1.Operation and pondering on monographic survey on the column “users comments”;专题调查“用户点评”栏目的运作与思考
2.In this paper,the ten thesis on library are analysed ,induced and commented.本文是对图书馆工作的十大论点加以分析、归纳 ,并给予点评
1.The writer have boldly attempted to adapt teaching methods of emphatic instruction and review on the important trees in classroom since 1995,so better teaching-effect has already acquire1995年以来,本人在园林树木栽培学各论教学中尝试重点讲解、课堂点评的教学方法,取得了较好的教学效果。
2.To examine and review the doctrines of Private International Law in the Continental Law System concerning the nations as the Netherl.对荷兰、德国、法国、意大利、日本、希腊等大陆法系国际私法学人与学说的检视和点评,不仅在国际私法理论研究方面有巨大的学术意义,而且在国际私法实务运作方面也极具实践价值。
1.The Poetics Value of LI Meng-yang s Criticism to Shi Cong Collection;试论李梦阳评点《石淙诗稿》的诗学价值
2.The Theory of Artistic Conception in Zhi s Criticism on “A Dream of Red Mansions;脂砚斋《红楼梦》评点 ,是中国古代文学创作理论研究的一项重要内容。

1.The Archaic Tradition of Chinese Novel Commentary and Wang Meng s Commentary on the Red Chamber Dream;中国小说评点传统与王蒙《红楼梦》评点
2.Commentaries of Classical literature from Unknown Authors;古典文学名著的未名评点——以三种《楚辞》评点为例
3.On the Practice of Commenting Poem with Poem in the Critical Punctuation of "Poetry" in Late Ming Dynasty;试论明末《诗经》评点中的以诗评《诗》
4.A Review about the Study on Zhang Zhu-po s Comment on "Chin Ping Mei"at 20Century;二十世纪张竹坡评点《金瓶梅》研究述评
5.Study of Comparability between "the New Criticism" in Britain and America and the Comment On Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China;“新批评”与小说评点之可比性研究
6.Zhang Zhupo's Mathematical Criticism About Characters in "Jin Ping Mei"张竹坡《金瓶梅》人物评点的数理批评
7.Lou Fang s Punctuation and Rhetoric Directionalism in His Book;楼昉评点中的圈点符号及其修辞指向
8.On“the Finishing Point”--Art Terms Usingin the Comments of Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty;“点睛”:明清小说评点中的画论术语一探
9.The Dissemination Value of the Comments on Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio--Focusing on the Comments of Feng Zhenluan and Dan Minglun论“《聊斋志异》评点”的传播价值——以冯评、但评为中心
10.On Meng Haoran s Poetry Art;评点视野下的孟浩然诗歌艺术——以刘辰翁评点孟浩然诗为例
11.Origin of Ancient Prose Punctuation and Annotation in Southern Song Dynasty--Concurrent Review of Stylistic Significance of Ancient Prose Annotation;南宋古文评点缘起发覆——兼论古文评点的文章学意义
12.On Liu Chenweng s Rhetoric Ideas in His Novels Annotations;论刘辰翁的小说评点修辞思想——以《世说新语》评点为例
13.To Comment on a Novel Structure by Means of the Argumentation Writing Style--One Essential Feature in Jin Shengtan s Commentaries on Novels;以论说文文法评点小说结构——金圣叹小说评点的一个本质特征
14.To judge the merits and faults of;analyze and evaluate.分析,评估评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价
15.Point the finger of scorn at sb.轻蔑地指点[批评]某人
16.awarding points to job评定各种职务的点数
17.The critic knew a little French.评论员懂得一点法语。
18.minute an action point, comment, etc记录一行动要点、 评语等

1.The writer have boldly attempted to adapt teaching methods of emphatic instruction and review on the important trees in classroom since 1995,so better teaching-effect has already acquire1995年以来,本人在园林树木栽培学各论教学中尝试重点讲解、课堂点评的教学方法,取得了较好的教学效果。
2.To examine and review the doctrines of Private International Law in the Continental Law System concerning the nations as the Netherl.对荷兰、德国、法国、意大利、日本、希腊等大陆法系国际私法学人与学说的检视和点评,不仅在国际私法理论研究方面有巨大的学术意义,而且在国际私法实务运作方面也极具实践价值。
1.The Poetics Value of LI Meng-yang s Criticism to Shi Cong Collection;试论李梦阳评点《石淙诗稿》的诗学价值
2.The Theory of Artistic Conception in Zhi s Criticism on “A Dream of Red Mansions;脂砚斋《红楼梦》评点 ,是中国古代文学创作理论研究的一项重要内容。
1.Ancient novel critics comments on "foreshadowing and correlating" in narration;古代小说评点家论叙事之“埋伏照应”
2.His comments on it are hardly convincing that A Journey to the West was an interpretation of Confucianism and it equaled to the Confucian classics Great Learning.其评点文字认为《西游记》"原是证圣贤儒家之道",把《西游记》看成是儒家经典著作《大学》,不免牵强附会。
3.The comments on Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio by Feng Zhenluan, Dan Minglun, etc.冯镇峦、但明伦等人对《聊斋志异》的评点,在小说理论史上第一次肯定了文言小说集体例驳杂的合理性及其审美意义;指出了《聊斋》故事的虚构性、志异的深层原因以及取得艺术真实感的主要方法;总结了《聊斋》鬼狐形象兼具"人事之伦次"和"百物之性情"的复合统一的特点及其塑造方式、审美价值;并对《聊斋》不同于白话小说的一些独特的"文法"进行了分析和命名。
1.A Review about the Study on Zhang Zhu-po s Comment on "Chin Ping Mei"at 20Century;二十世纪张竹坡评点《金瓶梅》研究述评
2.It was adapted,commented,performed,or imitated from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty,leaving a far-reaching impact.其中对浙江曲坛的影响尤大,或改编,或评点,或演出,或模仿,影响之深远,自明至清,未曾稍减。
3.Literary comment is a special kind of literary criticism,which occupies a position in Chinese literary criticism history with its unique form,content,existence modality and its influences on literary creation and appreciation.文学评点是一种特殊的文学批评样式,其以特有的形式,内容,存在形态及对文学创作、鉴赏等的影响使其在中国文学批评史占有一席之位。
1.Study about the Trend of Mind Theory in Ming Dynasty and the Commentary of Shuihuzhuan Inscribed at Rongyutang;明代心学思潮与容与堂刊本<水浒传>的评点
2.As the only commented version of this novel ever published in the later Qing Dynasty, Dong s commentary contains quite some brilliant e.晚清官僚董恂任总理各国事务大臣期间 ,曾评点长篇通俗章回小说《儿女英雄传》。
3.Among his works, commentary on the poetry by Du Fu is the most influential.刘辰翁是我国评点文学的开创者之一。
