1.Causes of Complaint Events in Outpatient Dispensary and Countermeasures;门诊药房投诉事件发生的诱因与防范措施探讨
2.Hospital complaint management to improve medical quality;加强医院投诉管理 提升医疗服务质量
3.Learning Healthcare Service Committee in Victoria, Australia and developing hospital complaint system in China;借鉴澳大利亚维多利亚州卫生服务委员会的经验完善我国医院投诉系统

1.civil complaint民事投诉 -原告的
2.Receive and manage employee grievances.接受员工的投诉,管理员工投诉
3.face a barrage of angry complaints面对一连串愤怒的投诉.
4.We were on the receiving end of several complaints.我们蒙受到好几次投诉
5.Insurance Claims Complaints Board保险索偿投诉委员会
6.Transport Complaints Unit [Transport Bureau]交通投诉组〔运输局〕
7.Estate Complaint Register屋?办事处投诉登记册
8.I'm capable of dealing with complaints.我有能力处理投诉事件。
9.a mountain of debts, complaints, queries大量的欠债、 投诉、 询问.
10.They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.他们说服他撤回了投诉.
11.She complained of the wrongs she had suffered.她投诉说她受到委屈.
12.Complaints Against Police Office [CAPO] [Hong Kong Police Force]投诉警察课〔香港警务处〕
13.grievance procedures (囚犯)冤情投诉程序
14.Letters of complaint flooded in.投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。
15.Complaint Book [Independent Commission Against Corruption]投诉登记册〔廉政公署〕
16.Transport Complaints Unit sub-committee交通投诉组小组委员会
17.Case Review Committee [Correctional Services Department]投诉复核委员会〔惩教署〕
18.Complaints Investigation Unit [Correctional Services Department]投诉调查组〔惩教署〕

1.Analysis on the causes and countermeasures of patients complaints about the quality of nursing in operation room;对手术室护理质量投诉的原因分析及对策
2.Exploration of the precautions against the complaints of the quality of nursing service from the view of medical ethics;从医德角度剖析护理服务质量投诉
3.Health complaints of Xiaoshan District in 2008萧山区2008年卫生投诉举报情况分析
1.According to the consideration on critical complain problems met in the developing process of Liyin value-added service in Taiyuan Communications Company, using visual programming tools and on bases of advanced database management technology, solution plan and realization method are provided which meet the practical management of company.就太原通信公司丽音信使这项增值业务在发展过程中遇到的比较关键的投诉问题进行思考,采用可视化编程工具,依托先进的数据库管理技术提出了比较切合公司管理实际的解决方案和实现方法,是增值业务管理过程中,通过改进管理手段提高业务管理水平的有益探索和实践。
2.This research explores the impact of regret on postpurchase behaviors of complaining and switching,as well as the moderating effect of relationship quality(satisfaction,trust and commitment) between regret and switching behavior,conducting an investigation of mobile telephone buying,sampling 270 undergraduates of four universities in Hangzhou.文章以杭州市四所大学的270名大学生为样本,以手机购买行为为问卷调查的情境,实证研究了在中国背景下消费者后悔情绪对购买后投诉、转换行为的影响以及关系质量(满意、信任、承诺)在此关系中的缓冲作用。
1.Approach to the commonly-encounterd food hygiene appeals;试述常见食品卫生质量投诉的处理
2.It is necessary to construct a new framework of relief that grants the victim the status of a principal party in legal relations where he has the right to appeal to administration for legal relief to ensure his rights are protected.在此框架下,受害人取得行政法律关系主体资格,有权利向行政机关依法投诉,请求行政机关给予受损权益法律上的行政救济,使自己的合法权益得到最充分的保护。
5)quality complain质量投诉
1.Analysis and investigation of client quality complains is a hot potato for many cement enterprises.顾客质量投诉的原因分析与调查,是困扰许多水泥厂的一个难题。
6)Pollution complaint污染投诉
