武侠小说,Swordsman fiction
1)Swordsman fiction武侠小说
1.The thesis discusses the artistic aesthetic value of the Chinese swordsman fiction initially in five aspects.中国武侠小说的艺术审美价值主要表现在精彩的故事、严谨的结构、鲜活的人物、武功描写和精妙的语言五个方面。
2.JING Yong s swordsman fictions have greatly improved the ideological,cultural and artistic levels of novels of this kind and make swordsman fictions step into the palace of literature for the first time which may be called a silent literary revolution.金庸的武侠小说大大提高了武侠小说作品的思想、文化、艺术品位 ,使近代武侠小说第一次进入文学的宫殿 ,可以说是一场静悄悄的文学革命。
3.In 20~(th) century for"anti-swordsman",from Pingjiangbuxiaosheng,Baiyu,Gulong to JIN Yong,the continuous seeking and introspection into the humanity of swordsman fiction make up important inner motive force for its development.从平江不肖生、白羽到古龙、金庸的百年"反武侠"历程,作为对武侠小说人文内涵的持续追问与反思,构成了武侠小说发展重要的内在动力。

1.Anti-Swordsman"and Thoughts of Literary History of Swordsman Fiction in 20~(th) Century;“反武侠”与百年武侠小说的文学史思考
2.Transformation from Chivalrous Fiction to Swordsman Fiction during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China;清末民初侠义小说向武侠小说的蜕变
3.On the Inheritance and Improvement to Traditional Martial Arts Fictions by Jin Yong s;金庸武侠小说对传统武侠小说的继承与发展
4.The Misunderstanding on Emei Wushu in Novels and Movies;浅淡武侠小说和武侠电影对峨眉山武术的误读
5.The Deluge of Novels on Martial -Art Knights in the Era of the Republic of China and the Misreview and Misguidance of the Compilation of Martial-Art-Knight Parties;民国武侠小说的泛滥与《武侠党会编》的误评误导
6.Wulin Miji: A Study of the Plot Devices of the Knight Errant Novels;武林秘籍:武侠小说“情节模式”论之一
7.The Influence of Jin Yong s Kungfu Literature on Senior Students Sense of Chivalry;论金庸武侠小说对中学生侠义观的引导
8.Cultural compare of knight-errant between kongfu fiction in china and chevalier literature in west;中国武侠小说和西方骑士文学“侠”文化比较
9.The Chivalrous spirit in "Historical Records" and the Influence of the Martial Arts Novels by Jin Yong;《史记》的侠义精神及其对金庸武侠小说的影响
10.Martial Arts Fictional Narrative Grammar in Private Records of Studying in Japan;《留东外史》的“武侠小说”叙事语法——论平江不肖生武侠小说创作的转型
11.The Wuxia Novels for Youngsters and the Grouth Allegories;少年武侠小说与成长寓言——兼论葛冰少年武侠小说
12.The Positive Impact of Traditional Wushu upon the Fiction and Movie about Paladin;传统武术对武侠小说、武打片的积极影响
13.Swordsmen novels can make me read day and night with no thought for eating or sleeping.武侠小说可以让我看得废寝忘食。
14.the swordsman fiction by Jing Yong and Gu Long are very popular.金庸、古龙的武侠小说很受大家欢迎。
15.The Comparative Research on the Linguistic Style in Jin Yong and Gu Long s Errantry Novels;金庸、古龙武侠小说语言风格比较研究
16.Analysis of the "Heroes" Rhetoric Visualizes in Jinyong s Sword Novels;金庸武侠小说中“英雄”形象修辞分析
17.To Analyze the Villain Moldings of Louis Cha s Legend of Hero;金庸武侠小说中的“坏人”形象分析
18.On Jin Yong s Republic Construction of Longer Kung Fu Novel;论金庸长篇武侠小说的“理想国”建构

martial arts novel武侠小说
1.The "Green Peony" is a martial arts novel appeared earlier in Qing Dynasty.《绿牡丹》是清代出现较旱的一部武侠小说,在小说史上具有重要地位,代表着小说的转型。
2.He isa bit well-known in his field,covering a wide range of studies such as storybook,novel and culture as well as martial arts novel.他涉足的研究领域很宽,话本、小说与文化和武侠小说是其心力倾注的三个方面。
3.This paper holds that it is an undeniable fact that the martial arts novels are selling well,to which not only various external factors contributed, including the contemporary economic, theological, political and cultural concerns, but also martial spirit, thoughts of life and aesthetic values embodied in the martial arts novels should be given emphasis.文章认为,武侠小说走俏市场是一个毋容置辩的事实。
3)Martial arts fiction武侠小说
1.The tragedies of human life in Jin Yong s martial arts fictions are described by cause in two ways: the tragedy of human nature and the tragedy of sociality.金庸武侠小说中的人生悲剧是在人性与社会性的两个层面上展开的,因为成因的不同可以分为人性悲剧与社会悲剧两类。
2.There is nothing quite like martial arts fiction in the Western literarytradition.武侠小说是中国文学史上不可或缺的一朵奇葩,是中国文化中独特而璀璨的一页篇章。
3.The martial arts fictions by Jin Yong, ranked among the top best-sellers of the 20~(th) century Chinese literature, have not only won a huge readership, but also aroused a lot of interest in their research in scholastic circles.金庸武侠小说是20世纪中国文学史上无可比肩的畅销书,其在征服了无数读者的同时也掀起学术界对其进行研究的热潮。
4)swordsman fictions武侠小说
5)chivalry novels武侠小说
1.There is inseparable relationship between chivalry novels and Internet.武侠小说已经与互联网有了密不可分的关系,一方面既有武侠小说书籍陆续被电子化为可在网络上阅读的文本;另一方面,网络原创武侠小说于1996年诞生并迅速发展。
2.Through his Chivalry novels and dramatis personae, Jin Yong shows us that he represented the revenge theme in those revenge stories by narrative structure setting, suspense setting, and special plight setting.金庸是新派武侠小说家中最具代表性的作家,而复仇主题又贯穿于金庸小说创作的始终。
6)New Martial Arts Fiction新武侠小说
1.Overseas Chinese-Language Literature from the Perspective of Methodology Criminal Psychology and the New Martial Arts Fiction;犯罪心理学视野下的台港新武侠小说
