教师提问,teacher questioning
1)teacher questioning教师提问
1.Classroom interaction is primarily achieved through the mode of "teacher questioning — students’ response".文章试图以Sinclair and Coulthard(1975)提出的IRF课堂交互模式,以及有关教师课堂提问的研究成果为基础,拟通过具体的个例描述性地研究大学英语课堂中的教师提问,来考察中国语境下大学英语课堂交际模式的特征。
2.The author,by means of audio-recording classroom teaching and after-class interview,makes a survey and analysis of questioning patterns adopted by six college teachers in twenty-four various lessons from such aspects as the types of teacher questioning,linguistic characteristics and interaction characteristics.本研究采用课堂录音和课后访谈的方法,对六位大学英语教师在不同课型上的提问情况进行调查,进而从教师提问的类型及分布、教师提问的语言特征、教师提问时的互动方式等方面加以分析。

1.The Effect of Teachers Questioning Strategies on EFL Classroom Interaction;教师提问策略对课堂师生互动的影响
3.Teachers Questioning Strategies Using in Teaching Problem Solving in Senior School;高中数学问题解决教学中的教师提问策略
4.When the teacher asked questions, the children answered up in chorus.教师提问时,孩子们迅速齐声回答。
5.Research on the Kindergarten Teachers Questioning Behaviors and Beliefs;幼儿园教师提问行为及其观念的研究
6.Teacher Questioning: A Classroom Case Study of College English;大学英语课堂中教师提问的个案研究
7.A Survey and Analysis of Teacher Questioning in College English Classrooms;大学英语课堂教师提问特征调查研究
8.The Effects of Teachers Questions On Intermediate-level and Elementary-level Classes;教师提问在不同语言水平课堂的效果
9.A Study of the Effect of Teacher Questioning on Interaction in the EFL Class教师提问对英语课堂互动影响的研究
10.Problems with College English Teacher Questioning and Their Solutions;大学英语教师提问存在的问题及其解决策略
11.Research on the Teacher s Questioning in Kindergarten Collective Teaching Activities;幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问的研究
12.Teacher s Questioning in High School English Interactive Teaching;中学英语交互性教学中的教师提问研究
13.Teachter s Question Types of Questions and Fords of Questioning In Children Scientific Education;幼儿科学教育中的教师提问类型和形式
14.The Effect of Teacher s Questioning Behavior on ESL Classroom Interaction;教师提问方式在英语互动教学中的作用
15.On the Teacher s Questions in Kindergarten Collective Teaching Activities;对幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问的观察研究
16.Lastly, I would like to say a few words about ensuring respect for the labour of our teachers and about improving their qualifications.最后,讲讲尊重教师的劳动,提高教师的质量问题。
17.The teacher was besieged with questions from his pupils.学生提出的问题很多, 教师应接不暇.
18.Several hands shot up as soon as the teacher asked the question.教师一提问,马上就有几只手举了起来。

teachers questions教师提问
1.This paper presents the findings of a study on teachers questions and students feedback in the Intensive Reading class taken by junior English majors of China University of Geosciences(Beijing) through classroom discourse recording and interviewing students.本研究采用定性和定量相结合的方法,通过对中国地质大学(北京)英语专业某班进行课堂录音和学生访谈,从课堂提问分类、学生对不同类型提问的应答参与度以及不同类型提问对学生语言输出的影响这三个方面,对英语精读课教师提问与学生反馈的状况进行了研究。
2.In EFL classroom,teachers questions have a direct impact on learner output,thus the question pattern plays an important role in students language development.在英语课堂教学中,教师提问的质量直接关系到学生的语言输出多少,进而影响到学生语言的发展水平。
3.The research into the teachers questions can optimize the classroom interactive atmosphere.话题应该结合学生的专业背景知识,激发学生阅读兴趣,发挥教师提问在阅读教学中的积极作用,使得教师提问成为学习者外语习得与教师教学的一个有效桥梁。
3)Teacher questions教师提问
1.Being a most frequent occurrence in daily major English classroom Teacher-Students (T-S) conversational interaction, teacher questions play a significant role in classroom teaching and learning.课堂教师提问——教师提问,学生回答,这一在英语课堂中出现频率最高的互动方式,对于教学中学生的外语学习起到了非常重要的作用。
2.In the present study, focus is laid on comparing similarities and differences between native and non-native English speaker teachers in three aspects: teacher questions, wait-time, and teacher feedback.第二,中国教师提问后,在等待时间方面比外籍教师更有耐心。
4)ESP teacher's questioningESP教师提问
5)Questioning Activities教师提问行为
6)teachers questioning教师课堂提问
1.As a indispensable part of classroom teaching according to the content, aim and request,teachers questioning has been traditionally viewed as an important constituent of teaching inclassroom context.教师课堂提问是教师在课堂上根据教学内容、目的、要求而设置一系列问题进行问答的一种教学形式和手段,是整个课堂教学的重要组成部分。

提问1.传讯审问。 2.提出问题要求回答。