基督精神,Christian spirit
1)Christian spirit基督精神
1.For lack of a comprehensive understanding of the Christian spirit,humanitarianism and their relationships,Ma Xuan s view on Thomas Hardy s religious ideas is not convincing.由于未能全面而正确地把握基督精神和人道主义的内涵及两者的关系,马弦对哈代的宗教思想所作的结论是难以成立的。
2.The cause of this "wasteness" lies in a twofold absence of humanism and Christian spirit in modern times.在西方批评界 ,T·S·艾略特被称之为“古典现代主义”诗人 ,其“古典性”在于他一直着力追寻和审视西方文化传统中一脉相承的宗教精神资源 ,其“现代性”在于他深刻地洞见到 :西方现代文化和精神世界之所以日益走向“荒芜” ,恰恰是因为人文主义和基督精神的双重缺失。
3.In the historical tendency of the combination of the Church with the rich, Clement of Alexanderia (150 -215 AD) tried in his book to reconstruct the Christian spirit and reconcile it with the desire for material possession.顺应基督教会与富有阶级相结合的历史趋势,亚历山大的克莱门(150-215)在《富人的获救》一书中运用喻意释经法,修正了基督精神,使之与占有尘世的物质财富调和起来。

1.The Dichotomy and Conflicts Between Humanity and Christianity;人文精神与基督精神的对立与冲突——重读《无名的裘德》
2.Striving Perseveringly for This Mortal World, Looking Forward to the World of Soul--On Western Authors Christian Spirit;执著尘世 向往灵界——论西方作家的基督精神
4.The company of all Christians regarded as a mystic spiritual body.基督教徒组织,神秘的精神团体.
5.resembling or showing the spirit of Christ.类似于或者表现出基督的精神。
6.a spiritual leader of the Christian Church.基督教教会中的精神上的领导。
7.a spiritual leader in a non-Christian religion.非基督教的精神上的领袖。
8.The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.天国上帝或基督的永恒的精神统治
9.a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.精神纯洁与复活的基督教圣礼。
10.African American Christian Spirituality in Paradise论《天堂》中的非裔美国人基督教精神
11.following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ.追随耶稣基督的教义或者显示出耶稣基督的品质和精神。
12.The Impact of Christianity Culture in Chinese Modern Poetry;基督教文化精神在中国新诗中的诗性言说
13.Christian Spirit Reflected in Thomas Hardy s Novels;论托马斯·哈代长篇小说中的基督教精神
14.On the Christian Culture and Humane Spirit in Chinese Modern Writers;论基督教文化与中国现代文学的人道精神
15.The Heroism and Christian Awareness in Beowulf;《贝奥武甫》中的英雄主义精神与基督徒意识
16.Appeals for Christian Spiritual Resources of "Post-Lu Xun Style" Writers since the 1990s论“后鲁迅风”作家的基督教精神资源诉求
17.Ultimate Salvation of Soul Wasteland--Deciphering T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land from the Perspective of Christianity精神荒原,终极救赎——基督教视角下的《荒原》解读
18.Indeed, Cayce says the body of Christ is the Father, the mind of Christ is the Son, and the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit.凯西说,其实,基督的身体是圣父,基督的意识是圣子,基督的精神是圣灵。

1.The Dichotomy and Conflicts Between Humanity and Christianity;人文精神与基督精神的对立与冲突——重读《无名的裘德》
2.The Soul of Christianity in George Herbert s Poetry;乔治·赫伯特诗歌中的基督精神
3.This paper holds that in the current world, with the intercultural communication is getting momentum nowadays in the twenty first century, and that there is a ramping trend of fusion between Confucianism and Christianity, East and West, old and new etc.本文认为在当今二十一世纪的全球,国际间的跨文化交际日渐频繁,儒家思想与基督精神,东方文化与西方文化,传统看法与时尚潮流有加速融合之势。
3)Christian spirit基督教精神
1.From the religious point of view,his view of nature is linked up intrinsically the Christian spirit that affected him.华兹华斯的自然观是"神性—理性—人性"的统一,从宗教的角度来讲,他的自然观与其所受的基督教精神有着内在联系。
2.He focused on the religious spirit, especially the cultural value of Christian spirit instead of the faith of god.他的宗教观所关注的不是对人格神的信仰,而是宗教精神特别是基督教精神的文化价值,目的在于会通中西文化,谋求"儒家思想的新开展"。
5)secular Christian spirit世俗基督精神
1.Hardy wrote the vast majority of his works after he had lost his religious faith,so the fact that he in his works approved of both his characters pursuit of their ideals and rights and the values of charity,forgiveness,sacrifice and purity indicates that he was a humanitarian who believed that secular Christian spirit-the Christian spir.哈代的绝大部分作品是在他放弃了对上帝信仰后创作的,其中既肯定人们对个人理想与权利的追求,又张扬仁爱、宽恕、牺牲、纯洁等价值观念,因此,哈代的宗教观是一种人道主义宗教观,体现了祛除宗教神秘成分后的世俗基督精神
6)the spirits of Christian culture基督教文化精神

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)