1.The Evolvement Feature of High Temperature Weather in 1960-2005 in Tacheng Area;塔城地区1960—2005年高温天气演变特征
2.Analysis on A Serious Dust Storm Occurred in Winter 2002 Based on the Dynamical Change of Land Use/Land Cover Patterns During 2002~2002 in Tacheng Prefecture,Xinjiang;2002年冬季新疆塔城地区沙尘暴成因及对策
3.Lithology and Zircon SHRIMP Chronology of the Biesituobie Gabbro in Tacheng,Xinjiang新疆塔城别斯托别苏长辉长岩的岩石学和锆石SHRIMP年代学研究

1.A small, overhanging turret on a wall or tower.小望楼,顶塔城墙上或塔上的小的,伸出的塔楼
2.Talbkhtai’s Pines --Evaluation on Some Kazakh Poets from Tacheng;塔尔巴哈台青松——塔城籍部分哈萨克诗人述评
3.A Preliminary Study on Characteristics and Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources in Tacheng Prefecture,Xinjiang;塔城地区旅游业可持续发展初步研究
4.The castle tower has been shot away.这座城堡塔顶被打掉了。
5.We surveyed the town from the top of the tower.我们从塔顶眺望该城。
6.(of a building) having turrets and battlements in the style of a castle.(指建筑)有炮塔和城垛的城堡样式。
7.Furnished with turrets and battlements in the style of a castle.城堡风格的建有城堡风格的塔楼和城垛的
8.Fortresses construct the Blood Obelisk to increase the ferocity of their town defenders.要塞城建造血塔来提高其城镇守卫的战斗力。
9.past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park.因为它途经紫禁城和北海白塔。
10.The top of the castle tower has been shot off.城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。
11.I will go up into the highest tower of the castle.我要去城堡里最高的塔上。
12.The donjon keep of d'Etampes is a specimen of it.埃唐普城堡的主塔便是一个样品。
13.From the top of the church tower you can get a bird's eye view of the whole town.从教堂塔的顶端,你可鸟瞰整个城市。
14.The Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower巴库城及希尔梵沙王宫、少女塔
15.You get a good bird's-eye view of the town from the top of the church tower.从教堂的塔顶,你可以俯视全城。
16.You get a good bird's-eye view of the town form the top of the tower.从塔顶可以俯视全城,一目了然。
17.The red flags on the city tower are fluttering in the wind.城中塔楼上的红旗在风中飘扬。
18.The highest bell-tower in the world is in the city of Ulm.世界上最高的钟塔位于Ulm小城。

Tacheng area塔城地区
1.Study on the initial microflora of chilled mutton made in Tacheng area;新疆塔城地区冷却羊肉初始腐败菌相分析
3)Tacheng City塔城市
1.Tacheng city has the largest ratio of interethnic household and the number of interethnic marriage has been increasing in recent 10 years.塔城市是新疆民族混合户比重最大的区域,且族际婚姻数量在近十年来呈明显上升趋势,这与其边缘化的地理位置、多样化的民族构成以及民族人口的散居格局、长期缺乏占绝对优势的强势文化的影响等因素有关。
4)Tacheng region塔城垦区
1.On the basis of investigating and analyzing some main problems about sugar beet production of Tacheng region in Xinjiang recently,a few relative strategies were put forward for achieving continual development of sugar beet growing in this region.针对塔城垦区甜菜低产的主要问题 ,进行了调查分析 ,对今后产量提高提出了相应的措
5)Viola tarbagataica塔城堇菜
1.51) were given,and the drawings of Viola tarbagataica,V.对中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物共有6种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》51卷中未记载的3种进行了详细的描述,并对塔城堇菜、深紫堇菜及隐距堇菜进行了绘图。
6)Tacheng basin塔城盆地
1.This paper aims at processing the gravimagnetic data of Tacheng basin,while using the seismic and magnetotelluric section data as the restrictions to cope with the ambiguity in inversion.对塔城盆地布格重力异常数据和航磁异常数据进行处理,以地震剖面数据和电性剖面数据为约束条件以降低重磁反演的多解性,求取了塔城盆地石炭系地层的深度,得到了塔城盆地石炭系地层的分布规律,与其它实测资料对比发现,该结果具有一定的正确性。

塔城塔城Tacheng Taeheng塔城(Tacheng)中国新疆维吾尔自治区西北边睡重镇。因附近有塔尔巴哈台山得名。东南距鸟鲁木齐588千米,西部和北部与哈萨克斯坦接壤。辖3个街道办事处、6个乡、9个农牧场。面积4 353平方千米,人日13.67万,其中城区面积10平方千米,人口5.33万(1993)。有哈萨克、汉、回、维吾尔、俄罗斯等25个民族,其中汉族占人口的64%。清乾隆三十一年(1766)塔尔巴口合台参赞大臣府移驻此地,1888年设塔城直隶厅。1913年改设塔城县。1984年县改市,为塔城行署所在地。地处塔城盆地西北缘,地势北高南低。北部是塔尔巴哈台山区,哈孜克提山海拔2 148米,是全市最高山氧南部为额敏河冲积平原和低洼沼泽地。有喀浪古尔、阿不都拉、锡伯图、乌拉斯台4条河流由北向南纵贯市境,注人额敏河。城区坐落在中西部,海拔540米。属中温带大陆性半干旱气候,年平均气温8.3℃,1月平均气温一13.7℃,7月平均气温28.3℃,年平均降水量397.4毫米。农业主产小麦、玉米等,是新疆粮油墓地之一。畜牧业盛产优质细毛羊和牛。工业有建材、电力、食品、机械、皮革、酿酒、粮食加工等。交通以公路为主,可西通哈萨克斯坦阿亚古斯,东南经额敏通乌鲁木齐、伊宁、阿勒泰等地。 (孙国校)