1.On the basical characteristics of two historical and great transitions;试论两次历史性伟大转折的基本特点
2.Several hypotheses on the corrosion transition phenomenon of zircaloy are presented.关于 Zr-2和 Zr-4合金的转折机理有多种假说,其中相变假说认为:锆合金的氧化速度主要受氧化物/金属界面附近 t-ZrO2向 m-ZrO2转变的控制。
3.The spirit of "freedom,revolution"contained in subject of the works,is inevitable in accidental! Hero symbolized the style of Beethoven s symphony had come to maturity,which was a transition of the symphony history and a transition of the western music history too.《英雄》标志着贝多芬的交响曲风格已经成熟,它是交响乐史上的一次转折,也是西方音乐史的一次转折

1.The turning point in a plot or dramatic action.转折点阴谋或戏剧化动作的转折
2.turning-point in a course of events事情发展中的转折
3.This is a turning point in history.这是一个历史的转折点。
4.hand-wheel hance舵、舷樯等)急转折部分
5.turning point in time series时间序列中的转折
6.A disjunctive conjunction.转折连词,反意连词
7.Inflection Point拐点,弯曲点,转折
8.It was a turning point in his career.这是他事业上的转折点。
9.The Governmental Function Transformation with Chinese Characteristic:a New Turning Point;中国特色的政府职能转变:新的转折
10.It was a turning point in his life,and it would be a turning point in the lives of many people.这是他一生的转折点,这也将是众多人一生的转折点。
11.A sudden, surprising turn of events or ending;a twist.意外转折突然的、令人吃惊的转折或结局;突然的变化
12.forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis.形成转折点或者危机,具有转折点或者危机的特点。
13.The turning points of the series is this group precede those of the business cycle by two to ten months.这组数列的转折点领先于商业周期转折点约2~10个月。
14.Conversion in Literature of the 1940s:Hard Choices in the Cultural Transition“40年代文学转折”:文化转轨中的二难选择
15.Her hairdo changes when her life changes.每当她生活有转折时,也是她变发之时。
16.Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.又是一个转折点,一个岔口分开了道路。
17.Their faint, red turnoff points indicate that.它们又暗又红的转折点说明了这一点。
18.In retrospect, this battle is a turning point in the war .事后看来,这场战役是战争的转折点。

turning point转折
1.Female literature and Ding Ling′s turning point in literature in the 1930s and 1940s20世纪三四十年代的女性文学与丁玲的文学转折
2.The Yu-xiang-gui(Henan-Hunan-Guangxi) Campaign in 1944 was the great turning point in the Anti-Japanese War.1944年的豫湘桂战役是抗日战争的伟大转折
3.It put into reality the change from northern expedition to land revolution; but the meeting can t be said to be a turning point, because the change is not complete politically, crganizationally andideologically.但不能说它是一个转折点,因为从政治路线、组织路线、思想路线看,它都未能完成根本性变化。
1.A Turning Point ──Analysis of a New Building (No. 21, Baoqing Rd, Shanghai);转折点──上海宝庆路21号大楼设计剖析
2.This is because that, aside from the incompleteness of theoretical construction, it is a more essential reason that the conception of reason in worldwide scope has taken a turn through the modernist movement.我国当代文艺学关于理性在文学中的功能的争论呈现出种种乖谬,其原因除了学理建设不完善外,世界范围内的理性概念通过现代性运动所发生的转折是更根本的原因。
3.They were the channel from Song to Tang,also the door from Tang to Ming,north and south respectively flowed,abandoned Song back toTang,turn and transtion,receiving and afterwards,they were provided the peculiar contribution in the Tang poetry history.它们既是由宋返唐的通道,又是自唐入明的门户,南北分流,弃宋归唐,转折过渡,承前启后,在唐诗学的发展史上具有独特的贡献。
1.The Historical Turning of China's Wood Industry;中国木材工业的历史性转折
2.The results show: ended the yearly ascending tendency,the long term variation of F and Z component showed a turning respectively in 1999 and 2000,but recovered a little in some local region in recent two years;with a descending tendency,the H component did not change.结果:1999年和2000年F总场和Z分量长期变相继出现了转折,结束了逐年上升的变化趋势,但局部地区近两年有所回升。
3.Results indicate that total ozone decreases persistently and has a turning point during its decline over northern and southern polar regions in recent decades.结果表明,近十余年来南北极区大气臭氧总量都是下降的,并且存在转折现象,但两者具有不同的多年变化特征和地理分布特征;南北极区的臭氧减少都是春季下降最快;南北极区存在不同的周期振荡现象,南极地区比北极地区表现出更强的周期振荡特征。
1.We have been studying an animal model experiment work on the characters and high frequency components,notch and slur of the wide band electrocardiogram with more than 20 healthy dogs hearts during the recent three years.在三年时间内用狗的心脏作动物模型实验,研究了宽带心电图的特点,研究了近20条正常狗在宽带心电图上的高频细节:切迹(notch)和转折(slur),并对4条狗进行冠状动脉结扎的慢性病理模型实验,研究心肌急性缺血后宽带心电图的特点,发现宽带心电图能敏感地反映心肌的病理性改变,宽带心电图上的切迹经过特征提取后能够明显地区别正常的病变情况(p<0。
6)bend over折转
