判断句,judgement sentence
1)judgement sentence判断句
1.This paper describes all the expression formats of the judgement sentences in Liudujijing(六度集经).《六度集经》中的判断句有多种表达格式。
2.The judgement sentence which contains "shi" (是) is very characteristic, for it is both of demonstrative and judgement.《周易大传》中的判断句均为无判断词句,但它的判断谓语不一定是名词。

1.A Comparison Between the Judgement Sentences of Shi(是)and Ci(此)in Remote Ages;上古“是"判断句与“此”判断句之比较
2.Then write True or False beside each sentence.然后判断句子对错。
3.Read the conversation and say the sentences are true or false. Read the conversation loudly.略读课文,判断句子正误,大声朗读课文。
4.Comparative Research on Judge Sentences of <Taipingjing> and Buddhish Sutra in East Han Dynasty;《太平经》与东汉佛经判断句比较研究
5.The Structure “Judgment Sentence + ‘(的)便是’” in the Spoken Chinese During the Yuan and Ming Dynasties(元明);元明口语中的“判断句+‘(的)便是’”结构
6.Predicative sentences with objects located before “shì(是)” after the East Han Dynasty;试论东汉以降前置宾语“是”字判断句
7.The Role of Orthographic and Phonological Information in Reading Chinese Sentences by Korean Chinese Learners;汉字形音信息在韩国留学生判断句义中的作用
8.D. Mary wants to finish reading the book in five hours.四、根据所听的短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符。
9.The Effects of Working Memory and Syntactic Complexity on Chinese Sentence Processing;工作记忆和句法复杂性对汉语判断单句的影响
10.Read the following statements an decide if they are true (T) or false (F).读下列句子。判断正(T)误(F)。
11.Write True or False beside each sentence.在每个句子下面判断对错。
12.C. Please come to school early next week.Ⅳ. 听对话,判断下列句子正误。
13.This dream of mine will one day be brought into reality.判断下列句子正误。(正确T,错误F)
14.Read them and decide if they are true or false.读这些句子,判断它们是正确的还是错误的。
15.I. Listen, circke @T@ for the right answer and @F@ for the wrong answer.听句子,判断。与图相符的圈@T@,与图不符的圈@F@。
16.Give a one-line C expression to test whether a number is a power of 2.译:请用一条C的语句,判断一个数是否是2的幂。
17.C. Betty went to a party last Saturday.二、听读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合,请在句子前的括
18.On How Originate and Developed Stratificationof Predicative-sentences Containing “是”--Also on the Criterion of Mature Copulas;试论有判断词句产生的原因及发展的层级性——兼论判断词成熟的鉴别标准

judging sentence判断句
1.It mainly adopted the combination of question-answer sentence with judging sentence and diversified exegetical terminology as well.《春秋公羊传》属于经传体训诂,主要采用了设问句与判断句相结合的训诂格式,同时还使用了灵活多样的训诂术语,二者巧妙结合形成了其在训诂用语方面的显著特色。
2."was a judging sentence before Qindynasty.先秦“为N(之 )所V”式是判断句式。
3)Declarative Sentence判断句
1.It is generally believed that declarative sentences in Classical Chinese (CO contained no copula, and that the copula shi(是) developed from a Demonstrative pronominal form (D-pro, for short) in such sentences only after the Warring States period (475- 221 B.本文提出:上古汉语判断句的构成,其主谓之间必有一固定的语音停顿。
2.Mediaeval period is critical for declarative sentence, because in this period old declarative sentences withered and new declarative sentences developed rapidly.判断句因其在汉语句子中占据重要地位以及在汉语史上发生了较大变化而备受学术界关注,系词“是”的产生等问题一度成为汉语史研究的热点,但是当前对判断旬作的断代的、历时的研究力度却不够。
4)syntactic judgement句法判断
1.The results were that the performances of syntactic judgement and revision on different syntactic types were significantly different and showed significant age d.使用句法判断和句法修改任务探查了句法复杂性对汉语儿童汉语句法意识发展的影响,结果发现,儿童对不同句型的判断和修改正确率有显著差异,对不同句型的判断和修改正确率随着年龄增长显著提高,而且句法错误的类型随着年龄增长而变化。
2.Using syntactic judgement and syntactic correction tasks,this study explored the processes and features of the development of syntactic awareness in 4~10-year-old Chinese children.采用句法判断和句法修改任务,探讨了4~10岁汉语儿童句法意识发展的过程和特点。
3.Pointing out the deficiency of the present three leading linguistic analyses, this article admits the existence of reproduced structure of verbs in this special sentence pattern, regards it as a coordinate structure, and proves it by three syntactic judgements.针对现有的三种代表性的语言学分析的不足 ,本文在承认此句型中存在的动词复制过程的前提下 ,从句法角度把该句型分析为并列结构 ,并以三项句法判断加以验
5)five judgment sentences判断句式
6)Sentence judging and making判断句子和造句
