1.The watchtowers in Kaiping, a classic example of integration of western culture and Chinese culture;开平碉楼——中西文化交融之经典作
2.This paper takes a case study on the current Kaiping port management system, compared with good international port management experience, presents our objective, principle and strategy on China port management system reform.本文运用公共治理理论和行政组织理论,综合运用理论分析与实证分析相结合、文献研究法、定性分析法和个案研究法等多种研究方法,总结分析了我国口岸管理体制的演变过程,研究分析了我国口岸管理体制面临的主要问题及其成因,结合对开平口岸管理的实证分析以及借鉴国外口岸管理先进经验,提出深化我国口岸管理体制改革的目标、原则和对策。

1.From there he made his way to Kaiping where, on 5 May, he had himself proclaimed emperor.他从那里进入开平,5月5日他在开平称帝。
2.To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp.切开,摊开并铺平,如虾
3.Aluminum alloy casement huny doorsGB/T8478-1987平开铝合金门
4.flat open turbine agitator开启平直涡轮式搅拌器
5.split open and flatten for cooking, as of fish over an open fire.劈开并且展平以便烹任。
6.The typhoon began to subside.台风开始平息下来。
7.printed stretch shirt with front opening平罗纹印花开襟童衫
8.infant's white shirts with front opening平罗纹特白开襟童衫
9.Balanced duplexer平衡式天线收发开关
10.flat back cut and fill method水平分层充填开采法
11.I have a gondola here.我开来了一条平底船。
12.The flat countryside stretched out as far as the eye could see.平原展开,一望无际。
13.4. Doing better in opening to the outside world.(四)提高对外开放水平。
14.stretched out and lying at full length along the ground.伸展开、贴着地面平躺着。
15.The Peace Hospital opened in 1958.和平医院是1958年开办的。
16.Development of Hardware Platfrom Based on MPC8540;基于MPC8540的硬件平台开发
17.The Design of Virtex4 Series FPGA Developing BoardVirtex4系列FPGA开发平台设计
18.Water drops normally flatten and spread out when they fall on a surface.水滴落到平面上时,通常是平铺地散开。

mining level开采水平
1.The rational mining level and vertical height should be on the premise of the rational stage inclined length.合理的开采水平垂高应以合理的阶段斜长为前提,并能使开采水平有必须的储量和合理的服务年限,井田开采有较好的技术经济效果。
3)development level开发水平
4)open platform开放平台
1.Security Study of A Finance Network with Open Platform;开放平台金融网络安全研究
2.Strategies for constructing open platforms for superior disciplines in universities with multiple disciplines;多科性大学优势学科群开放平台的构建策略
3.A rapid forming open platform was developed for the forming of various kinds of bio-materials.为了适应种类繁多的生物材料的成形,开发了生物材料快速成形开放平台。
5)adit devebopment平硐开拓
1.It was considered to be feasible applying natural draft ventilation in small mine applying adit devebopment in mountainous region , in particular environment .并认为,山区平硐开拓的小矿山,在一定条件下,采用自然通风是可行的。
6)Platform development平台开发

开平 开平——  今日开盘价与昨日收盘价持平。