1.Influences of different storage conditions and packaging materials on packet edible oils quality;不同贮存条件和包装材料对小包装食用油质量的影响
2.Changes of color,flavor and taste of rice wine during the storage;黄酒的贮存与色香味关系

1.To store(fodder)in a silo for preservation.在贮窖中贮存(饲料)
2.To preserve(foods) by removing the moisture.干燥贮存,干贮通过除去湿气保存(食物)
3.storage costs贮存成本,仓库储存费
4.The process of storing and fermenting green fodder in a silo.贮窖的过程在贮窖中贮存及发酵青饲料
5.Register of Stockpiles of Disaster Relief Items救灾项目贮存登记册
6.Store away the draft for reference.贮存样板原图作参考。
7.bulk chemical storage facilities散装化学物品贮存设施
8.proton electron positron storage ring质子 电子 正电子贮存
9.portable waste storage container贮存废物的便携式容器
10.the form in which carbohydrate are stored.碳水化合物的贮存形式。
11.storage container [livestock keeping]废物贮存器〔禽畜饲养〕
12.approved storage facility合格的爆炸物贮存装置
13.storing of bones [offensive trade]贮存骨〔厌恶性行业〕
14.storing of feathers [offensive trade]贮存羽毛〔厌恶性行业〕
15.grain drying-and-storage equipment谷物干燥和贮存设备
16.mail overhead chain storage架空链邮件贮存系统
17.To hide or store in a cache.贮藏隐藏或存贮在贮藏处
18.SPM (Scratch Pad Memory)便笺式存贮器高速暂存存贮器

1.The effect of store temperature(25 ℃,0~4 ℃,-18~0 ℃)on the stability of Luohanguo,concentrated juice were studied during six month.将罗汉果浓缩汁在室温、冷藏、冷冻3个温区贮存180d,定期测定其生化成分的变化。
2.The "tank within tank" is a disposal facilities of wastewater containing oil, it is a new designing concept, integrated with many functions of wastewater store, quality average, sand sediment,oil eli.通过对一种设计思路新颖,具有污水贮存、均质、沉砂、除油等功能一体化的含油污水处理设施——“罐中罐”,在炼油污水处理场建设施工过程、使用效果的叙述,为炼油企业污水处理场提供结构简单、操作方便的一级处理设施的建设、改造技术。
3.By means of analysing and comparising the difference of sense properties,health compositions residuary rates and store resistances,four methods about raw garlic clove de-stink,which means to weaken the offensive smell and hot taste,had been investigated to check and evaluate thier efficiencise.本文试验并比较了四类蒜瓣脱臭方法及其处理后蒜瓣的感官性质、保健成分保留率和贮存性质。
1.Two optimal methods of permitting and impermitting the lack of stock in the process of storage;存贮中允许缺货与不允许缺货最优化的两种方法
2.Water regime forecast automation is making use of advanced electronic technology,communication technology and computer technology to realize full automation of hydrologic data collection,storage,transmission,reception and treatment etc.水情报汛自动化就是通过利用先进的电子技术、通信技术和计算机技术,实现对水情信息的采集、存贮、传输、接收处理等过程的全面自动化。
3.This paper describes the main source、storage、management and disposal of radioactive waste and spent sealed source in Tsinghua University.该文介绍了清华大学放射性废物(源)的主要来源以及放射性废物(源)的存贮、管理和处置。
1.A two-item newsboy inventory problem with substitutability;两种产品可以互相替换的Newsboy存贮问题
2.A nonlinear stochastic inventory model with single deteriorating item;一类允许缺货的易变质物品的随机非线性存贮模型
3.The problem of inventory was concerned.研究了货物存贮问题·考虑到在仓库出空期间人们一般可有耐烦与不耐烦两种反应,研究中假设仓库出空期丢失的顾客量服从正态分布,库存系统的平均总费用包括每次订货的订货费、库存保管费、拖后短缺费,以及由于销售机会的丢失而引起的损失·据此建立允许缺货的非线性存贮模型,使模型更接近于实际,并指出运用MATLAB软件可由此模型求解最优存贮控制策略,得到最优订货量和最优出空期·最后给出一个数字仿真例子
1.According to the overlapped relation of construction network in engineering, the author advances a method about the store and calculation in computer of overlapped network.针对工程施工进度网络计划中大量存在的搭接关系,提出了一种在计算机中存贮和计算搭接网络的方法,使得对具有搭接关系的网络图的描述十分简单、清晰,便于网络图计算、调整和优化的程序实现,对于网络计划技术的进一步推广应用有一定的实际意义。
2.This article analyses in detail the store formats of the Data base documents and realizes reading, taking and modifying the data base documents by C Language.对数据库文件的存贮格式进行了详细的分析,并实现用C语言读取、修改库文件。
1.Under the assumption that the articles possess deterioration properties, the demanding rate and the deterioration rate are known, it was given that the best stockpile stratagems on the condition that the system dont permit to runout of stock, or the system permit to runout of stock but dont postpone the time.对于具有变质性质的物品的库存策略问题,在需求率与变质率为已知的前提下,给出了不允许缺货或者允许拖货但不允许拖后等条件下的最优存贮策略
2.This paper is concernede with the stockpile stratagem of commodities with deterioration for a class of store systems.对具有加速变质的一般库存系统,在需求率为常数的前提下,利用定义目标清单和对目标函数求最优值的方法,得到了不允许缺货、允许缺货但不拖后条件下的最佳订货量及最小平均费用,给出了在上述条件下的最优存贮策略,所得结论推广了经典PLS模型的有关结论。
