1.Formation process of extraordinarily serious snowstorm and its induced damage in 2007 in Liaoning Province;2007年辽宁省特大暴风雪形成过程与危害
2.From January,2008,the snowstorm disaster in our country did cause a terrible economic loss to disaster areas and people there,so the private enterprises should be responsible to donate.从2008年1月我国南方部分地区所经历的暴风雪灾害给受灾地区和人民带来了严重的经济损失,我国民营企业的捐助体现了企业应承担的社会责任。
3.It is presented that the damages to the light-gauge steel mill buildings with gabled frames subjected to snowstorms in Anshan and Shenyang regions.介绍沈阳、鞍山地区暴风雪中门式刚架轻型钢结构厂房仓库受损情况,并对今后设计施工提出建设性意见。

1.struggle through the snowstorm冒着暴风雪艰难地前进
2.The blizzard showed no sign of blowing itself out.暴风雪毫无减弱的迹象。
3.A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads.一场暴风雪使铁路中断。
4.Was born during a blizzard.生于暴风雪降临的时候
5.The blizzard swept across the vast grasslands.那场暴风雪席卷大草原。
6.Traffic was interrupted by a snow storm.交通被暴风雪阻断。
7.We were marooned by the blizzard.我们为暴风雪所困。
8.A snowstorm is coming up.一场暴风雪正在酝酿中。
9.Winter storms bring ice, sleet and snow.冬天的暴风雪带来了冰,雹和雪。
10.The lost hikers became snow-blind in the blizzard.迷路的远足者在暴风雪中得了雪盲症。
11.The doghouse was snowed under during the blizzard.暴风雪袭击时,狗屋被雪覆盖了。
12.a cold front along which squalls or thunderstorms are likely.预示暴风雪或雷暴的冷锋。
13.He walked homeward in a blinding snowstorm, reaching the ferry by dusk.他冒着暴风雪上了回家的路,暴风雪刮得人睁不开眼睛。
14.The village was snowed in for more than two weeks after the heavy storm.暴风雪之后村子被积雪封困了两个多星期。
15.She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm她冲出屋子走进了狂卷著的暴风雪
16.The traveller fought through the snowstorm single-handed.那个旅行者单枪匹马冒着暴风雪前进。
17.They pressed on in spite of the snow storm.他们不顾暴风雪继续前进。
18.A freak storm was to blame for the power outage.停电的起因是一场特大暴风雪

3)After a Heavy Snowstorm暴风雪后
4)a sand (wind,snow) storm沙(风,雪)暴
6)snowstorm-induced damage暴风雪危害
