1.Study on sustainable development of Ningxia based on the ecological footprint analysis method;基于生态足迹分析法的宁夏可持续发展研究
2.Investigation and Analysis of Health Status on Ventilating System in Air Condition in Hotel and Restaurants of Ningxia Area;2006年宁夏地区宾馆饭店集中空调通风系统卫生学调查
3.Application foreground of artificial wetland wastewater treatment technique in Ningxia;人工湿地污水处理技术在宁夏的应用前景

1.Museum of Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, Ningxia宁夏回族自治区博物馆
2.On Thberculosis Surveillance in Ningxia:1987-1991宁夏1987~1991年结核病监测
3.Characteristics of the surface raindrop size distribution of summer stratiformis precipitation in Ningxia province宁夏盛夏层状云降水雨滴谱特征分析
4.Study on Ninglingting Zhicao that collected in the Toyo Bunko日本东洋文库藏宁夏《宁灵厅志草》考略
5.Cultural Landscape and Its Development of Xixia Architecture in Ningxia Area;宁夏区域西夏建筑文化景观及其开发利用
7.On Idea of Urban Integration of City Zone along the Yellow River in Ningxia--An Interpretation on Strategy of Establishing Gold Bank of Yellow River in Ningxia;宁夏沿黄城市群的同城化构想——解读宁夏打造“黄河金岸”发展战略
8.The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;宁夏中宁电厂取水工程防洪及河道行洪评价
9.On Development Innovation and Supporting System of Agricultural Industry in Zhongning County,Ningxia Autonomous Region;宁夏中宁县枸杞产业发展创新与配套制度
10.Discussion on the Ningxia s Situation of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the Behavior of "Ningxia Ma"Group;试论抗战中的宁夏形势与“宁马”集团的表现
11.Analysis of temperature contrast and observation between urban and outskirt areas of Yongning County宁夏永宁城区与城郊温度对比观测分析
12.Survey on Fishery Resources of Yazidang Reservoir in Ningdong,Ningxia宁夏宁东鸭子荡水库渔业资源调查报告
13.The Yellow River nourished the ancient civilization in the region known as Ningxia today.河水浇灌了宁夏的古代文明。
14.The reason why the region is comparatively speaking more advanced in cultural development lies in the existence of a vast network of canals.宁夏的文化繁荣,全赖渠水维系。
15.The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region controlled the spread of the plague in 1963.宁夏于1963年控制了人间鼠疫。
16.the Ningxia Hui autonomous Region, Guangdong Province, the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province.宁夏和广东、广西、云南、福建、江苏等地。
17.Perhaps the most interesting sitht in Ningxia are the water conservancy and irrigation systems.到宁夏观光,最吸引人的,首推水利工程。
18.the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, founded in October 1958;1958年10月,宁夏回族自治区成立;

Ningxia Hui autonomous region宁夏
1.On the causes and integrated control strategy of the sandstorm in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China;中国宁夏沙尘暴的成因与防治对策研究
2.Regional Framework on Management Model of Avoiding Calamity Agriculture Based on Arid Calamity in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;干旱灾害背景下宁夏避灾农业经营模式的地域构架
3.Composition and distribution and harm of fleas in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏蚤类组成、分布与危害
3)Ningxia province宁夏
1.Analysis on Main Factors that Affected Food Production in Ningxia Province;宁夏粮食产量主要影响因子分析
2.Study on Sustainable Use of Soil Resources in Ningxia Province;宁夏土地资源可持续利用研究
3.Research on sustainable development of Ningxia Province,China,based on the system dynamic model基于SD模型的宁夏可持续发展研究
4)Ningxia Autonomous Region宁夏
1.Comparison of different soil-burry methods on the over-wintering of wine grape cultivars in Ningxia Autonomous Region;宁夏酿酒葡萄不同埋土方式越冬效果的比较
2.The index system for assessing the stability of ecosystem in oasis of the Ningxia Autonomous Region,China,is established based on water resources,soil resources, biology resources and environment which are important factors affecting the stability of ecosystem.本文以宁夏绿洲为例,综合考虑水资源、土地资源、生物资源和环境因子四项影响绿洲生态稳定性的主要因素,建立了系统的绿洲生态稳定性评价指标体系,在此基础上,应用广义水资源合理配置模型以及依托配置模型构建的植被群落盖度与地下水埋深之间的关系,建立了绿洲生态稳定性预测模型,对受水资源约束条件下的绿洲生态演化过程进行了定量分析,预测未来不同水资源条件下的绿洲生态稳定性。
3.in this paper, the geochemical characteristics of the gold mineralization in Xihua mountains,Haiyuan, Ningxia Autonomous Region are discussed for the first time accordillg to the microelements, sulfur and oxygen isotopes and the fluid inclusions.本文通过微量元素、硫同位素、氧同位素及矿物流体包裹体研究等方法首次对宁夏海原西华山地区金矿化的地球化学特征进行了探讨,提出了地层、构造及岩浆活动三者联合控矿的成因认识。
1.On Development Innovation and Supporting System of Agricultural Industry in Zhongning County,Ningxia Autonomous Region;宁夏中宁县枸杞产业发展创新与配套制度
6)Yongning Ningxia宁夏永宁

宁夏话考究—宁夏方言特色一:qing(庆) 注释:自做多情,无事生非。 经典句型:你小心qing死了着。。。。 羊油滴到石板上,qing住了~~` 二:shong 注释:形容某人做了被人所不齿的事,或其本人被人所不齿。 经典句型:你听你都说了些撒,快把人shong死了。 三:ta(踏) 注释:意为用脚踩,为威胁用语 经典句型:你再这么个小心我踏开了着。 四:saoqing(骚轻) 注释:意为某人举止轻浮含有轻佻,挑逗意味。 经典句型:你再少saoqing,听下列嘛? 五:er(二) 注释:多用来形容人做出了超出规范的事或性格卤莽不考虑后果。 经典句型:你咋这么二撒? 六:song(松) 注释:用在某个单字的后面,语意可褒可贬,主要由说话人所决定。 经典句型:qingsong,shongsong........... 七:niao(尿) 注释:理睬的意思。与“不”连用,意为“不理睬” 经典句型:他二着咋呢?再我也不niao他! 八:nie(捏) 注释:与“家”连用,为“人家”的意思。 经典句型:我给nie家说了半天,nie家就是没niao我.