1.And the research of compliance lies in the core position among the various sub-areas of international institutions.而在国际制度研究的诸多子领域中,遵约研究更是堪称核心领域所在。
2.Compliance refers to keeping the commitments.遵约即遵守承诺,是指各国政府调整行动,改变自身行为以及社会和外界环境,在国内实施必要的正式立法和行政法规以执行峰会承诺。
3.Compliance mechanism is composed by three components,the primary rule system,the compliance information system and the non-compliance response system.在国际环境法中,“遵约”是指国际环境条约缔约方遵守其国际环境条约义务的状态。
2)compliance mechanism遵约机制
1.In recent years,a new mechanism has arisen to promote compliance with international environmental treaties——compliance mechanism.近年来,国际环境法中出现了一种特有的促进履约的新机制——遵约机制。
2."compliance mechanism" has become key words in international environmental legal discourse.“遵约机制”已成为环境立法中较受重视的词汇。
compliance mechanism遵约机制
1.In recent years,a new mechanism has arisen to promote compliance with international environmental treaties——compliance mechanism.近年来,国际环境法中出现了一种特有的促进履约的新机制——遵约机制。
2."compliance mechanism" has become key words in international environmental legal discourse.“遵约机制”已成为环境立法中较受重视的词汇。
3)compliance conditions遵约条件
4)compliance tactic遵约策略
1.To fulfill international environmental obligations,China should have its own compliance tactic.为了更好地履行国际环境义务,中国应逐步制定本国的遵约策略。
5)To observe the agreement遵守合约
6)be true to one's promise遵守约言
