1.Translation of similes and metaphors;明喻和隐喻的翻译(英文)
2.A Tentative Analysis on the Differences and Similarities of Simile and Metaphor;小议明喻和隐喻的差别与联系
3.A Study on How to Switch Simile to Metaphor according to Syntax;论明喻与隐喻在句式上的相互转化

1.the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。
2." As white as snow" is a simile.“洁白如雪”是明喻
3.Metaphor Everywhere--to Explore Translation Studies from Simile and Metaphor;无处不在的隐喻——从明喻、隐喻看翻译理论研究
4.A figure of speech, especially a metaphor or simile.演说形式,尤指明喻或隐喻
5.It is inconceivable that a software programme can translate metaphors, similes, innuendos and colloquial phrases.软件可以暗喻、明喻、影射以及口头吗?
6.Cultural Comparisons in Translation of Simile and Metaphor;明喻和暗喻翻译的文化比较(英文)
7.This is the simile of what I have just given to you.不过这是我已经给予你们的明喻
8.As white as snow" is a good example of a simile.洁白如雪”是一个明喻的好例子。
9."As white as snow" is a good example of a simile.“洁白如雪”是一个明喻的好例子。
10.Epic Similes in The Iliad and Their Influences;《伊利亚特》中的史诗明喻及其影响
11.Simile and Metaphor,Sequential or Parallel in Production? A Cognitive Approach in Terms of the Metaphorical Instances in the Book of Song;论明喻和隐喻产生的先后顺序——一项以《诗经》为语料的认知研究
12.From Metaphor to Simile--A Milestone in the Course of Human s Thinking Progress;从隐喻到明喻——人类思维发展进程中的一座里程碑
13.Translation of Puns,Nonce Words,Parodies,Similes and Metaphors in English Advertisements;浅谈广告英语中双关语、杜撰词、仿拟、明喻和暗喻的翻译
14.tell its own story [tale]本身表明,不言而喻
15.(metaphor) shining brightly.(比喻说法)明亮的发光。
16.shaped; (fig.) clear or definite轮廓鲜明的;形状美好的;(喻)清楚明白的
17.The importance of his creation is clear.他的发明的重要性是不言而喻的。
18.The previous proof can be restated as a story.上述证明可以用下面的比喻重述如下。

Yu Shi Ming Yan《喻世明言》
1.Above all were embodied in the economic lexicon of Yu Shi Ming Yan.这些在《喻世明言》的经济词汇中都有所体现。
2.Buddhist Monk Yuemin and Liucui is one work of Yu Shi Ming Yan.《月明和尚度柳翠》是《喻世明言》中的一篇作品,佛教对其影响体现在:作品中的两个子故事来源于佛教;两个子故事嫁接后产生的新故事借鉴了佛本生故事轮回转世的结构,在主题上宣扬了佛教因果报应的思想。
3)epic simile史诗明喻
1.In a spectacular way,the large number of epic similes found in The Iliad contributes to the sublime and grand style of the epic.《伊利亚特》中大量的史诗明喻是构成这部史诗雄伟壮丽风格的一个重要方面。
4)extended simile扩展明喻
5)simile images明喻意象
1.It starts with an analysis of the development of the simile images from the traditional.莎士比亚的明喻意象经历了从传统风格到与戏剧完美融合的历程,其隐喻意象由彼特拉克式隐喻发展到混合隐喻意象,其曲喻意象经历了承袭、发展和创新的演进过程。
6)Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World喻世明言

明喻1.明白的比方。 2.明白地说出。 3.比喻的一种。表明本体事物"像"喻体事物的修辞关系。本体和喻体之间,一般有喻词"似"﹑"若"﹑"像"﹑"如同"﹑"好比"等。如"鲁迅的杂文似匕首,如投枪,直刺敌人的心脏"就是明喻。