1.Report on Keshan Disease Surveillance in Recent Years in Chuxiong Prefecture of Yunnan;云南省楚雄州近年克山病监测报告
2.Control and the Status of Soil and Water Loss in Chuxiong City;楚雄市水土流失状况及其防治
3.Analysis of Characteristics of Dicotyledoneae Flora in Chuxiong of Yunnan Province;云南楚雄州双子叶植物区系特征分析

1.Analyses the City Expanding Stratagem of Chuxiong Prefecture Based on Displacement of Chen Jia Cao Zi Village;从楚雄市陈家槽子村的拆迁透视楚雄州“扩城战略”
2.First Description of Male Alulatettix chuxiongensis Zheng and Supplement Description of Female楚雄微翅蚱雄性的发现与雌性补充描述
3.Adjustment of Industry Structure and Development about Unique Economy in Chuxiong;调整优化产业结构,发展楚雄特色经济
4.The Primary Discussion on Protection the Local-God Temples Based on Chuxiong s Local-God Temples;土主庙保护刍议——以楚雄土主庙为例
5.Discusses the Value of Tuzhu Temple Mainly Based on the Example of Chuxiong Region;土主庙价值探析——以楚雄土主庙为例
6.Problems and countermeasures in county economy development of Chuxiong prefecture;楚雄州县域经济发展中的问题与对策
7.Analysis of Traffic Accidents Injury on 1204 Cases;楚雄州急救中心交通事故伤1204例分析
8.The SWOT analysis of Chuxiong Communications & Transportation Corporation Ltd;楚雄交通运输集团有限公司的SWOT分析
9.The rhetoric art and the aesthetic implication of the two-part allegorical sayings in Chuxiong;楚雄歇后语的修辞艺术及其审美意蕴
10.Reflections on the characteristics of Chuxiong tourism resources and its developing strategies;楚雄州旅游资源特色与发展战略思考
11.Techniques of Establishing Pinus armandii Seed-collection Base楚雄紫溪山华山松采种基地营建技术
12.Eco-development Strategies for Rural Tourism of Chuxiong Prefecture试论楚雄州乡村旅游的生态发展对策
13.A Study on Causes of "Tiger Dance" in Shuangbai County云南楚雄双柏“老虎笙”舞蹈成因分析
14.Ecological Regionalization Methods of Tobacco-planting in Chuxiong楚雄州烤烟种植的生态区划方法研究
15.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Chuxiong City,1998-20071998~2007年楚雄市血吸虫病监测
16.The analysis of "Bronze Dagger-axe" during Dongzhou Period in Chuxiong云南楚雄出土春秋时期青铜戈的理化分析
17.The Hydrocarbon Occurrence Conditions and the Pool-forming Characteristics in Chuxiong Reformed Basin;楚雄改造型盆地油气赋存条件与成藏特点
18.Study on the Exploitation of the City Square in ChuXiong Based on the Behavior;基于环境行为学的楚雄市区城市广场利用研究

Chuxiong City楚雄市
1.Reflections on the development of tourism in Chuxiong City;对楚雄市旅游发展的思考
2.The Relationship between Air Pollutants Proliferation and the Wind in Chuxiong City,Yunnan Province云南高原中小城市楚雄市风对大气污染物扩散的影响分析
3.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Chuxiong City,1998-20071998~2007年楚雄市血吸虫病监测
3)ChuXiong municipality楚雄市
1.An analysis of the effect of urban development upon the climate in Chuxiong Municipality;楚雄市城市发展对气候的影响分析
1.Division Analysis of Climate and Ecology Type of Main Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivation Area in Chuxiong;楚雄州烤烟主要种植区气候生态类型区划分析
2.SWOT Analysis on Human Resources Development of Chuxiong Prefecture楚雄州人才资源开发分析
3.By using the method of GIS integration and geo-informatic tupu overlay,the habitat restoration of YI medicine resource in Chuxiong area in Yunnan province is studi.为了对我国中药资源数字化的深入研究提供基础,提出利用现代GIS技术与地学图谱叠加相结合的方法进行生境恢复研究,建立了生境恢复的评价指标体系,并以云南楚雄州为研究区域,进行了彝药资源的生境恢复研究案例。
5)Chuxiong prefecture楚雄州
1.Problems and countermeasures in county economy development of Chuxiong prefecture;楚雄州县域经济发展中的问题与对策
2.An analysis of the reform of social security system in Chuxiong Prefecture;楚雄州社会保障制度改革探析
3.distributed in Chuxiong prefecture namely Cycas panzhihuaonsis,Cycas pectinata,Cycas simplicipinna and Cycas parvula,all of which distribute in Jinsha River basin,branch valley,Lishejiang River basin and branch valley.经研究判定,楚雄州分布有4种野生苏铁:攀枝花苏铁、篦齿苏铁、单羽苏铁、元江苏铁。
1.An investigation and study on the plant worship by Yi people in Chuxiong, Yunnan;云南楚雄彝族植物崇拜的调查研究

楚雄护法明公德运碑摩崖位于楚雄市城西20公理紫溪山猢逊箐山崖上,据清嘉庆《楚雄县志》记载,碑铭为戊贞年立,当年为南宋绍兴28年(公元1158年),大理国段正兴龙兴三年。 碑通高3.6米,额高1米,佚高0.55米.刻文共25行,行46字,行楷书。 碑铭为歌颂大理国相高量成而做。据载,高量成是夺取大理国段氏王位建立“大理国”的高什秦曾孙。北宋绍圣元年(公元1094拈)大理国王段正明避位为僧,相国高量秦篡位“大中国”。一年之后还位于段氏,其子高秦明量之子高量成平三十七部叛乱有功,绰号“护法公”接相位。在位数年之后让位于高寿郑,自号中国公。高量成于永贞元年(公元1148年)退居楚雄,此碑即载此事。 此碑是研究大理国高氏家族史和大理国史不可多得的珍贵文物。 1983年1月,云南省人民政府发布为第二批省级重点文物保护单位。