1.Transformation in English-Chinese translation——method of extension;英汉翻译中的转换手段—引申译法
2.There are two contributions XU Kai has made to the theory of extension of word meaning: First,based on XU Shen s The Six Categories of Chinese Characters and the relationship between borrowed meaning and original meaning,XU Kai categorized the borrowed words,which helped the Qing linguists to further define the concepts of loan and extension,and to straighten out the relationship between the two.徐锴对词义引申所做的贡献主要表现在:理性认识方面,承继许慎“六书”说,依据本义和借义的关系对假借造字进行分类,启发清代小学家进一步界定假借和引申概念,理顺二者关系;训诂实践方面,在《说文解字系传》“通释”篇中,有意识地申明大量字词的引申义,并对引申的基本途径有所认识,从而启迪后世学者深入探索,最终使引申成为词义运动的重要理论。
3.The difference is illustrated in this paper by a large number of examples based on the extension of words meaning,the development of melonymy,etc.从词义的引申变化、借代发展为借代义的条件等方面出发举大量例子阐述二者的区别。

1.in low water" (搁浅,引申为缺钱),"
2.An extended sense of the word honest.单词honest的引申
3.an extended sense of the word Ihonest .单词Ihonest的引申
4.From that comes the saying,从那儿引申出这句谚语:
5.couldn't educe significance from the event;不能从事件引申出意义;
6.Search for exaggeration and understatements.发掘夸张效果和话语中的引申意义。
7.(extended sense) of exceptionally clean language.(引申意义)指非常干净的语言。
8.Branch out from physics into related scientific fields.从物理学而引申到相关科学领域
9.`hot off the press' shows an extended sense of `hot'.'出版热'表示了'热'的一种引申义。
10.The meaning of resolution and steadfastness of yi(毅) is the extended meaning from the original meaning as wild fury.“毅”的“刚毅”义是本义“妄怒也”的引申义。
11.Explication of "师" in the Analects of Confucius《论语》“师”字释义——兼谈“师”字及其词义引申
12.On the word "GUO";从“过”字说起——谈汉语词的本义和引申
13.The Mutually Complementary Extension of the Meaning of Classical Chinese Single-syllable-verb;古代汉语单音动词义之间的互补引申
14.On Duan Yucai s “Amplification and Guise” in “Annotation of Explaining Article and Interpreting Words”;谈段玉裁《说文解字注》中的“引申假借”
15.The Teaching Method of Vocabulary Extension and Comparison in Chinese Teaching;浅谈汉语教学中的词汇引申比较教学
16.The similarity extension of the meaning of Classical Chinese single-syllable-noun;古代汉语单音名词义内部的相似引申
17.Complementary Extension of Word-meanings Between One-syllable Nouns in Ancient Chinese;古代汉语单音名词义之间的互补引申
18.A New Way to the Derivative of Word Sense--Inoculation and Extension;词义派生的新途径——词义的嫁接引申

1.In this paper,an irrational inequality is generalized and extended in many-sided,a class of new irrational inequalities are established,which are interesting and useful.对一个无理不等式从多方面给出推广和引申,得到一类新颖、有趣的无理不等式。
2.For instance,some common words which have no medical meaning need to be extended to conform to the ex pression of medical science; the long and complic.鉴于英汉两种语言在语序、语态、用词、结构等诸方面存在差异,因而翻译时要求作适当的变动和调整,如:对不具有医学专业含义的普通词加以引申,把关系复杂的长句拆为简单易懂,层次分明的多个短句,对语序作适当调整等,使译文准确,流畅,这样才能对原文传神达意。
3.We will find that because Chinese is an isolated languge, compared with Indo-European languges, there are three differences of semantic changes in Chinese: first, semantic extended in Chinese doesn’t limit in some meaning’s domain; second, different type of subjective reasoning can impact semantic change of the same word; and the last, the meanings of Chinese can only increase, but not reduce.本文探讨"连"的语义演变过程,我们会发现由于汉语有很强的孤立语的特点,汉语的语义演变跟印欧语至少有三个不同的地方:第一,汉语的语义引申不局限于某些义域;第二,不同的类型的主观推理可以影响同一个词的语义演变;第三,汉语的词义可以只增加,不减少。
3)extended meaning引申
1.The paper puts forward four methods to understand the word meaning correctly To understand the word meaning by word matching, context clues, grammatical characteristics and extended meaning.本文提出正确理解词的含义的四种办法,即通过词语搭配、词语的上下文、词语的语法特征和词语的内涵引申来确定词义。
2.The paper investigates the development of the extended meanings of the Chinese expression piru(譬如), particularly when it is used as synonymous to dangzuo(当作)or yaoshi(要是).对“譬如”的词义发展轨迹作了梳理,着重分析其引申义“当作”、“要是”等,并从词义的引申关系出发,重新解释金董解元《西厢记诸宫调》中“譬如”的意义,纠正了以往词典中的说解。
1.In the reproduction in receptor language of the original message ,the way of extending is often used to render the translation to be in line with the idiomaticness of the target language and to overcome the untranslatability by changing grittiness into coherence.在双语转换中将原语词义加以适当引申使之符合目的语的表达习惯,从而使译文越过可译性障碍,化梗阻为通顺,是翻译常用的手段或方法。
2.The research starts from the original meaning of Neo-Confucianism with the examples of the semantic broadening,and expounds the way and ground of extending the semantic meaning.本文从“理”的本义入手,搜集词义扩展的例证,探究词义引申的途径及理据,并追溯了“理”作为古代哲学概念发展的脉络,重点阐述程朱理学中的“理”超越词义的抽象内涵。
5)semantic extension词义引申
1.Research into semantic extensions help deepen our understanding of such relations.词义引申方式的研究有助于加深对词语各义项间关系的认识。
2.Denominalization refers to the conversion of nouns to verbs or adjectives and is a common type of semantic extension in Chinese,which was not discovered in the past as it had been discussed under other types of extension.体用类型是指由名词引申出动词或形容词,这是汉语词义引申中最为常见的一种类型。
6)extended meaning引申意义
1.Study on the extended meanings of English animal words;英语动物词汇引申意义初探
2.So, understanding the important features of lexical meaning, the differences and similarities between literal meaning and extended meaning, people can solve such problems as various interpretations, wrong collocation, lexical meaning containing nothing but generalities, and .因此,了解词汇意义的重要特点、词汇字面意义与引申意义的异同,可以解决歧义、搭配不当、词义空泛、新词的意义等问题,有助于避免跨文化交流中的矛盾和冲突。
