1.Application of electromagnetic induction EM38 to rapid analysis of soil salinization in the Yellow River Delta;EM38在黄河三角洲地区土壤盐渍化快速检测中的应用研究
2.Status and Countermeasure Study on Water-salt Balance of Irrigation District with Salinization in Xinjiang Province;新疆盐渍化灌区水盐平衡现状及对策
3.Application of electromagnetic method to soil salinization assessment;电磁感应方法在土壤盐渍化评价中的应用研究

1.The factors causing soil salinization include natural factors such as climate, hydrological and geological conditions, and human-made factors, such as irrigation patterns and cultivating system.盐渍化土壤类型主要为典型盐土、沼泽盐土、碱化盐土和干旱盐土。
2.Remote Sensing Technique Appling to Dynamic Monitor in Soil Salinity;遥感技术应用于土壤盐渍化动态监测
3.Remote sensing information model of soil salinization in northwestern arid area of China西北干旱区土壤盐渍化遥感信息模型
4.Effect of salinity soil improvement on crop production盐渍化土壤改良措施的作物生产效应
5.Research on the Influence Factors of the Transfer of Water and Salt of the Low Plain in Western Jilin Province;吉林西部低平原盐渍化水盐运移影响因素研究
6.Salt Characteristics of Salt-affected Soil in the Middle Reach of Heihe River in Gansu Province西北地区黑河中游盐渍化地区土壤盐分特征
7.The salinization is one of the main types desertificated and the land degradation.盐渍化是荒漠化和土地退化的主要类型之一。
8.Research Progress of the Effects of Soil Salinization on Physiology and Biochemistry of Tobacco土壤盐渍化对烟草生理生化影响的研究进展
10.Simulative Prediction and Evaluation on Groundwater Dynamics of Arid and Salinization Irrigation Area;干旱盐渍化灌区水资源动态预测与评价研究
11.Study on Characteristics of Secondary Salinization of Soil under Protected Cultivation in Nanhui District of Shanghai City;上海市南汇区设施土壤次生盐渍化特点研究
12.The Study of Salinized Land Improvements in the Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province;甘肃河西走廊盐渍化土地治理技术研究
13.Preliminary Study on the Synthesis Effects of Water and Fertilizer in Saline Soil;盐渍化土壤向日葵水肥综合效应初步研究
14.The Study on the Saline Soil Spectrum, Spatial Characteristic and Composition in the Arid Regions;干旱区绿洲盐渍化地光谱、空间特征与成分研究
15.Research on the Soil-salinization Spatial-temporal Evolution Based on 3S Technique in Arid Area;基于3S技术的干旱区土壤盐渍化时空演变研究
16.The Improvement Efficiency of Alfalfa to Saline Soil in Hexi Corrider;苜蓿对河西走廊盐渍化土壤的改良效果
17.The Response Mechanism of Stress of Soil Salinizationon Apple Tree in Arid Region;干旱地区果树对土壤盐渍化胁迫的响应机制
18.Study of the Soil Salinization in the Ebinur Lake Area Based on RS and GIS;基于RS和GIS的艾比湖流域土壤盐渍化研究

soil salinization盐渍化
1.Analysis on characteristics of soil salinization in the arid regions:A case study in the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa Rivers;干旱区典型绿洲土壤盐渍化特征分析——以渭干河-库车河三角洲为例
2.Analysis on characteristics of soil salinization in the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa Rivers;渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲盐渍化土壤特征研究
3.Assessment on the effect of irrigation technology on soil salinization in Manas River valley,Xinjiang;新疆玛纳斯河流域灌溉技术对土壤盐渍化的影响
1.An Experiment of Remote Sensing and GIS Based on Quautity of Soil Salinity;土壤盐渍化量化的遥感与GIS实验
2.The seawater flowing backward can result in serious salinity of paddy soil.海水倒灌可导致水田土壤严重盐渍化
4)saline soil盐渍化土
1.The effect of land use on the levels of salt and organic matter in saline soil;利用方式对盐渍化土壤中有机质和盐分的影响
1.The summer maize have been planted after the harvest of the salt-enduring wheat in salinisation, which is one technical measure of the ameliorating quickly salinisation land and one important means of the utilizing fully natural resources in land, light, water and so on.在盐渍化地上直接种植耐盐小麦后复播玉米 ,既是作为快速改良盐碱地的技术措施之一 ,又是充分利用土地、光热、水分等自然资源的重要手段。

次生盐渍化次生盐渍化secondary salinization ofl)趁积,沐联、大多地的e isheng yanzihua次生盐渍化(seeondary salinizati由于水利或农业措施不当,招致盐分在土壤表层盏使好地变成盐碱地的现象,亦称次生盐碱化。 灌区次生盐渍化是一个世界性问题。美国、弓印度、巴基斯坦和埃及等国历史较久的河水灌区数发生过次生盐渍化。中国陕西、宁夏、内蒙等老灌区,黄淮海平原z0世纪50年代发展的引黄或对灌区,也都不同程度地发生过次生盐渍化,影响榨效益的发挥,危害灌区农业生产。 灌区次生盐渍化的主要原因是灌排不当,靡地下水位升高所致。主要有以下几种情况:①天奔水条件差,而人工排水设施的能力又不足;②低乞区沥涝积水;③灌溉渠系没有防渗设施,引进的刁量渗漏;④洼淀、平原水库和河渠蓄水位高,周丈无截渗排水设施;⑤土地不平,大水漫灌;⑥渠全长,延长了输水时间,或渠道缺少退水设施,余刁不出去;⑦水稻与早作插花种植等。 在缺乏排水设施的新灌区,次生盐渍化发展泛很快。在地下水位浅的灌区,灌后一、二年就会但生盐渍化而减产。次生盐渍化首先发生在输水时介长的干支渠两侧和平原水库四周,进而向面上扩展砂壤土和轻质土地区,土壤毛管性能强,比粘质」区更易发生次生盐渍化。 次生盐渍化防治措施灌区内土壤次生盐渍不可以防止的。主要措施是:①建立有通畅排水出足田间排水系统,通过灌排系统的管理运用,保持月排出的盐量大于引入的盐量,并控制地下水位在嗦深度以下,使整个根系层不发生盐分积累。②搞女道防渗,平整土地,加强用水管理,适时适量灌③在水文地质条件适合的地区尽可能实行井渠结崔溉,通过开发地下水,调控地下水位。④加强农」术措施。灌后适时中耕,减少土壤蒸发并防止返⑤改革种植制度,种地养地,增施有机肥料,不以高土壤肥力。⑥营造护田林网,利用生物排水。 (方生库溉区排地大又过排度次较粉地是的区屏渠呱灌肢么漫