语言歧视,language discrimination
1)language discrimination语言歧视

1.Bias in Linguistic Discrimination--A Study of Anti-Male Language;语言歧视的偏见——歧视男性的言语现象之探索
2.Racial and Sexual Discrimination in English Language;谈英语语言中的性别歧视和种族歧视
3.A Study on the Phenomenon of Language and Culture Discrimination and Converse-Discrimination during the Post-Colonizing Age;论后殖民时代语言文化歧视与逆歧视现象
4.How to Avoid the Use of Sexist Language in English;如何避免使用英语中的性别歧视语言
5.Study on how to avoid sexual discrimination in English language;关于如何避免英语语言中的“性别歧视”
6.A Retrospective in the English Language;性别歧视在英语言语中的反映(英文)
7.The Sex Discrimination and Its Culture Connotations in English英语语言中的性别歧视及其文化内涵
8.An Analysis of Linguistic Sexism in English Learning英语学习中的语言性别歧视现象探析
9.On Causes of Sexism in English Language论英语语言中性别歧视的原因(英文)
10.A Semantic Approach to Female-Biased Language in English;以语义学为视角解析英语语言中的女性歧视
11.Languages of sex discrimination refer to these languages that belittle, insult or ignore women, which are reflected on all levels of English language.性别歧视语是指轻视、辱或忽视女性的语言,英语中的性别歧视语体现在语言的各个层面上。
12.On Sexism in English Language from the Perspective of Context and Discourse;从语境语篇角度分析英语语言中的性别歧视
13.a sexist person, attitude, remark, book有性别歧视的人、 态度、 言语、 书
14.The Studies and Developments of Sexist Language on Psychology;性别歧视语言的心理学研究进展状况
15.Comparative Study of Sexism in English and Chinese;汉英语言中性别歧视现象的对比研究
16.On the Phenomenon of Sex Discrimination on the Word Lay;语言中词汇层面的性别歧视现象刍议
17.On Women s Social Position from the Perspective of Sexism in English and Chinese;从英汉语言性别歧视现象看女性地位
18.The Comparison of the Expressing Forms on Sexual Discrimination in Language and a Probe into Its Origin;语言中性别歧视表现比较及根源探微

linguistic discrimination语言歧视
1.However,seldom do they mention that males as well as females are the victims of linguistic discriminations.语言歧视是其中一个重要的研究话题。
3)sexist language性别歧视性语言
1.How to avoid sexist language;如何避免使用性别歧视性语言
2.Although there is sexist language towards women and that towards men,women are actually more often than men the victims of this kind of language.性别歧视性语言指的是不必要地区别女性和男性或排除、轻视、贬低任一性别的表达方式(Parks&Roberton,1998,p。
3.We shonht pay our attention to how to evade sexist language.性别歧视性语言主要是指轻视妇女的语言。
4)sexist language性别歧视语言
1.By summarizing several concepts concerning sexist language, the paper emphasizes some experimental studies particularly on the cognitive influence of sexist language, reveals the main achievements of current researches, and puts forward the main methods of eliminating sexist language.本文介绍了性别歧视语言的几个基本概念,重点探讨了性别歧视语言对认知的影响,阐述了当前研究中主要成果,提出了消除性别歧视语言的对策。
5)nonsexist language非性别歧视语言
1.It covers four aspects: the use of unmarkedness the rise of symmetry;the transformation of syntax and the popularity of nonsexist language.文章主要通过对比、举例、引用等研究方法,从无标志词汇的兴起、对称性语言的出现、英语语法句式的变化以及新兴的非性别歧视语言四个方面,概括介绍了非性别歧视语言的具体表现形式及发展状况,并讨论了其反映出的语言变化现象和包含的社会意义。
6)linguistic sexism语言性别歧视
1.This paper examines linguistic sexism in current English textbooks of China primary schools from a sociolinguistic perspective.本文从社会语言学角度调查了我国小学英语教材中的语言性别歧视现象。
2.Since such cultural stereotype and prejudice as linguistic sexism hinders learners from learning English effectively and non-sexually, it is important to analyze the manifestations of culture in English study.从英语学习角度而言,语言性别歧视无疑给学习者造成了较大的干扰。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。