逻辑实证主义,Logical Positivism
1)Logical Positivism逻辑实证主义
1.Linguistic Realism: Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism;语言实在论——逻辑实证主义的意外奉献
2.A Review of Logical Positivism s Program--the Elimination of Metaphysics;逻辑实证主义“反形而上学”的信条评析
3.On logical positivism′s outlook of scientific explanation;论逻辑实证主义的科学解释观

1.The Logic Drawbacks of Logical Positivism Applied to Economics;逻辑实证主义应用于经济学的内在缺陷——逻辑实证主义的“逻辑”批判
2.New Understanding of the Characteristics of the Truth of Science;科学真理特点新揭示——略论实用主义、逻辑实证主义和逻辑实用主义
3.Linguistic Realism: Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism;语言实在论——逻辑实证主义的意外奉献
4.The influence of philosophy of science on methodology of economics;逻辑实证主义对经济学方法论的影响
5.A Review of Logical Positivism s Program--the Elimination of Metaphysics;逻辑实证主义“反形而上学”的信条评析
6.The Association between Positive Pr oof Method and Logical Positivism in Criminology Research;犯罪学实证研究方法与逻辑实证主义之关联
7.Logical Positivism and Meaning: Achievements and Criticisms;逻辑实证主义对语言意义的阐释:成就与批判
8.From "Verification Principle "to "Falsification Principle";由“证实原则”到“证伪原则”——兼论波普对逻辑实证主义意义标准的批判
9.In the view of logical positivists, "discovery" and "justification" are separate.在逻辑实证主义者那里,“发现”与“辩护”是分离的。
10.Criticism on Logical Positivism s Picture of Science and its Proposition;对逻辑实证主义科学观及其原则的分析
11.Logical positivist's verifiability principle and Popper's falsifiability principle is an absolute and logical criteria.逻辑实证主义的可证实标准和波普的可否证标准,提出了绝对的、逻辑的划界标准;
12.Circumstances of "Metaphysics"--A Comparison on Philosophical Methods Between Logical Positivism and Marxism;“形而上学”的境遇——逻辑实证主义哲学与马克思主义哲学的方法比较
13.Can Value Judgment Be Verified?--Criticism on the Value Judgment Theory of Logical Positivism;价值判断不可证实吗?——对逻辑实证主义等关于价值判断理论的批判
14.The Verifiability of Value-Judgment: John Dewey s Criticism on the Anti-Value Theory of Logical Positivism;价值判断的可证实性——杜威对逻辑实证主义反价值理论的批判
15.From the above conclusions, it is easy to prove that idealism, positivism including logical positivism, and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong.由此可以证明唯心主义、实证主义??包括逻辑实证主义,以及现象学彻底错了。
16.The Relevancy in the Methodology of Logic Positivism and New Classical Economics;逻辑实证主义与新古典经济学的思想方法论关联
17.The Overlooking of the Humanistic Value of Science;对科学的人文价值的忽视——逻辑实证主义科学观及其缺陷
18.The application of this doctrine in logic, epistemology, and ethics.实证哲学实证主义在逻辑学、认识论及伦理学中的运用

logic positivism逻辑实证主义
1.Though the logic positivism has already declined day by day as a genre of contemporary western philosophy of science,but the view about drawing a clear demarcation between science and humane studies and the basic science view of logic positive still has heavy influence very so far,it is even still deep-rooted in the heads of some people.虽然逻辑实证主义作为当代西方科学哲学的一个流派已经日趋衰落,但是,逻辑实证主义对科学的根本看法和关于科学和人文两个世界的截然划分等观念至今仍有很大的影响,甚至在某些人的头脑中根深蒂固。
2.The article analyses the relevancy and coherence of logic positivism and new clssical economical on basal thoughts,physical science function,methodology rule,scientific knowledge ideas in scientific philosophy,discusses that the empirical positive principle,observable principle and so on make deep impact on the analytic method of marginal utilitg.分析了科学哲学中逻辑实证主义与新古典经济学在基本思想、自然科学基础、方法论准则 ,科学知识理念上存在的内在关联和高度一致性 ,探讨了经验实证原则、可观察性原则、数量化及公理化方法、对应原理等对于边际效应分析方法、经济人假设、均衡价格、效用与供求分析等方面的深刻影响 ,认为科学哲学和新古典经济学有着互动、协作与共进的关系。
3)logical positivism逻辑的实证主义
4)Logic Positivism philosophy逻辑实证主义哲学
1.The paper tries to discuss from production of Logic Positivism philosophy and its effect to Human-Geography, finds out effects of Logic Positivism philosophy to Chinese History-Geography,and consider Chinese History-Geographic subject progressing direction.近代逻辑实证主义哲学提倡的科学的精神和力图建立的所谓科学研究范式对近代学术的各方面的影响是深远的,历史地理学也不例外。
5)logistic demonstration逻辑实证
1.Essence of casual relation in the sociological studying --Dialectic thinking of relationship between mathematical stat. and logistic demonstration;体育社会学研究中的因果关系本质——数理统计与逻辑实证关系的辩证思考
1.There are two standpoints on relationship between mathematic and logic:logicalism and intuitionism.关于数学与逻辑的关系存在着逻辑主义和直觉主义2种观点,逻辑主义学派认为数学可以化归于逻辑,直觉主义学派认为逻辑可化归于数学。
