1.Method on Image Clearness Technique in Fog Weather;大雾天气下图像的清晰化方法
2.The DSP Processing System for the Fog-Degraded Video;基于DSP的雾天视频处理系统
3.Because of decreased visibility and narrow field of vision in foggy weather,rear-end accidents often happen in highway.由于雾天能见度降低、视野变窄,高速公路容易发生追尾事故。

1.It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.在浓雾天驾车很危险。
2.You have got to be doubly careful when you are driving in fog雾天开车你得加倍小心
3.You've got to be doubly careful when you're driving in fog.雾天开车你得加倍小心。
4.Change Characteristic of Fog and Analysis on Weather Process of Heavy Fog in Xinjiang in Nearly 40 Years;40年来新疆雾的演变特征及大雾天气过程分析
5.A Self-Adaptation Image Enhancement Method for Fog Elimination in Foggy Environment雾天环境下自适应图像增强去雾方法研究
6."If you climb mountains in fog, you're asking for it.""如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。"
7."If you climb mountains in fog, you are asking for it."〞如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。〞
8.In misty weather, the pilots have to fly by instruments.大雾天飞行,飞行员只得靠仪表。
9.The airport has advised of thick mist today机场已通知今天有浓雾。
10.Tomorrow will be foggy and warm.明天将会有雾和温暖。
11.Yesterday afternoon set in misty and cold.昨天下午又冷又有雾。
12.'The weather forecast calls for mist in the morning.‘天气预报说早晨有雾。”
13.It was a fine day once the mist had cleared.雾消散后是个晴天.
14.We had bad fogs this winter.今年冬天浓雾弥漫。
15.The plane was grounded by fog yesterday.昨天那架飞机因雾停飞。
16.Early mist promises a fine day.晨雾预示晴朗的一天。
17.When the mist had cleared off, it was fine again.雾散去后天又晴朗了。
18.Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying.雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。

traffic in fog weather days雾天通行
3)fog weather大雾天气
1.Observation and weather analysis of a continuous fog weather in Yinchuan;银川一次连续大雾天气的观测与天气分析
4)rain and fog scenes雨雾天气
5)fog-degraded images雾天图像
1.Fast algorithm to enhance contrast of fog-degraded images;一种雾天图像低对比度增强的快速算法
6)Foggy weather雾天气
