第一人称代词,the first personal pronoun
1)the first personal pronoun第一人称代词
1.Based on the Chinese documents,we studied the early pronunciation form of the kernel word I(我)in Chinese,and had a brief argument about the development of the first personal pronoun in Chinese.依据汉语文献材料,探讨汉语核心词"我"的早期语音形式;对汉语第一人称代词的的发展演变作了简要的论速;并以汉语为依托,对整个汉藏语系第一人称代词作了简要的比较。
2.This paper discusses the questions about syntax functions of the first personal pronouns of the West Zhou(周) language.文章讨论了西周汉语中第一人称代词的句法功能问题。
3.Hong Bo considers that the fundamental distinction among the first personal pronouns in ancient Chinese lies in the functional difference of modesty and respect.洪波先生认为上古汉语第一人称代词之间的根本区别在于有谦敬功能的不同。

1.A Study of the Number of the First Personal Pronouns of the West Zhou Language;西周汉语第一人称代词称数问题研究
2.A Study on the First Personal Pronounsin "The New Edition of Tales from the Five Dymasties";《新编五代史平话》第一人称代词研究
3.The Comparison of ″Me″in the Book of songs and Analects of Confucius《诗经》《论语》中第一人称代词“我”的比较
4.The Use of First Person Pronouns in Research Articles;学术论文中第一人称代词的使用研究
5.Vagueness in Reference of First Person Pronouns in Chinese and English Public Interviews;汉英访谈节目中第一人称代词的指称模糊
6.The Application of the First Person Pronouns and Their Influences in Advertising Language;广告语中第一人称代词的运用及影响因素
7.A Comparative Study of First Person Pronouns in Abstracts in China and English Speaking Countries;中外摘要中第一人称代词用法的对比研究
8.Comparative Study on the First Personal Pronouns among Mongol & Turki & Manchu-Tungusic Languages;蒙古语、突厥语和满—通古斯语第一人称代词比较
9.A Study on Cases of the First Personal Pronounsof the West Zhou(周) Language;论西周汉语第一人称代词句法功能问题
10.A Discussion on the Question Whether the First Personal Pronouns of the West Zhou Language Have the Function of Modesty and Respect;论西周汉语第一人称代词有无谦敬功能的问题
11.The Discussion About The Time Character And District Character Of The First Personal Pronouns Of The West Zhou Language;西周汉语第一人称代词的地域性和时间性问题
12.Analysis on the use of first personal pronouns in English abstracts of medical research articles医学论文英文摘要中第一人称代词使用之分析
13.The characteristics of the students' usage of the first person in their argumentative essays学生在议论文中使用第一人称代词特征的研究
14.This is a firstpersonal pronoun.这是第一人称的代名词。
15.Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.第一人称单数的人称代词的斜格形式.
16.So,“ I, We” are pronouns of the First Person;“ he, she, they” are pronouns of the Third Person.因此“我,我们”是第一人称的代词;“他,她,他们”是第三人称的代词.
17.'You' is a second person pronoun.你是第二人称代词。
18.An Analysis of the Japanese Appellation from the First,Second Person of Pronouns;从第一、二人称代名词的使用看日语的称呼系统

first person pronoun第一人称代词
1.Using two corpora of English abstracts of research articles(abstract for short) on linguistics produced by native English speakers and Chinese English learners,this article compares native speakers and Chinese learners use of first person pronouns in abstracts,especially discourse functions first person pronouns perform.本文以中外各200篇语言学方面的英文学术论文摘要(以下简称摘要)为语料,对比中外摘要中第一人称代词("I"和"we")的用法,特别是第一人称代词的话语功能,结果表明,中外摘要在第一人称代词的用法上存在显著的差异。
2.By qualitative and quantitative analysis of authentic corpora,the present paper explores the vagueness of first person pronouns in Chinese and English in their references,mainly the types of vague reference and the frequency distribution.本文通过对汉英两种语言真实语料的定性及定量分析,比较了汉英两种语言中第一人称代词指称模糊现象在指称类型和频率分布上的异同,并探讨了模糊指称的语用功能。
3)the first person pronouns第一人称代词
1.Some fruits of the study to the first person pronouns in xianqin literatures which are handed down from ancient times have been achieved, which made from each aspect by some scholors, whereas the studies to the first person pronouns which are in the unearthed xianqin literatures almost concertrate on some period (maily in yinshang dynasty ).对於先秦传世文献典籍中的第一人称代词,一些学者已经从多个角度作了相当深入的研究,并取得了一些成果。
4)the first personal pronouns第一人称代词
1.The study of the first personal pronouns enabled the reader to understand the general characteristics of personal pronouns deriving from the combination of classical Chinese and modern Chinese in Song and Yuan Period.全文通过共时描写和历时比较的研究方法,对《新编五代史平话》第一人称代词进行了穷尽性考察,并与唐代第一人称代词体系特点作了比较,由此可以了解宋元时期第一人称代词的基本面貌,以及文言和白话相结合下产生的人称代词的一些特点。
5)the first person pronoun第一人称代词
1.Summarizespredecessor s understanding,we believe that there are three usages of the "Yan"(言)in the "Book of Poetry,": Serves as the first person pronoun;Serves as the conjunction;Serves as the adverb suffix.总结前人的认识,我们认为《诗经》中的“言”字有三种用法:用作第一人称代词;用作连词;用作副词词尾。
2.There is a close relation between the extensive reference of the first person pronoun and the context.现代汉语第一人称代词的虚指与语境密切相关,并有其心理动因。
6)first-person pronoun第一人称代名词
1.There are a large number of first-person pronouns in Japanese, but they are used much less frequently than those in Chinese.日语中第一人称代名词数量繁多、但使用频率却远远少于汉语,这是为什么呢?通过中日第一人称代名词的使用数量对比,再从日语的言语构造和日本人的交际心理两方面来分析,便可看出造成此差异的根本原因。
