1.Discussion on the Role of REE in Stratigraphic Subdivision and Correlation in Coal Measures from Bijie City,Guizhou Province;贵州毕节地区煤层中稀土元素在含煤地层划分与对比中应用探讨
2.Coal resources in Bijie area of Guizhou and economic development;贵州毕节地区煤炭资源与经济发展思路
3.Exploitation and application of medicinal bryophytes in Bijie Pretecture;毕节地区药用苔藓植物资源及开发利用

1.The Connection between the Economy Development in Bijie Prefecture and the Development of Bijie College;毕节地区经济社会发展与毕节学院建设
2.Current Situation,Problems and Countermeasures in Industrial Development of Off-season Vegetablein Bijie City;毕节市夏秋反季节蔬菜产业发展现状及对策
3.Current Development Situation of Off-season Vegetables in Summer and Autumn and its Countermeasure in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区夏秋反季节蔬菜发展现状及对策
4.Study on the Structural Adjustment of Agricultural Industry in Bijie Region of Guizhou Province;贵州毕节地区农业产业结构调整研究
5.Dynamic Evolution Analysis on Land Use Structure in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区土地利用结构动态演变分析
6.Current Development of Potato Industry and Its Countrmeasures in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区马铃薯产业发展现状及对策
7.Mental Health Education after the Transformation of Bijie University;毕节学院转型后的心理健康教育工作
8.Evaluation on Major Agricultural Management Models in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区主要生态农业经营模式评析
9.A Comparison of the Simple or Compound Vowels in Bijie Dialect with Those in Beijing Pronunciations;毕节方言韵母与北京韵母的对应规律
10.Growing With the Times,Investigating Bijie Experimental Region With A Strategic Foresight;与时俱进,以战略眼光审视毕节试验区
11.A preliminary Discussion of Reserve Cultivated Land Resource in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区耕地后备资源开发利用初探
12.The Study of Forest Fire Prevention at Bijie Prefecture of Guizhou Province贵州省毕节试验区森林火灾预防研究
13.Exist problems and countermeasures of rocky desertification control in Bijie region毕节地区石漠化治理存在问题及对策
14.Investigation of 13 Cases of Poisoning Caused by Wild Mushrooms in Bijie City during 2004-2008毕节市2004—2008年13起野生蘑菇中毒调查
15.A epidemiological investigation of alcohol dependence in guiyang,anshun and bijie of guizhou province贵阳、安顺、毕节三地区酒依赖调查分析
16.An Experimental Study on the Tones of Bijie Dialect;毕节市区方言声调实验研究——毕节试验区方言声调实验研究系列之一
17.Strengthen Every Link of Graduation Design and Improve Its Quality;抓好毕业设计环节 提高毕业设计质量
18.I'll have to pinch if I am going to get through school.如果我想读到毕业,便非节俭不可。

Bijie prefecture毕节地区
1.Question and Relevant Countermeasure of Ecological Environment in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区生态环境问题与对策措施
2.The Effects of the Performance of Water and Soil Conservation on hydrological Environment in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区水土保持建设对水文环境的良性效应
3.The Development of Bijie Local Documents in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区地方文献的开发
3)Bijie City毕节市
1.Discussion on the Prevention Measure of Karst Rocky Desertification in Bijie City;毕节市喀斯特石漠化防治工程措施的探讨
4)Bijie area毕节地区
1.Taking new opportunity and accelerating vegetable industrialization in Bijie area;抓住新机遇 加快毕节地区蔬菜产业化发展
2.The condition of agricultural 1and intensive utilization in the Bijie area was evaluated and analyzed by analytic hierarchy process.从投入强度、产出效果、利用程度、可持续利用4个层次构建了农用地集约利用评价指标体系,采用层次分析法,对毕节地区农用地集约利用情况进行评价分析。
3.Experiment carried out to research the main disease and pests in tobacco young plant periods and the field of Bijie area, from 2003 to 2005.2003年至2005年,在烤烟苗期、大田期对毕节地区主要烟区主要病虫害发生情况进行调查,结果表明,烟草病毒病(TMV、CMV和PVY)、赤星病、青枯病、黑胫病、根结线虫病、烟青虫和烟蚜为轻度发生或偏轻度发生。
5)Bijie Region毕节地区
1.Analysis of Chemical Components in Flue-cured Tobacco of Bijie Region;毕节地区烤烟化学成分分析
2.Fuzzy Judgement and Dividing on Introduction Suitability of Introducting Pond Baldcypress in Bijie Region;毕节地区池杉引种造林适宜性的Fuzzy评判及分区
3.Exist problems and countermeasures of rocky desertification control in Bijie region毕节地区石漠化治理存在问题及对策
6)Bijie of Guizhou贵州毕节

毕节县  贵州省西北部经济、文化和交通中心,毕节地区行署驻地。位于黔西北边境,北隔赤水河与四川相望,西与云南镇雄县毗连。面积3412平方公里,人口106.07万;其中少数民族人口占总人口12.3%。县府驻毕节镇。秦置汉阳县,汉置平夷县,唐宋为羁縻"禄州"。元改称平迟安德,为罗氏鬼国土著部落所据。明洪武十七年(1384)置毕节卫。清康熙时裁卫置毕节县。1935年4月和1936年2月,红军长征两次过毕节,建立川、滇、黔革命委员会和毕节抗日救国会。县境地势较高,海拔约1500米,群山起伏,位置重要。古代是蜀国、中原一带通往夜郎国、南诏国的重要交通孔道;近代亦是川、 滇、黔3省公路交通要冲。20世纪 50年代以来建有造纸、软木、蛋粉、卷烟、粮油加工等轻工业,化肥、农机、水泥等地方工业也已初具规模。县境青场区发现有新石器时代文化遗迹。