1.Cause and Effect of Price War in Chinese Drug Retailing;我国药品零售业价格战的起因和影响探析
2.The cause of highway bridges damagement and how to detect and reinforce the highway bridges in advance;浅谈公路桥梁病害的起因、检测与加固
3.The cause and the phenotypes of 47,XXX syndrome are discussed.本文讨论了47,XXX综合征的起因及其表现型。

1.A causal agency, force, or quality.起因诱因、原因性动力或特质
2.Accidents arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于疏忽。
3.What was the cause of the quarrel?这场口角的起因是什么?
4.The energy losses are due to turbulence.能量损失起因于紊流。
5."A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value"价值的性质、尺度与起因
6.The causes of the First World War.第一次世界大战的起因.
7.External causes become operative through internal causes.外因通过内因而起作用。
8.The accident was caused by slippery roads.意外因路滑而引起。
9.On an average, therefore, 125,000;因而,平均起来是125000人;
10.His face was wrinkled with age.他的脸因苍老而起皱.
11.Her chest heaved with a sob.她因哭泣而胸部起伏。
12.fire of an electric origin因电气故障引起的火警
13.The fire will not burn because the flue be block up因烟道堵塞火烧不起来
14.Forests are sometimes set ablaze by lightning.森林有时因雷击而起火。
15.Hot weather makes her come out in a rash.因天气炎热, 她起了皮疹.
16.stress due to prestress因预应力引起的应力
17.He's down with flu.他因患流感而卧床不起。
18.a face furrowed by old age因年老而起深皱纹的脸

1.On the origin and orientation of the enterprise’s accounting policy-making;企业会计政策选择的起因及其定位思考
2.The paper presents the definition and origin of the claims for damages because of liability.文章对责任索赔进行界定并分析其起因
3.It originated as a result of the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, among which the drastic change of political infrastructure and the decline of literary forms played a decisive role.泰国近代文学起因是内因与外因的综合作用,其中统治体系的剧变和文学形式的衰变是关键因素。
1.Based on the features of English learning in Chinese context,this essay analyses the six causes of interlanguage fossilization in Chinese learners.中介语僵化现象的起因与中国英语学习者的年龄、情感、母语迁移、策略、文化差异和语言环境等六个方面有一定的联系。
1.Earthing fault is a kind of phenomenon of single phase short circuit, it may cause fire via three reasons with great danger, Introduction was made to the actual reasons for earthing fault which caused fire and its preventive measures.接地故障是一种单相短路现象,它可通过三个起因起火,危险性很大。
2.The wear categories of machine parts with lubricant and the reasons are described in this article.文章针对使用润滑剂的运行机械部件间存在的磨损类型及其产生原因进行了讨论,根据磨损的起因、磨损程度等将磨损分为12种类型,轻微粘着磨损、严重粘着磨损、磨粒磨损、腐蚀磨损、接触疲劳磨损、抛光磨损、气蚀损伤磨损、微振磨损、侵蚀磨损、电腐蚀磨损、放电磨损及熔蚀磨损,并根据磨损的起因从机械加工和润滑两方面提出了改进方法。
5)result from; be caused by因..引起;起因于..
6)cause analysis4起因分析

起因1.谓发起善愿。 2.指事情发生的原因。