意群,sense group
1)sense group意群
1.According the existence of the inappropriate phenomena of pauses in speech among our university students,we should strengthen the teaching of sense groups in phonetics,cultivate their awareness of sense groups and let them know the division of sense groups and master the rules of pauses in speech to promote English learning quality.我国大学生在英语话语中停顿不恰当现象较多,应加强语音课上的意群教学,培养学生的意群意识,让学生了解意群的划分,掌握话语中的停顿规则,提高英语学习质量。
1.The content and quality of sense-group as well as the important role in English study were discussed,thus induces several common longstanding mistaken ideas and expounds the measures of sense-group teaching.讨论了意群的内容和性质及在英语学习中的重要作用,归纳了学生听力和阅读理解中意群划分的几种常见的误区,阐述了意群教学的措施。
2.The paper describes the usual ways of the linking of the words or sounds within the same sense-group from three aspects:final consonants united to initial consonants,final consonants united to initial vowels,and final vowels united to initial vowels.文章指出英语话语中同一意群里辅音和辅音连读、辅音和元音连读、元音和元音连读的方法,同时指出经常被学生忽视的一些连读现象及方法。
3)the mass consciousness群众意识
1.Under present new situation,new challenge and new opportunity,how to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political work in colleges and universities?This thesis shows the writer s own understanding from such as strengthen the mass consciousness,strengthen Party construction and so on in order to enhance improve really the effectiveness of ideological and political work.分析当前思想政治工作面临的新形式、新挑战、新机遇 ,从强化群众意识着手 ,重视加强党的建设 ,切实改进和加强思想政治工作的实效
4)group consciousness群体意识
1.Yet knowledge and understanding of Sino-American national characters such as Chinese group consciousness,American individual consciousness,Chinese neutralization and American s competitiveness are of vital significance to deepen the bilateral understanding and promote a healthy development in the relationship of the two countries.认识并理解中美各自的民族性格,如中国的群体意识、美国的个体意识,中国人的中和意识与美国人的竞争意识,探寻形成各自性格特点的文化渊源,对于增进两国人民的相互了解、推动两国关系的健康发展具有重大的意义。
2.They formed the primary group consciousness,such as the colleague consciousness,fellow villager consciousness,and poor person consciousness,through weak relation and the outside c.他们通过相互之间的微弱联系和与外界的比较形成了同行意识、同乡意识和穷人意识等初级的群体意识。
3.Chinese tradational culture is not only the culture of ethics and humanity,but also that of group consciousness.中华传统文化不仅是伦理的文化、人本的文化,同时也是重群体意识的文化。

1.Investigation on the Relation of Chinese Group Awareness and Chinese National Cohesion;中国国民群体意识与中华民族凝聚力关系考察
2.Chinese Tradational Culture & Group Consciousness in Conternporary Novels;中华传统文化与当代小说中的群体意识
3.The Study on the Problem of the Group Consciousness of Innovation Talent of High-tech Park高新区创新型人才成长的群体意识问题研究
4.Research on the Development of Ingroup Awareness in the Context of Cultural Globalization文化全球化背景下内群体意识的发展变化研究
5.The Significance of the Research about the Unidentified Ethnic Groups in Yunnan;云南未识别群体研究的族群理论意义
6.National Consciousness and Life Consciousness of the Literary Group of the “Exile" --On the Local Novels of “North-East Writer Group";“流亡”文学群体的民族意识与生命意识——论“东北作家群”的乡土小说
7.Build the recognition of coal quality and strengthen the management to increase quality and efficiency;建塑群体煤质意识 强化管理提质创效
8.Features of “High Intellectual Group”and Their Joining the Party;“高知识群体”特征及其发展党员的意义
9.An Inspection Of The Reason Caused self-awareness Of Scholars And Gentry Group to Be Formed in Eastern Han Dynasty;东汉士人群体自觉意识形成原因考察
10.Du Weiming Discuss the Group Critical Self-consciousness of Intellectual杜维明论知识分子的群体批判自我意识
11.Study on Fitness Consciousness among Teachers with Senior Professional Titles at Colleges and Universities;高校高职称教师群体体育健身意识的调查研究
12.Change Group Contest Mechanism, Raise Students Sport Participation Consciousness;改变群体竞赛机制 提高学生体育参与意识
13.The " Pariah"' s Awareness and Struggle of Re-gaining Rights in the Southeast in Modern Times近代东南社会“贱民”群体的复权意识与复权斗争
14.Workers Collective Identity and Class Consciousness in State-owned Enterprises in the Times of Market Transformation;市场转型时期国企工人的群体认同与阶级意识
15.Identity Consciousness in Reference Group and Its Cause of Formation;参照群体下流动儿童的身份意识及成因
16.Comparative Study on Body-Building Consciousness of Different Women Groups in Wuhan;武汉市妇女不同定向群体健身意识对比研究
17.Cultivation of Youth Main Value and Mass Consciousness Disintegration;意识群体性分流与青少年主导价值观的培育
18.On the Disappearance about Gratitude Consciousness of the Urban Teenagers Vulnerable Groups;城镇青少年弱势群体感恩意识缺失问题研究

1.The content and quality of sense-group as well as the important role in English study were discussed,thus induces several common longstanding mistaken ideas and expounds the measures of sense-group teaching.讨论了意群的内容和性质及在英语学习中的重要作用,归纳了学生听力和阅读理解中意群划分的几种常见的误区,阐述了意群教学的措施。
2.The paper describes the usual ways of the linking of the words or sounds within the same sense-group from three aspects:final consonants united to initial consonants,final consonants united to initial vowels,and final vowels united to initial vowels.文章指出英语话语中同一意群里辅音和辅音连读、辅音和元音连读、元音和元音连读的方法,同时指出经常被学生忽视的一些连读现象及方法。
3)the mass consciousness群众意识
1.Under present new situation,new challenge and new opportunity,how to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political work in colleges and universities?This thesis shows the writer s own understanding from such as strengthen the mass consciousness,strengthen Party construction and so on in order to enhance improve really the effectiveness of ideological and political work.分析当前思想政治工作面临的新形式、新挑战、新机遇 ,从强化群众意识着手 ,重视加强党的建设 ,切实改进和加强思想政治工作的实效
4)group consciousness群体意识
1.Yet knowledge and understanding of Sino-American national characters such as Chinese group consciousness,American individual consciousness,Chinese neutralization and American s competitiveness are of vital significance to deepen the bilateral understanding and promote a healthy development in the relationship of the two countries.认识并理解中美各自的民族性格,如中国的群体意识、美国的个体意识,中国人的中和意识与美国人的竞争意识,探寻形成各自性格特点的文化渊源,对于增进两国人民的相互了解、推动两国关系的健康发展具有重大的意义。
2.They formed the primary group consciousness,such as the colleague consciousness,fellow villager consciousness,and poor person consciousness,through weak relation and the outside c.他们通过相互之间的微弱联系和与外界的比较形成了同行意识、同乡意识和穷人意识等初级的群体意识。
3.Chinese tradational culture is not only the culture of ethics and humanity,but also that of group consciousness.中华传统文化不仅是伦理的文化、人本的文化,同时也是重群体意识的文化。
5)group consent群体同意
6)ethnic identity族群意识
1.In this particular context, the ethnic groups of Yunnan are becoming more conscious of their ethnic identity, which is getting promoted due to interactions with tourists visiting the province.云南各少数民族在旅游开发的特定场景中 ,族群意识借助于民族身份的再认同被强化 ,甚至比以往更强烈 ,并在与民族旅游发展的互动中不断传承、延续、发展。
2.As a dramatist of the Yuan drama,Guan Hanqing has a strong ethnic identity.作为一个具有强烈族群意识的杂剧作家,在其作品中,关汉卿为不同的族群人物添加了不同的感情色彩。

八意──立颂八意【八意──立颂八意】  ﹝出华严经疏﹞  [一、少字摄多义],谓于一字中包摄多义也。如圆觉经,长行文中,佛为普眼菩萨说四大和合,各离之相,文义甚长,至于重颂,则以四句,收摄多义。偈云:身相属四大,心性归六尘,四大体各离,谁为和合者。等是也。(长行者,经之散文;重颂者,经之偈文也。四大者,地大、水大、火大、风大也。六尘者,色尘、声尘、香尘、味尘、触尘、法尘也。)  [二、赞叹多以偈颂],谓诸经中,凡菩萨等称赞叹美佛之功德,多以偈颂也。  [三、为钝根重说],谓佛为弟子说长行经竟,有根钝不能解悟,更为重说偈颂也。  [四、为后来之徒],谓佛为弟子说长行经竟,或有新来之众,未闻前说,佛则更为重说偈颂也。  [五、为随喜乐],谓佛随众机,有喜乐偈颂者,即为演说偈颂也。  [六、为易受持],谓佛因长行,文句繁多,恐难受持,故说偈颂,令人记忆。如为槃特说偈云:守口摄意身莫犯,如是行者得度世。等是也。(槃特,梵语具云槃陀伽,华言继道。)  [七、增明前说],谓初于长行文中,说义未尽,后于重颂,广明其义也。  [八、长行未说],谓不说长行,而直说偈颂,如金光明经空品是也。