1.It can build perfect fault diagnosis model through learning if the fault information is not complete and has the capability to assess the diagnosability of the fault diagnosis model which can be used for optimal symptom selection.还可以对诊断模型的故障可分离度进行评判,为优化征兆信号选取提供条件。
2.The mathematic model of fuzzy recognition and the conditional distribution function of fuzzy relationship between failure and symptom are given.所讨论的诊断方法是应用模糊推理和模糊识别理论,在判断故障产生的原因及程度两方面,进行了系统的阐述,给出了故障与征兆之间模糊关系的条件分布函数及其确定方法和模糊识别理论的数学模型。
3.Anticipating the complex characteristics of gas drilling in the course of drilling,using the immediate symptoms during before or during the accident occurred to forecast and treat down hole accidents timely is key of gas drilling.洞悉气体钻井过程中发生井下复杂情况的特征,利用事故发生前或发生时的实时征兆,及时预测与处理井下事故,是顺利进行气体钻井的关键。

1.First sign of old age."衰老的第一个征兆。”
2.The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆
3.The dark clouds mean rain.乌云是下雨的征兆
4.There are warning signs of childhood cancer.儿童癌症有早期的征兆
5.a sure (or true) sign of one's commitment.此人许诺的可靠的征兆
6.to be a menacing indication of something:The clouds threaten rain.某物的一种险恶的征兆
7.Such omens betide no good.这种征兆预示情况不妙。
8.An advance token or warning.预示,迹象事前的象征或征兆
9.uncertain as a sign or indication.像征兆或者象征一样不确定。
10.Omen PredictionPrimitive Cultural Characteristics of Gesar;《格萨尔》原始文化特——征征兆预测
11.Red sky is a sign of good weather,but black clouds are a sign of rain.红色的天空是好天气的征兆,而乌云则是下雨的征兆
12.A cough is sometimes a symptom of a serious disease .咳嗽有时是严重疾病的征兆
13.of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia.属于、关于失读症的,或有失读症征兆的。
14.a sign of something about to happen.预示某事即将发生的征兆
15.A ringing of the ears is very unpleasant and is sometimes the precursor of deafness.耳鸣很不舒服,有时这是耳聋的征兆
16.Signs of the disease include coughing and a high body temperature.该疾病的征兆包括咳嗽和高烧。
17.Those black clouds are a sure sign it's going to rain.那些乌云是天要下雨的可靠征兆
18.The air held a foretaste of rain.空气中有将要下雨的征兆

1.Inference-software platform designed base on the omen, can be used for the test point data sampled,and be used for the sequence classify method for data processed,also used for reasonable recognize,inference and decide to the radar trouble on the changeable unit degree,gets right result.为故障精确定位而设计的雷达故障诊断系统 ,利用 VXI测试仪器为硬件平台 ,设计了基于征兆 (测点 )的集成推理软件平台。
2.Inference software platform is designed to be based on the omen.雷达故障专家诊断推理机利用VXI测试仪器为硬件平台 ,设计了基于征兆(测试点 )的集成推理软件平台。
1.The premonitor of gushing water and recognition of origin - water are expounded, and put forward the predictive melhod of gushing waler.详细阐述了矿井突水征兆和突水水源的识别,提出了矿井突水预测的方法。
4)An advance sign; a warning.预兆;征兆
5)A pledge;a token.表征;征兆
6)characteristic symptom特征征兆
