网络语料库,online corpora
1)online corpora网络语料库
1.Online Corpora and ELT Classroom;网络语料库与课堂英语教学
2.This paper attempts to demonstrate with real evidence that based on BNC and COBUILD the use of online corpora in ELT classroom and its design.网络语料库是极其方便的语言学习和研究资源。

1.Applying Net Corpus-based Approaches to EFL Writing;网络语料库在英语写作教学中的应用
2.The Design and Application of the Statical Analysis Software on Cyber Corpus;网络语料库统计分析软件系统的设计及应用
3.Scaffolding Instruction and the Corpora-based Chunks Learning;支架式教学与基于网络语料库的词块学习模式
4.Online Sports News English: A Corpus - based Study;基于语料库的网络体育新闻英语研究
5.A Study on Network Sports News Titles Based on Corpus基于语料库的网络体育新闻标题研究
6.Application of “Writing Database” in Online Writing: Teacher s Evaluation;网络写作课“写作学习语料库”中的教师评阅
7.Online English Headlines of Sports News:A Corpus-based Study;基于语料库对英语网络体育新闻标题特征的研究
8.Corpus-digit-driven Self-access College English Online Learning:Background,Model and Reflection;基于语料库和网络支撑平台的大学英语自主学习:背景、模式与省思
9.The function of corpus in independent learning under network-based teaching environment;语料库在提高网络教学英语自主学习能力方面的探讨
10.A Study of Collocation from the Perspective of Network of Cognitive Models;一项语料库数据驱动下基于认知模型网络的搭配研究
11.Practical Analysis of the Network Building of College English Reading Material Data and Teaching Attempt;大学英语阅读资料库网络建设的现实意义分析与教学尝试
12.Research on Standardization Workpiece Bank of Plastic Mold Based on Network;基于网络的塑料模具标准件库的研究
13.The Design and Construct of Material Corrosion Web Database;网络版材料腐蚀数据库的开发和实现
14.Constructing of College English Web-based Instructional Database;高校英语网络教学资源库的建设思路
15.Theory and Application of "Web as a Corpus";“互联网用作语料库”的原理与实践
16.Characteristic Recognition of the Semantic Roles in CFN汉语框架网络知识库的语义角色特征识别
17.The Research and Development of Life Cycle Analysis Network Database of Materials材料生命周期分析网络数据库的研究与开发
18.Design and Development of Case Base Based on Web for Corrosion Failure of Materials基于网络的材料腐蚀失效案例库的设计与实现

3)NDL Network Database Language网络数据库语言
4)Web as corpus因特网语料库
1.This paper conducted a thorough-going survey of the usage of "生人"based on Chinese corpora and the Web as corpus.以普通汉语语料库和因特网语料库为基础,对“生人”的用法进行了深入调查。
5)corpus data语料库语料
1.In comparison with other linguistic data like introspective,anecdotal and elicitation data,corpus data occupy a more favored place with respect to language research.相对于内省、偶获和诱发语料而言,语料库语料在语言研究方面具有更多的优越性。
6)web as a corpus互联网用作语料库
1.While the web is not an archetypal corpus,"web as a corpus" method is irrefutably functional,and has found its widespread applications in linguistic data retrieval and linguistic hypothesis testing."互联网用作语料库"是一种把互联网上的文本用作语料资源的新兴方法。

库库钦,M.  斯洛伐克作家。原名马捷耶·本楚尔。出身于农民家庭。做过乡村教师,曾在布拉格学医。毕业后在克罗地亚布拉奇岛行医多年,曾去南美从事文化工作。第一次世界大战后返回祖国。他以描写农村生活著称,作品主人公大多是农村里的牧鹅人、鞋匠、泥瓦匠等。长篇小说《斜坡上的房子》(1903~1904)取材于克罗地亚人的生活,描写地主的儿子同农民的女儿恋爱的悲剧,表明两个阶级的鸿沟是不可逾越的。