛。第一句写歌,第二句写舞,第三句写歌停舞散,第四句却从侧面含蓄地补足写出歌舞场面的热烈。