会话准则,conversational maxims
1)conversational maxims会话准则
1.A recorded conversation from the real world is analysed according to the above aspects in pragmatics: conversational maxims,speech act and politeness.本文从语用学中的会话准则、言语行为和礼貌原则三个方面对一段真实录音进行语篇分析,并由此提出其对于英语口语教学的建议。
2.This paper studies the understanding of understatements within the theoretical framework of the cooperative principle to the effect that understatement is a case of maxim exploitation, and argues that the meaning of an understatement can be interpreted with the help of the conversational maxims.本文首先以格氏提出的“会话含义”中的合作原则的理论为背景 ,尝试从违反会话准则去解释低调陈述。
3.With careful analyses of the articles on the cooperative principle (CP) and its maxims published in China since 1980, this paper points out that there exist two problems in the research of the CP and its maxims, namely: 1) missing the point in the introduction to the CP; 2) confusing the conversational maxims with the CP.分析1980年以来国内发表的有关合作原则及其准则的文章,指出目前我国语用学界在合作原则及其准则研究中存在着对"合作原则"介绍不到位以及混淆"合作原则"与"会话准则"这两个重要概念的问题。

1.Grice s Q.Q.R.M. in College English Writing;格赖斯“会话准则”在大学英语写作中的应用
2.From maxims to cognition--On differences between conversational implication and Relevance;从准则到认知——会话含意理论与关联理论的差异
3.Its realization necessarily violates certain maxim(s) of the Cooperative Principle proposed by Grice in certain sense.反语会话含义的实现必然违反格赖斯合作原则中的某条准则。
4.Research on New Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Comparison;新会计准则与国际会计准则比较研究
5.Thinking about Discussing International Accounting Standards according to New Accounting Standards;从新会计准则看我国会计准则国际化
6.they must be drowned, else hunger would have driven them home by nightfall if not sooner.他们准是淹死了,否则的话,不要到天黑,他们就会饿得往家来。
7.Rules of Turn-Taking and Inference of Conversational Implicatures in Dialogues;话轮转换规则与“对话”的会话含意推导
8.Comparison between international accounting principle and enterprise accounting principle;国际会计准则与企业会计准则的比较——租赁准则的比较分析
9.He eventually conformed to the standards of society.他终于遵守了社会准则。
10.lack of moral standards in a society.一个社会缺乏道德准则。
11.standard of public conduct公共行为准则,社会风气
12.standard of accounting and auditing practices会计及核数执业准则
13.If not, refusal would be certain.否则的话,肯定会碰钉子。
14.The Comparative Study of Chinese Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的比较研究
15.Some Articles Contrast between Chinese and International Accounting Standards;中国会计准则与国际会计准则的若干差异研究
16.To Analyse on the Differences Between China s Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的差异分析
17.The On the Difference of Cash Flow Table between Study of the International Accountant Criterion and the Chinese Accountant Criterion;国际会计准则与中国会计准则《现金流量表》比较
18.Brief Discussion on the Difference and Advantage of New Accountant Criterion Compared with the Old One;浅议新会计准则较之旧会计准则的差异及优点

conversational maxim会话准则
1.The application of Grice cooperative principle and conversational maxim in human-machine dialog;Grice合作原则及会话准则在人机对话中的应用
3)Conversational principles会话原则
1.The paper analyzes the ways of language expression in tourism English and introduces some conversational principles proposed by Grice.分析了旅游英语中的话语表达方式,在介绍语言学家Grice所提出的语言交流中应遵守的一些基本原则的基础上,认为在对客服务中还应遵循关注他人尊重他人、少用第一人称等会话原则。
2.The central roles of a participant are mainly reflected in his choice of time and space for communication, in his determination of the styles of communication, in his manipulation of conversational principles and in his interpretation of cultural meanings, etc.交际者的核心地位主要表现在对交际时空的选择、交际模式的选择、对会话原则的支配以及对文化意义的支配等方面。
3.This thesis is a tentative endeavor to investigate the linguistic mechanisms of humor from the perspective of discourse analysis, and carries out an analysis of humor in American situation comedy Friends on formal links, conversational principles and contextual dimensions of discourse.其中,语篇衔接理论介绍了构成语篇的不同衔接手段;言语行为理论和两个会话原则——合作原则和礼貌原则将语篇作为一种社会行为和社会交际;语篇的语境则强调语篇作为社会交际的情景语境和文化语境因素。
4)conversational principle会话原则
1.The approach of adopting the integration of two conversational principles (Grice\'s cooperative principle and Leech\'s politeness principle) and some theories about dramatic conflicts to analyze TV series is in the field of dramatic stylistics.本文选取电视剧《幸福在哪里》中的一段场景,分析违反会话原则和产生戏剧冲突的关系,从而证明:英语会话原则能够用于对中国部分电视剧作品的批评和欣赏。
5)accounting principle会计准则
1.Modification,Innovation,and Imperfectness of New Accounting Principle;对新企业会计准则变化、创新及不足的探讨
2.On the International adjustment of accounting principles;试论会计准则的国际协调
3.Interaction and Concession between Accounting Principle and Tax Law;会计准则与税法的关系及其协调
6)accounting principles会计准则
1.A creative idea on the construction of accounting principles of China;建设我国会计准则的创新思考
2.Modeling, Depending Environment & Theoretical Analysis of Establishment of Accounting Principles;会计准则制定模式选择、依存环境及其理论分析
3.Earnings Management and the Accounting Principles Influence on It;盈余管理及会计准则对其产生的影响

会话对话 ①(多用于学习别种语言或方言时)。