幽默话语,humorous discourse
1)humorous discourse幽默话语
1.The Humorous Discourse Under Grice Cooperative Principle——Taking the Character Lines in Feng Xiaogang's Comedy Movies as the Aanalysis Object格赖斯合作原则视阈下的幽默话语——以冯小刚喜剧电影中的人物台词为分析对象
2.With relevance theory,this paper analyses humorous discourse and believes the humorous effect comes from the interpretation of the humorous discourse.运用关联理论分析了幽默话语,认为话语的幽默效果来自会话者对该话语的关联解读。
3.With the analysis of the pragmatic functions of humorous discourses among a particular social group, the paper aims to explore the features of the humorous discursive gender construction in Chinese society, .本文旨在通过对特定人群的幽默话语语用功能的分析,探讨其性别身份建构的特点,并联系中国独特的社会、文化与心理因素对此现象进行合理的解释。

1.A Pragmatic Approach to Humorous Utterances: Humorous Speech Acts and Strategies Realized in American Sitcom Friends幽默话语的语用研究:幽默言语行为与语用策略
2.Conceptual Blending Theory and Meaning Construction in Humor概念合成理论与幽默话语的意义建构
3.Humors with Logical Fallacies and Their Pragmatic Functions;英语幽默话语的谬误和诡辩及其语用功能
4.The Generic Structure of the Humor Discourse--A Study on Chinese Humor Discourse of Comic Sketches on TV;幽默话语语类结构研究——以中国电视喜剧小品中的幽默话语为例分析
5.Humor and Humor Translation in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联理论看《围城》中的幽默话语及其翻译
6.The Role of Frame-Shifting and Conceptual Blending in Humorous Discourse Analysis;框架转换与概念合成在幽默话语分析中的作用
7.The Interpretative Force of Relevance Theory on Humorous Utterances and Their Translation;关联理论对幽默话语及其翻译的诠释力
8.a humorous writer, remark幽默的作家、 话语
9.coarse jokes, humour, language, etc粗鄙笑话、 幽默、 语言等.
10.Analysis of Utterance Humor with Cognitive Pragmatic Theory and Conventional Humor Theories;会话幽默的认知语用理论与传统幽默理论分析
11.His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.他幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。
12.A Pragmatic Study of Features of Humorous Conversations in Reader s Digest;《读者文摘》幽默对话的语用特征研究
13.He meant to Be conversationally playful But his voice had no tone他想使交谈幽默一些,但他的话里没有一点幽默的语气
14.Analyzing Verbal Humor in Light of the Discourse Outlook of Frames;话语框架观及其在幽默言语分析中的应用
15.A Study of Verbal Humor in English Jokes: A Relevance-theoretical Perspective从关联理论视角研究英语笑话中的言语幽默
16.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略
17.Pragmatic Analysis on Humor--Discussion on Humor and English Teaching;幽默的语用分析——兼谈幽默与英语教学
18.His humorous remark relieved the tension in the room.他那幽默的话语缓和了房间里的紧张气氛。

humorous utterance幽默话语
1.Explanation of relevance theory for humorous utterances;幽默话语的关联理论阐释
2.However, compared with the hot stage, the study of humorous utterance in comedic skits seems inadequate.喜剧小品是一种群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式,但与舞台的火爆相比,对喜剧小品中幽默话语的研究却显得门庭冷落。
3)humorous utterances幽默话语
1.Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of Humorous Utterances;关联理论视野下的幽默话语口译
2.This paper is a tentative study of applying the relevance theoretical approach to the translation of humorous utterances.本文试图从关联理论的角度探析幽默话语及其翻译问题。
4)humor utterances幽默话语
1.Within the framework of RT, this paper makes a analysis of humor utterances from semantic and pragmatic form.在关联理论框架内,从幽默话语理解的关联语境的意义特征出发,力图探索幽默的语用语义形式特征。
5)verbal humor幽默话语
1.In daily communication, verbal humor not only serves to ameliorate interpersonal relations, enliven the communicative atmosphere and avoid conflicts, but it also marks its user out as a man with personal wit, good taste and sound mind.幽默话语不仅在人们的日常交际中起着改善人际关系,调节谈话气氛的作用,而且被赋予说话人以智慧,良好教养和心理健康的品质。
6)Utterance humor话语幽默
