汉语专业,Chinese major
1)Chinese major汉语专业
1.Some measures in the development of these courses for the Chinese major students can adopted as following: to arouse the students\' attention,to carry on the full-ranged training,to improve the quality of the teachers and the teaching,to strengthen the inspection system,to better the teaching facilities,to focus on the practice and to meet the students\' individual needs.要打造汉语专业学生的就业力,就要加强就业指导课程的建设,具体措施为:一是注重课程宣传,引起学生的重视;二是进行全程化的就业指导,厚实学生学习的成果;三是加强师资队伍建设,提高就业指导课的教学质量;四是强化常规教学检查,进行教学质量监控;五是提高教学条件,提升教学效果;六是理论联系实际,注重实践性教学环节;七是因材施教,进行针对性的教学。
2.According to the statistic analysis of the survey of the vocational skills on the Chinese major graduates in a certain college during these two years,it is found that there still exist many probloms in the skill-development on the vocational students.通过对某校近两年汉语专业毕业生职业技能状况进行统计分析,可以看出,目前高职学生职业技能培养仍存在许多的问题,由此,必须建构能够突出高职特色的课程体系,加强产学研合作,引进技能型师资和建构新的考评体系,突显学生技能特征。

1.On Contemporary Chinese Course Teaching in TCSL对外汉语专业现代汉语课教学的探索与实践
2.Tentative Study on the Teaching Reform in Modern Chinese for the Majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;对外汉语专业现代汉语课教学改革探索
3.Study on Course Structure for Undergraduate Students Majoring in Mandarin Language at Teachers Colleges and Universities in Xinjiang;新疆高师汉语专业本科课程结构研究
4.Problem and Settlement in the Construction of TCSL Speciality;对外汉语专业建设的问题与应对措施
5.Study on the Current Courses Structure of Han Chinese Language Major in Xinjiang Teachers Colleges and Universities;新疆高师汉语专业课程结构现状研究
6.The Current Situation and Reform of the Course Ancient Chinese in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language对外汉语专业古代文学课的教学研究
7.A Discussion on the Curriculum Reform of Chinese Language in Xinjiang Higher Schools新疆高校汉语专业课程设置改革探讨
8.Thesis Topic Selecting and Writing for Undergraduates Majoring in Chinese汉语专业本科学术论文选题立说概谈
9.Research on Extracurricular Practical Work of Foreign Chinese Major对外汉语专业课外实践性学习之探索
10.I used to work as a translator during my vacations.英语专业并辅修汉语言文学,擅长汉语和英文。
11.Some Discussion about the Phonetic Teaching Reform in 《Modern Chinese》;师范专业《现代汉语》语音教学改革探讨
12.English Majors' Using of Refusals in Chinese Context英语专业学生在汉语语境下的拒绝语使用情况
13.Improving the teaching quality of modern Chinese offered for English department with bilingual teaching;实行双语教学 提高英语专业现代汉语课的质量
14.Some Thinking of the Practicality of Chinese Literature Major;汉语言文学专业“应用性”的当下之思
15.The assisted teaching research for the professional Chinese language of the educational technology;《教育技术学专业汉语》辅助教学研究
16.Reforming Modern Chinese Teaching According to the Characteristic of the Secretary Major;针对文秘专业特点 改革《现代汉语》教学
17.Practice and Research on Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching of Physics;物理专业汉英双语教学的实践与思考
18.Probe into the English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching for Undergraduates in Law Specialty;法学专业本科英汉双语教学问题初探

Special Chinese专业汉语
1.Guiding Idea for the Content and Construction of the Course "Special Chinese for Sports";谈《体育专业汉语》课程内容与课程建设的思路
3)major of Chinese language汉语言专业
1.The major of Chinese language for foreign students is the major of Chinese language to foreigners,and its goal is to train practical,advanced,and international Chinese talent.留学生汉语言专业属于对外汉语言专业,其目标是培养适应社会需求的实用型高级国际汉语人才。
4)Specialized Chinese of water conservancy水利专业汉语
1.Specialized Chinese of water conservancy is a required and basic course for national minority students of agricultural water conservancy project major.水利专业汉语是农业水利工程专业的民族学生的必修课程,是以后学习的基础。
5)Chinese Language and Literature汉语言文学专业
1.With Employment orientation to deepen Chinese Language and Literature Teaching Reform;以就业为导向,深化汉语言文学专业教学改革
6)teaching of Chinese language for special purposes专业汉语教学
1.In some of the institutions,how- ever,there is a tendency to neglect or weaken the teaching of Chinese language for special purposes,while the education authorties and the world of Chinese language teaching are in dispute and .本文从理论依据和现实需求两个方面论证了在当前汉语授课背景下,时高校少数民族学生开展专业汉语教学的必要性。
