文化原因,cultural reasons
1)cultural reasons文化原因
1.Chinese ancient art is the representative of the Art of Line and the thinking way of linear, whose formation and development have complex cultural reasons.中国古代艺术是“线的艺术”和线性思维的代表 ,其生成、发展、定型有其复杂的文化原因
2.The purpose of the article is finding the concrete cultural reasons why it becomes the .本文旨在通过对中国古代“大语文”的剖析,寻绎其生成的具体文化原因,指出其利弊与得失,并试图为当代中国语文教育改革找到另一种路径。

1.WANG Chang-ling s Tragic Life and the Underlying Cultural Cause;王昌龄的人生悲剧及其深层文化原因
2.On Historical Cultural Causes of the Existence of Japanese Rightist Forces;论日本右翼势力存在的历史文化原因
3.An Exploration on the Cause Of Split Between Science Culture and Humanism Culture;科学文化与人文文化分裂的原因探析
4.Cause for the Transmission of Cultural Image in Literary Translation;文学翻译中文化意象走失及原因探究
5.Analysis the reason why Western culture influences the begining of Chinese literature s modernization;西方文化影响中国文学现代化起步的原因分析
6.The Study on Northern Cultural Factors in the Central Plain's Culture in Period of Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty夏商西周时期中原文化中的北方文化因素研究
7.The bottom line has always been culture.根本原因要归咎于文化差异。
8.Furthermore, cultural factors do creep into it.文化的差异也是一个原因。
9.A Study into the Cause of the "Sudden Changes "of the Yueshi Culture Pottery关于岳石文化陶器“骤变”原因的探讨
10.Analysis on the Pragmatic Failure and Reasons in the Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的语用失误及原因分析
11.Exploration on the Social & Cultural Background and Psychological Causes of Blog Writing;博客写作的社会文化背景和心理原因
12.On the Reason and Countermeasure of China and South Kores s Cultural Trade Deficit;中韩文化贸易逆差的原因与对策探析
13.The Initial Research on the Reason of Meizhou Hakka Modern Sports Culture s Development;近代梅州客家体育文化发展原因初探
14.On the Causes for Information Gap in Inter-cultural Communication;跨文化交际中言语信息差的形成原因
15.Present situations,causes and countermeasures for China s foreign trade in culture;中国对外文化贸易的现状、原因与对策
16.A Cultural Reading of the Natural Mingling of “Kaifeng Jews”;“开封犹太人”自然融合原因的文化解读
17.The Historical Cause and Realistic Basis of American Cultural Hegemonism;美国文化霸权的历史原因和现实基础
18.A case study of the misunderstanding of business culture development;我国企业文化发展的误区及原因分析

morality and culture reasons道德文化原因
1.Analysis on morality and culture reasons of market economy order confusion in China s turning period;浅析我国转型时期市场经济秩序混乱的道德文化原因
3)reason for native culture本土文化原因
4)the underlying cultural cause深层文化原因
5)social and cultural reason社会文化原因
1.The change process fully reflects women’s aesthetic tastes going towards openness which has its social and cultural reasons.这一变化过程极其充分地反映了唐代女子服饰逐渐走向开放的审美趣味,而这种开放的审美趣味的形成是有着社会文化原因的:首先唐初妇女着羃離,这是胡文化与中原儒家文化相结合的表征,是儒家传统礼仪束缚人们思想的一种具象;第二,唐代女子弃羃離着胡帽,服饰观念逐渐走向开放,这是胡汉文化深层融合的体现。
6)cultural cause of narcotics犯罪的文化原因
