1.Study on Discounted Rate Risk for Corporation Capital Budgeting Based on Duration;基于持续期的企业资本预算折现率风险研究
2.The accumulative temperature of ≥10 ℃(∑T10) and the duration days of ≥10 ℃(D10)indicated the varation of the accumulative temperature of Northern Xinjiang.还得出了积温与持续期的一元线性回归方程。
3.We develop a duration approach based on the analysis and use emulator to prove the feasibility of the approach when the yield curve shifts.根据影响债券收益的多个风险因素,提出基于债券风险因素分析的持续期计算方法,并通过仿真计算验证了在收益率波动的情况下用该持续期计算方法规避风险的可行性。

1.Comparison of Stock Bubbles in Different Stock Markets Based on Duration Dependence Model;基于持续期限模型的中外股市泡沫实证分析
2.lasting for an indefinitely long period of time.无期限持续很长时期的。
3.Continuing indefinitely or for a long period of time.持久的,不断的无期限持续或长期的
4.The term or duration of such a contract.租期这样一种契约的期限或持续时间
5.uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing.时间上不中断而且是无限期的持续。
6.security of tenure合同在期限内持续有效的保证
7.Persistent dumping, as its name implies, goes on indefinitely.持续性倾销顾名思义,就是无限期地持续地进行倾销。
8.Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time.长期的,长久的继续或保持无限长的时间的
9.The hybrid swarms may become larger and persist indefinitely.杂种群将逐渐扩大并无限期地持续下去。
10.Difference of Uneployment Insurance Duration and Unemployment Duration;失业保险给付期限差异下的失业持续时间研究
11.Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group of the Commission on Sustainable Development可持续发展委员会不限成员名额特设闭会期间工作组
12.We continued to do well in arbitrage last year, though - or perhaps because - we operated on a very limited scale.我们持续在短期套利交易上有所斩获,虽然我们从事的规模有限
13.Once the fee has been paid in respect of the initial period of the registration or of any renewal period, no further payment may be required for the maintenance of the registration in respect of that period.一旦首次注册期或任何续展期的注册费用已支付,不得要求就上述期限再支付维持注册的费用。
14.The letter of credit is valid for 15 days after the shipment date.赵: 信用证有效期持续到持运期后15天。
15.repeat this procedure for 2 weeks.就这样连续保持两星期。
16.playback duration重放期间,重放(持续)时间
17.The trial lasted a week.审讯持续了一个星期.
18.The hot season is very long.高温时期持续很长。

1.Duration,Volume,Volatility and Informed Trading;持续期间、交易量、波动率与知情交易
4)Prolonged dry spells sorry for this inconvenience持续干期
5)macaulay durationMacaulay持续期
6)oil injection duration喷油持续期

欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权  【欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权】期权合约所规定的权利有一定的时效期,过了失效日后,权利即行作废。一些期权规定权利仅能在有效期的最后一天执行,这种期权被称为欧洲式期权(ell功pean叩tions);另一些期权则容许在有效期内任何一天执行,这种期权被称为美国式期权(一~oPtions)。值得指出的是,虽名为欧洲式或美国式期权,但已无任何地理上的意义。由于欧洲式期权的规定过于严格,又出现了一种“改变的欧洲式期权”,它允许期权在一定的时间范围内进行交易。可见,美国式期权为期权购买者提供了更多的选择机会,因此,它的购买者也往往需支付更高的保险费。近年来无论在欧洲或美国,所交易的期权均以美国式为主,欧洲式期权虽仍存在,但其交易量已比不上美国式期权。 在so年代末期,市场上又出现了一种所谓亚洲式期权(asian ontions),但也无地理上的意义,其差别主要在于履约价值(exe而sev公此)的计算。以买权为例,无论是美国式期权或是欧洲式期权,执行权利所能得到的履约价值均为当时标的物的市价减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量,但亚洲式期权的履约价值则为权利期间内标的物市价的平均(计算至履约日为止),减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量。