永安,Yong an
1)Yong an永安
1.Economic Plant Resources of Yong an City in Fujian Province and Their Sustainable Development Strategies;福建永安经济植物资源及可持续发展对策
2.The Literary Activity in Yong An of Fu Jian during the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期福建永安的文艺活动

1.The New Pumpkins F_1 Hybrid-Yong'an No.1 and Yong'an No.2南瓜新品种永安1号、永安2号的选育
2.Qianjiang Yongan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.潜江永安药业有限公司
3.Economic Analysis on the Forest Ecosystem Services of Yong an Forestry Management Area of Fujian Yong an Forestry(Group) Joint-Stock Co Ltd;“永安林业”永安经营区森林生态系统公共服务功能经济分析
4.Load Reaction Analysis of the Girder of YongAn Bridge During Construction Procedure;抚顺永安桥施工阶段主梁的受力分析
5.A Report on the Excavation of the Huangyilong Paleolithic Site, Yong an, Fujian;福建永安黄衣垄旧石器遗址发掘报告
6.Brief Report on Excavation of the Tombs at Yonganpu,xiaogan;孝感永安铺南朝及唐代墓葬清理简报
7.The Characteristics and historical Place of the Anti-Japanese Cultural Activities in Yongan;永安抗战文化活动的特点及历史地位
8.permanent magnet moving-coil type ammeter永久磁铁动圈式安培计
9.Effect of Permanent Magnet Arrangements on Dynamic Performance of Permanent Magnet Contactor永磁安装位置对永磁接触器动态特性的影响
10.a giddy girl, who will never settle down to anything serious永远安不下心来做正经事的轻浮女孩.
11.Because of this,the BCs can never relax.由此,bc级的人就永远得不到安宁了。
12.Eligible households are offered permanent rehousing.合资格的家庭可获得永久安置。
13.a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit.永久地安装在驱动程序中的硬磁盘。
14.Marianne to be sure is lost to me forever.毫无疑问,我永远失去了玛丽安。
15.Fools are never uneasy. Stupidity is without anxiety. --Wolfgang Von Goethe愚人永远不会不安。愚蠢没有忧虑。——歌德
16.He sells himself to Fu Shan as a slave to give them a decent burial.董永为了安葬父母,卖身给傅善为奴。
17."<LaMED> For ever, O Lord, your word is fixed in heaven."耶和华阿,你的话安定在天,直到永远。
18.Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also be installed.还应安装照相用的永久性聚光灯。

1.The Present Situation and Development of Bamboo Timber Processing in Yongan County;永安市竹材加工业的现状及发展对策
2.The Preliminary Exploration of the Fulin earthy castle In Qingshui of Yongan in Fujian Province福建永安青水福临堡初探
3)Yong an City永安
1.Bamboo resources and their sustainable development in Yong an City, Fujian Province;福建永安竹类资源及可持续利用
4)Yong'an city永安
1.Analysis and Countermeasure on Ecologic Welfare Forest Construction of Yong'an City永安市生态公益林建设现状分析与对策
5)Yong'an oilfield永安油田
6)Yongan in Fujian province福建永安

永安【永安】 (人名)宋沙门契嵩于永安山之精舍作正宗记。见五灯会元十五。