1.China-ASEAN Expo and the Export-oriented Economy in Hezhou;中国—东盟博览会与贺州外向型经济
2.The China-ASEAN Expo and the Development of Tourism in Hezhou;中国——东盟博览会与发展贺州市旅游业

1.The Investigation and Study on Hakka Sacrifice Diet Custom in Hezhou;贺州客家人祭祀饮食习俗调查与研究
2.The Input-Output Analysis on Eco-Tourism of Hezhou in Guangxi;广西贺州市生态旅游的投入—产出分析
3.On the Behavior Narration of the Sacrifice Ceremony in Guanyu Temple of Hezhou;贺州关帝庙祭祀仪式的行为叙事表达
4.Case Study of Marriage Circle of the Zhuang in Fengmu Village in Hezhou,Guangxi;广西贺州枫木村壮族婚姻圈个案考察
5.China-ASEAN Expo and the Export-oriented Economy in Hezhou;中国—东盟博览会与贺州外向型经济
6.The China-ASEAN Expo and the Development of Tourism in Hezhou;中国——东盟博览会与发展贺州市旅游业
7.Technology Characteristics of Hezhou 500 kV Series Compensation Equipment贺州500kV串联补偿电容器装置技术特点
8.Analysis of Constraints on Water Chestnut Production Development in Hezhou Prefecture of Guangxi Autonomous Region;广西贺州市荸荠种植业发展制约因素分析
9.The Study on Status and Constraints in Development of the Vegetable Production in Hezhou Municipality;贺州市蔬菜生产发展现状、问题及对策研究
10.Epidemiologic Survey of Albuminuria in Hezhou of Guangxi;广西贺州市城镇人群中白蛋白尿流行病学调查
11.Development Status and Trend of Farm Product Processing Industry in Guangxi Hezhou;广西贺州农产品加工业发展现状及趋势
12.Actively Receive and Carry on the Transfer of Eastern Industry and Improve the development of Hezhou s Tourism;主动承接东部产业转移 促进贺州旅游业发展
13.Hakka s Aggregation Character and Round Houses--A Case Study on the Hakkas in Hezhou;客家人聚合性格与围屋——以广西贺州客家为例
14.On Intercourse and Marriage Interaction Among Nationalities--Research on Problems of Hezhou Nationality;论族群交往与婚姻互动——贺州族群问题研究
15.Research on Teenage Crime in Rural Areas--Take Hezhou City as An Example;农村青少年犯罪问题探析——以贺州市为例
16.Investigation and Reflections on Speeding up Industrialization in Hezhou Prefecture;关于加快贺州地区工业化进程的调查与思考
17.Metallogenic Characteristics and Regularities of Lengshuichong Gold Deposit in Hezhou,Guangxi Province广西贺州冷水冲金矿床成矿特征及规律
18.Weather factor analysis of Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)’s big occurrence in early rice field of Hezhou City 2007贺州市2007年早稻田褐飞虱大发生气象因素分析

1.Life Information Is the True Essence for Conservation of Eco-tourism Environment——Also on Environmental Conservation of Hezhou Eco-tourism;生命信息是生态旅游环境保护的真谛——兼论贺州市生态旅游环境保护状况
2.Reflection upon the Sustainable Development of Hezhou Tourism;贺州市旅游业可持续发展思考
3)Hezhou city贺州市
1.Left problem of water conservancy construction administration system reform in Hezhou city;对贺州市水利工程管理体制改革遗留问题的思考
2.By input-output analysis,the paper analyzes the economic influence of eco-tourism in Hezhou city.运用"投入—产出分析"对贺州市生态旅游的经济影响进行定量分析,结果表明:贺州市生态旅游对社会服务业和餐饮业依赖程度高,对其他行业的依赖程度相对较低;经济效益好,但基础薄弱;就业人员为当地的经济增长贡献大,但对社会就业的带动能力有限;投资乘数偏小。
4)Naval orange in Hezhou贺州脐橙
6)Hezhou prefecture贺州地区
1.In view of the actuality of Hezhou prefecture water management and combining with current CCWAUMR needs, the authors probed into the mode of WREP synthetic management with WR right category management as kernel.针对贺州地区水管理的现状 ,结合当前城乡水务一体化改革的要求 ,探索了在贺州地区开展城乡水务一体化改革的一种以水资源权属管理为核心的水、电综合管理模式。
2.Speeding up industrialization is of great significance in invigorating the economy of Hezhou prefecture.加快工业化进程对于振兴贺州地区经济。
