课程要求,Curriculum Requirements
1)Curriculum Requirements课程要求
1.On College English Teaching Model in the View of New Curriculum Requirements;新《课程要求》视野下大学英语教学模式的探索
2.Under the guidance of Curriculum Requirements,with learners as the study center,this article emphasizes the effective learning of phonetics knowledge,appropriate usage of network(resources) and its technological support and adequate enrichment of cultural content and thought deepness of the oral expression.教育部新颁发的《课程要求》中的教学目标着重指出:要培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力。
3.College English Curriculum Requirements(for Trial Implementation) played an important role in promoting College English teaching reform and improving teaching quality.依据笔者对新版《课程要求》的解读,我国大学英语教学改革今后应该朝着教学理念"国际化"、多媒体教学"正常化"、课程管理"三级化"和教育环境"生态化"的方向发展。

1.The term @requirements@ in this context这里所说的“课程要求”,
2.Fulfilling the Curriculum Requirements to Consummate the Selective Curriculum;落实《课程要求》精神,完善大学英语选修课程
3.Hard work will be demanded of students in this course.这门课程要求学生下苦功去学。
4.The course requires you to be bilingual.这门课程要求修学者懂两门外语。
5.We have to water down the curriculum for the slow learning class.我们得把慢班的课程要求降低一些。
6.Interpretation on the New Syllabus and Enhancement on Course Establishment;解读《课程要求》 加强大学英语学科建设
7.On Optimization of Multi-media Teaching in College English;贯彻大学英语课程要求,优化多媒体课堂教学
8.Undergraduates are expected to meet certain course requirements within the framework of their program of study.在本科学习阶段,学生要达到一定的课程要求
9.Subgroup Teaching of P.E. Lesson Under the New Curriculum Standard;新课程标准要求下的体育课分组教学
10.New Curriculum Standard Demands Reform in the Physical Culture Professional Courses Setting;新课程标准对体育专业课程设置改革的新要求
11.Developing Curriculm View of College English Curriculum Requirements《大学英语课程教学要求》的发展性课程观
12.a requirement for admission to or completion of an academic program.允许进入或完成某个学院课程的要求。
13.English Course Design for Three-year Colleges According to "Fundamental Requirements";从《基本要求》看专科大学英语课程设置
14.New Curriculum Ideas Need New Quality of Biology Teachers;新课程理念对生物学教师素质的要求
15.An Analysis of the Humane Connotationin the College English Curriculum Teaching Requirement;《大学英语课程教学要求》的人文优势
16.Regulating the Teaching Methods According to the Curriculum Reform in the School for the Deaf;课程改革对变革聋校教学措施的要求
17.Interpretation of College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation);解读《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》
18.The Curriculum Settings and Requirements of the Business English Major in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职院校商务英语的课程设置及要求

course requirement课程要求
3)course requirements课程要求
1.New Course Requirements and the Reform of College English Reading Teaching Models;新课程要求与大学英语阅读教学模式改革
2.The study also examines the challenges facing instructors and learners posed by modern information technology and the relationship between the course requirements and the teaching curriculum.本文就外语教学论研究中的几个热点问题,包括外语教学论在我国的研究现状、研究重点、外语教学论的中国特色、《课程要求》与教学大纲的关系、信息技术的挑战等作了分析,提出了中国外语教学论发展的几点反思。
4)curriculum requirements《课程要求》
1.Under the guiding document College English Curriculum Requirements the paper reflects on the shortcomings of the traditional teaching model and tries to put forward some suggestions to reform it.依据教学改革指导性文件《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》),对传统教学模式的缺陷进行反思,并尝试提出改造的思路。
2.The new objective of college English set up by College English Curriculum Requirements, together with its new teaching model will certainly deepen and contribute to the reform of college English teaching.《大学英语课程教学要求 (试行 )》(以下简称《课程要求》)提出的新的教学目标 ,新的教学模式毫无疑问将促进大学英语教学的改革 ,起到其预期的积极作用。
5)New Requirements for College English Teaching (CET)新《课程要求》
1.Appealing to what is required by present society from college English students, New Requirements for College English Teaching (CET) signifies a change not only in teaching activities or teaching approaches, but also in teachers educational conceptions and their roles.新《课程要求》顺应当今社会对大学英语人才的要求,体现的不仅是教学活动或教学手段的改变,更重要的是教学观念和教师角色的转换。
6)curriculum requirements课程教学要求
1.Based on the newly-issued College English Curriculum Requirements, this article mainly discusses the college English course reform in Shenyang Jianzhu University from such aspects as teaching conception, teaching methods, teaching techniques, and teaching evaluation.结合国家教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》开展的大学英语教学改革试点项目,阐述了大学英语教学改革模式在教学理念、教学方法、教学手段以及教学评估等方面的观点,并以沈阳建筑大学开展的试点实验工作为例,分析总结试点前后该校试点班与对照班学生在听力成绩上的差异。

发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利:承包人应当按照合同的约定做好开工前的准备工作,负责作好施工场地的平整,施工界区内用水、用电、道路、以及临时设施的施工:编制施工组织设计或施工方案;按照约定作好材料和设备的采购、供应和管理;向发包人提供应由发包人供应的材料、设备的计划,承包人应按照合同约定的开工日期按时开工。在施工中,承包人须严格按照施工图及说明书进行施工,承包人不按照施工图和说明书施工而造成工程质量不符合合同约定条件的,应当负责无偿修理或者返工。《民法》第一版 第515页 魏振瀛 北京大学出版社