泛读课,extensive reading course
1)extensive reading course泛读课
1.This paper analyses the characteristics of the extensive reading course in English specialty at vocational colleges and the conditions of the students, and puts forwards some measures in order to improve the English of the students.文章对高职英语专业泛读课的特点以及学生的情况进行了分析 ,就如何提高学生的英语水平提出了相应的对策。
2.The extensive reading course has long been ignored in English teaching at colleges.泛读课教学长期以来在高校英语教学中受到忽视,但事实上,泛读课所担负的教学任务并非其他课程所能替代,泛读课在培养学生阅读技巧、扩展英语文化背景知识、提高学生综合素质方面的优势显而易见,不可小觑。

1.Extracurricular Reading Model for Required Reading,Selective Reading and Specialized Reading;必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外阅读学习模式
2.The Design of Pre-reading Questions and Activities in Extensive Reading Class;英语泛读课阅读前课堂活动的设计原则
3.Since we don't have much time, we'll dispense with the extensive reading today我们既然没有时间,今天就免去泛读课
4.A Feasibility Study of Offering English Extensive Reading Course in Junior Middle Schools;在初中开设英语泛读课的可行性研究
5.On How to Improve Extensive Reading Course at Vocational Colleges;如何搞好高职英语专业的泛读课教学
6.Value Both Input and Output in Teaching Extensive Reading;英语专业泛读课教学中的输入与输出
7.Extensive reading teaching and techniques for understanding new words;英语专业泛读课教学与解词技巧培养
8.A New Recognition of Teachers Role in Extensive Reading;泛读课中老师角色的再认识(英文)
9.A New Model of An Extensive Reading Lesson;大学英语泛读课的教学模式(英文)
10.Exploration of Setting Up the Course of “ Compulsory Reading a fter Class;“课外必读”课程设置初探——关于师专泛读课教学改革的思考
11.How to Improve Extensive-readingTeaching Effect--Together with a brief discussion on the defects of "An English Reading Course for Comprehension and Speed" as a coursebook;关于提高泛读课教学效果的思考——兼谈《英语阅读教程》作为泛读教材的不足
12.A Study of Interactive Model and Integrative Motivation in Extensive Reading;交互式模式和溶入型动机在泛读课的研究
13.Newspaper in English Education and Its Application in Extensive Reading Course;英语报刊教学及其在英语泛读课程中的应用
14.On "Three-motivating Teaching Mode" in English Extensive Reading Course;高校英语专业泛读课“三动”教学模式探讨
15.Research on extensive English teaching mode in network environment;网络环境下英语泛读课程教学模式探索
16.The Curriculum Construction Ideas of Extensive English Reading for Tourism Based on the Guide of Project Teaching;项目教学指导下的旅游英语泛读课程建设
17.On the Mission of College English Extensive Reading Course and the Selection of Teaching Material;大学英语泛读课教学任务及教学材料的选择
18.Cultivating Learner Autonomy in Extensive Reading Classroom in EFL Teaching;英语泛读课堂中学习者自主性的培养(英文)

extensive reading泛读课
1.In this article,the writer originally proposes the idea on opening course of Internet-based extensive reading in the English Department of vocational and specialised colleges,to improve the traditional teaching method .本文将从新的角度出发,提出在高职高专院校的英语系开设网络阅读课程,改进传统的泛读课的设想。
2.Lastly,the paper displays the results of applying the intertextuality on extensive reading teaching.文章讨论了互文性与阅读之间的关系,通过将互文性应用于泛读课教学的实践说明以建构语篇互文性的方法教授阅读课,学生的阅读成绩明显提高;对于英语专业的学生来说,建构社会、文化背景知识比建构语言基础知识在提高阅读理解能力方面更有效。
3)Extensive Reading Course泛读课程
4)extensive readin泛读课教学
1.In order to improve students ’reading,it is necessary to apply the theory of cohesion in English to the teaching of extensive reading.本文试对语篇衔接的研究成果在泛读课教学中的运用加以探讨,以期提高学生的阅读能力。
5)Russian extensive reading俄语泛读课
1.On several ideas of teaching Russian extensive reading;关于俄语泛读课教学的几点设想
6)classroom English extensive reading课堂英语泛读
