1.Standardized management and implementation of digitalization input for Liaohe Oilfield past geologging data;辽河油田历年地质录井资料数字化录入的规范管理与实施
2.The Recognition of The Total Gas Curve "Negative Shift" and Discussion on Data Application Value;对气测全量曲线“负漂”的认识及资料应用价值的探讨

1.Global Resource Information Database全球资源资料数据库
2.CG [capital goods ]生产资料、资本货物[
3.HR Data Support Section人力资源资料辅助组
4.Settlements Information Network Africa非洲人类住区资料网(非洲住区资料网)
5.correlate one set of data with another set将一组资料与另一组资料联系起来
6.ocean data buoy海洋资料浮标海洋资料浮筒
7.Programme Element Information Sheet方案构成部分资料单(资料单)
8.International Audio-Visual Resource Service国际视听资料服务处(视听资料处)
9.Will I need to leave my CD in the drive in order to play?玩资料片需要一直使用资料片光盘吗?
10.The main file in a charging system is the loans file.出借系统的主要资料档是借书资料档。
11.They collect data, analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day.他们收集资料,分析资料,预测来日天气。
12.This data has been collected from a database.这项资料是从一个资料库中搜集到的。
13.Comprehensive Well and Geological Constrained Seismic Inversion;地震资料与测井资料的综合约束反演
14.publication and display of advertising materials relating to films发布影片宣传资料;刊印与陈列影片宣传资料;展示影片宣传资料
15.United Kingdom Chemical Information Service联合王国化学资料
16.Statistical and Economic Information Bulletin统计及经济资料公报
17.They are trying to get the data together.他们设法汇集资料
18.The records furnished the information required.记录提供所需资料

1.The construction and information analysis of Liujiagou reservoir curtain grouting test;刘家沟水库帷幕灌浆试验施工和资料分析
2.Strengthen the quality control management,geological drilling improve the reliability of the information,accuracy加强质量控制管理,提高钻探地质资料的可靠性、准确性
3.In this paper a database management system far grouting engineering information is established.本文建立了岩体注浆工程资料数据库管理系统,实现了对注浆数据的系统管理。
1.Basic demands of quality guarantee material of building engineering;建筑工程(土建)质量保证资料的基本要求
2.An analysis and study of utilization rate of audiovisual materials in reference room of Wushu Department,Wuhan Institute of P.E.;对武汉体院武术专业资料室声像资料利用率的分析与研究
3.For the common problem,the paper proposed some measures of strengthening supervision materials management for improving the supervision level.针对检查发现的一些常见问题,提出了规范、加强监理资料管理的措施,以进一步规范监理工作。
1.This paper reexamines materials found many years ago in Shunchang, Fujian Province, and offers a brand-new approach and theoretical explanation.通过对数年前在福建顺昌所发现的有关“齐天大圣”资料的重新考证和分析研判,在充分肯定其价值和功不可没的基础上,以全新的资料研究和考据诠释,对王益民先生公布的“研究成果”中的诸多不适之处提出质疑,指出那种据此断言“孙悟空祖籍福建”或“孙悟空是顺昌人”的认定是一次远离其应有价值而充满误读误判的炒作,隐含了严重的负面效果。
2.Chinese researching class is a practical activity in which the students, given a topic, collect materials, and then get a conclusion, and finally write out a research report.语文探究课是学生根据一定的题目,搜集、研究资料,得出结论,写出探究报告的实践活动。
3.Besides inspecting the original cultural relics, the delegation collected a lot of precious materials, which are not only indispensable to the centennial exhibition, but also essential to further study and development of Dunhuang art.还征集到许多十分珍贵的资料
1.Software research and development for CINRAD datum integration;新一代天气雷达资料整编软件的研制与开发
2.Files of finished engineering are significant technique datum in basic design,and are important composes of national science and technology record.竣工文件是基本设计的重要技术资料,是国家科技档案的重要组成部分。
3.The whole process of inviting public bidding and bidding is complex,during which lots of documents and datum will come into being.招标、投标及施工是一个复杂的过程,这期间将产生大量的文件和资料,这些文件和资料是施工企业适应工程造价改革的工程基础性资源,对其加强管理将促进企业市场竞争能力的提高。
6)data of resources资源资料
