策略运用,strategy use
1)strategy use策略运用
1., strategy use in reading tests, with the hope to shed some light on reading comprehension.本文在前人基础上,基于交际语言能力理论和阅读理解理论等相关理论,总结出对阅读测试理解过程的认识;并通过实证研究调查测试者在阅读理解测试中认知策略和元认知策略与测试者的阅读测试结果之间的关系和效果;策略运用与测试者水平的关系;阅读理解题目类型对于测试结果的影响。

1.Study of Strategic Decision of Advertisement Scheme and Its Appliance;广告策划的战略决策与策略运用研究
2.A Study on the Differences in the Use of English Learning Strategies by Senior High School Students;高中生英语学习策略运用之差异研究
3.Gender Differences in the Use of FL Vocabulary Learning Strategies;外语词汇学习策略运用中的性别差异
4.An Investigation of English Reading Strategies Used by Senior Two Students;高二学生英语阅读策略运用现状调查
5.A Case Study of Metacognitive Strategies Used by Non-English Major College Students;专科大学生英语元认知策略运用研究
6.Research on Strategies Using when College Students Are Learning How to Categorize;大学生在归类学习中的策略运用研究
7.Cultural Discrepancy and the Adopting of Domesticating Method and Foreignizing Method;文化差异与归化策略和异化策略的运用
9.She uses strategy to get what she wants.她运用策略得到了她想得到的东西。
10.The Application and Strategies of Integrated Marketing in AAA Maritime Co., Ltd.;AAA航运集团整合营销的应用与策略
11.The Application of Metacognitive Strategies to English Reading in Senior High School;元认知策略在高中英语阅读中的运用
12.A Research on Standard Strategy and the Usage of Chinese Character in Naming Real Estates;楼盘名称的语言运用及规范策略研究
13.A Study on the Application of Edited Translation to Advertisement Translation;论编译策略在广告翻译中的运用研究
14.A Functionalist Approach to the Translation of Trademark Words;功能翻译策略在商标词翻译中的运用
15.Egovernment Affairs Application s Creditability Request and Its Solving Strategies;电子政务运行的信用要求及应对策略
16.The Use and Analysis of Brands Extension Strategy in Chinese Enterprises;中国企业品牌延伸策略的分析与运用
17.Apply Learning Strategies to the Promotion of Autonomous Learning in English Listening;运用学习策略促进英语听力自主学习
18.Measures of Nutrition Supplement to Athletes;田径运动员营养的应用策略(综述)

strategies and application策略与运用
3)Application of eco-logical tactics生态策略运用
4)The strategy of using language语言运用策略
5)use of learning strategies学习策略运用
6)strategies of looking-up词典运用策略
1.A survey of the strategies of looking-up of non-English-major college students in English learning;非英语专业大学生英语学习中词典运用策略调查

《藏象学说的理论与运用》《藏象学说的理论与运用》 《藏象学说的理论与运用》   基础理论著作。上海中医学会编。成书于1960年。系据专题讲座稿整理修改而成。全书依据阴阳五行学说为指导思想的中医理论体系,着重阐明人体脏腑功能、生理及病理机制的理论与临床运用。书分三篇。上篇为总论,概述脏腑的区别及其基本性质和功能;中篇为各论,分述各脏腑的生理功能、病理机制、病证及临床术语;下篇为藏象学说在内、儿、妇、外等各科临床的运用。附录人体各部的命名以及体型的分类等内容。