1.Topographic Effect on Geostrophic Adjustment and Frontogenesis;地形对地转适应和锋生的影响(英文)
2.Mechanism of Balanced Flow and Frontogenesis;平衡流形成的机制与锋生(英文)
3.The non-geostrophic wet Q-vector(Q~*) method is adopted to analyze frontogenesis phenomenon,which occurs in the circulation of typhoon Winnie during its extratropical transformation and re-intensification process based on CAMS/T106 1.125°格点资料,采用非地转湿Q矢量对登陆台风Winnie(9711)变性加强过程中环流内的锋生现象进行诊断分析。

1.Formation or intensification of a meteorological front.锋生气象锋的形成或增强
2.Analysis of Frontogenesis in a Cold-Wave Process on 18 April 2008 in Xinjiang4·18寒潮天气过程中的锋生分析
3.Frontal genesis of moisture atmosphere during the early 2008 persistent freezing-rain event in southern China2008年初江南冻雨过程的湿大气锋生
4.In avant-garde New York everybody knew money.在先锋派的纽约,人人都精于生财之道。
5.Lei Feng devoted himself to the cause of communism.雷锋把一生献给了共产主义事业。
6.Rooftop squares do not block charges between two creatures on the same rooftop.相同屋顶上的两个生物则可以冲锋。
7.The New Way to Renascence of Chinese Classic Poetry--Comment on Notes on Poetry by Mo Li-feng;古典诗词重生的新路径——评《莫砺锋诗话》
8.Passing by the"Pioneer",the Analysis to the Art Status of the Young Generation与“先锋”擦身而过——“后生代”艺术状况分析
9.Physiological and Ecological Properties of Agriophyllum Squarrosum, a Pioneer Plant for Sand Control;固沙先锋植物沙米的生物与生理生态学特征
10.From the Perspective of Literary Production Mechanism in the Avant-garde Novel Context从文学生产机制角度探析先锋小说的发生语境
11.make dull or blunt, as of sharp edges or knives' blades.使锋利的刀刃或刀子的刀片迟钝或生硬。
12.Johnson& Johnson, for instance, is a product leader in the medical equipment field.比如说,强生公司是医疗器材领域的产品先锋。
13.Such a milieu would have been perfect soil for a fresh culture to germinate and grow out of the Chinese heritage.这种境界应该是诞生华人先锋文化的理想土壤。
14.There will be granted to him over and over again, in points like jewels, the lapidary phrase.他笔锋所至,仍会出现锦词秀句,妙笔生花的胜败。
15.Measure for measure.53. Saying is one thing and doing another.53. To save time is to lengthen life.针锋相对。言行不一。节约时间就是延长生命。
16.In the belief battlefield, he maintains at the life the charge posture.在信仰的战场上,他把生命保持在冲锋的姿态。
17.Preliminary Study of Microbial Community Structure in the East China Sea Shelf Area and the Frontal Region of the Northern Part of the South China Sea;东海陆架及南海北部锋区微生物群落结构初探
18.A Contrastive Study of the Metaphors of Xin & Heart--Discussing with Wu Enfeng;英汉“心”隐喻对比研究——与吴恩锋先生商榷

Frontal zone frontogenesis锋区锋生
3)frontogenesis and frontolysis锋生锋消
4)Warm front暖锋锋生
5)Humidity front frontogenesis湿度锋锋生
6)Biology Xianfeng生物先锋
1.Influence of Spraying Biology Xianfeng on Quality of Cut Flowers and Chlorophyll Content of Lilium longiflorum;喷施生物先锋对麝香百合切花品质和叶绿素的影响
