课件教学,courseware teaching
1)courseware teaching课件教学
1.As one realizable form of teaching patterns and methods modernization,courseware teaching plays an important role during the course of reform of teaching patterns,but some problems in courseware educational practice have a key effect on teaching effectiveness.作为教学模式与手段现代化的一种实现形式,课件教学在教学模式改革过程中具有重要作用,充分发挥计算机的优势对课件进行合理制作和利用,使教学过程各组成要素及其相互关系都处于良好状态,实现教学效果整体优化,进而为学科建设的系统发展提供技术支持。
2.This article introduces the facture of electronic teachnology basis courseware,and discusses the advantages of courseware teaching and its facture.多媒体课件的制作是对传统教学方法的革新,文章介绍了《电子技术基础》课件的研制,对课件教学的优势及课件的制作进行了阐述。

1.Difference Between the Teaching Model of CAI and That of ICAI;CAI课件教学模式和ICAI课件教学模式的分析比较
2.Consideration about the Teaching Practice of Classroom Applied CAI Courseware;课堂应用型CAI课件教学实践的反思
3.On Applying Multi-Media Teaching Software to Optimize the Course of Physical Teaching;应用多媒体教学课件优化体育课教学
4."Information Technique Lesson" Classroom Teaching and Lesson An Application;《信息技术课》课堂教学与课件应用
5.FrontPage and Creation of Teaching Lessons;FrongtPage与教学课件制作
6.Making courseware with PowerPoint2000;用PowerPoint2000制作教学课件实践
7.Development of CAI software on AutoCAD;AutoCAD辅助教学课件的研制
8.Experience of the Facture and Applying of the Courseware in the Class of Physiology;生理学课堂教学中课件的制作与应用
9.On Mathematics CAI Courseware Making for Classroom Teaching;浅谈课堂教学的数学CAI课件制作
10.Simple discuss on computer assisted instruction--couse ware & integrable ware;浅析计算机辅助教学软件—课件与积件
11.To Embellish Physical Classroom Teaching by Applying Multi-media CAI;应用多媒体课件(CAI)优化物理课堂教学
12.Optimization of Classroom Teaching Process by Rational Application of CAI Courseware;合理运用CAI课件优化课堂教学过程
13.Strategic Analysis on the Application of Multimedia Courseware in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学应用多媒体课件的策略分析
14.Application of Multimedia Courseware in Teaching Optimization;多媒体课件在课堂教学优化中的应用
15.On the Application of Multi-media Courseware in Class;浅谈多媒体课件在课堂教学中的应用
16.On the application of multimedia teaching to theoretical courses;多媒体课件应用于理论课教学的思考
17.On the Application of Multimedia-Coursewares in English Classroom Teaching;评析使用多媒体课件的英语课堂教学
18.Optimization of Classroom Teaching Effect by Multi-media Demonstrative Courseware;用多媒体演示课件优化课堂教学效果

teaching courseware教学课件
1.An exploration into cooperative development of teaching courseware;合作研制教学课件的探索
2.Exploiting Scientific Teaching Courseware Accelerating Teaching Reformation in the Colleges;科学开发教学课件促进高职院校教学改革
3.The ideal of developing teaching courseware based on CAD/CAE technique was presented.介绍了CAD/CAE技术的特点,提出基于CAD/CAE技术的研发金工教学课件的设想。
1.The design and making of multimedia courseware;多媒体教学课件的设计与制作
2.How to apply Flash cartoon to courseware;教学课件中如何加入F1ash动画
3.Application of multi-media courseware in P.E.;多媒体教学课件在体育教学中的应用
4)teaching FLASH courseware教学FLASH课件
1.hitTest() and makes a highly interactive teaching FLASH courseware to demonstrate the application of MovieClip.hitTest(),并应用其制作了一个交互性强的教学FLASH课件,展示了Movie-Clip。
5)CAI teaching coursewareCAI教学课件
1.A Probe into the Making and Teaching Effect of CAI of Artistic Gymnastics;艺术体操教学CAI课件的研制及教学效能探究
