1.Geological Characteristics and Mineralization Prediction of the Hongshijing Gold Deposit in Ruoqiang, Xinjiang;新疆若羌县红十井金矿地质特征及深部成矿预测
2.The Crustal Structure and Velocity Feature from Ruoqiang-Altai Seismic Profile in Xin jiang Region;若羌-阿勒泰区域剖面的速度特征和地壳结构

1.Seismic Acquisition Technology in Ruoqiang Structure of Southeast Tarim Area塔东南若羌构造地震采集技术应用研究
2.Purification and Antioxidant Activity of Polysaccharide from Zizyphus jujuba Mill in Xinjiang若羌大枣多糖的分离纯化及抗氧化活性的研究
3.Researches into the Exorcising Dance "Qiangba" by the Ancient Dangchang Qiang;古代宕昌羌人傩祭舞蹈“羌巴舞”初探
5.On Bili and Qiangdi--the Sequel of the Origin and Development of Qiangdi筚篥与羌笛——《羌笛源流考辨》续篇
6.Comparative studies on photosynthetic characteristics of Notopterygium incisum and N.forbesii羌活与宽叶羌活光合特性的比较研究
7.Heritage of traditional Qiang culture as seen from Qiang people s traditional sports;羌族传统体育对羌族传统文化的传承及启示
8.A Research into the Qiang People s Culture in the Process of Modernization--Exemplified by "Shibi" of the Qiang Nationality;现代化进程中的羌族文化研究——以羌族“释比”为例
9.Looking into the Historical Marriage of Qiang Women from the Qiang Folk Song Brother Wuma;从羌族民歌《马五哥》透视羌族妇女的历史婚姻
10.Significance and Ways of Protecting the Culture of the Qiang People by Schools in Qiang Autonomous District after the Earthquake震后羌区学校保护羌族文化的意义及途径
11.A Research on the Utilization and Countermeasure of the Qiang Language Course in the Primary and Middle School of Qiang Area;羌族地区中小学羌语文课程实施问题及对策研究
12.On the Changes and Formative Features of the Population of the Marginal Zones of the Qiang People--A Case Study of the Qiang People s Population in Pingwu County;羌族边缘区人口的演变及构成特点——以平武县羌族人口为例
13.Sedimentary characteristics of Middle Jurassic Sewa and Buqu Formations from Qiangzi Well-2,southern Qiangtang basin,Tibet南羌塘盆地羌资-2井中侏罗统色哇组和布曲组沉积特征
14."But we drink to our guest Bound home from camp, And play him Barbarian lutes, guitars, harps;"中军置酒饮归客, 胡琴琵琶与羌笛。
15.I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。
16.The Qiang originally lived along the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.羌人,最初活动于黄河中上游地区。
17.The Qiang people are members of one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China.羌族是中国最古老的少数民族之一。
18.The bark of the muntjac was believed to waken the sun.人们相信山羌的吠叫声可以唤醒太阳.

East Kunlun Mountains若羌地区
1.Geological features and origin of the Baigan Lake W-Sn deposit in the Ruoqiang area, East Kunlun Mountains, China.;东昆仑山若羌地区白干湖钨锡矿床地质特征及成因
3)Ruoqiang (Qarkilik) Xian若羌县
4)S. ruoqiangensis K.M.Shen若羌风毛菊
5)Ruoejiang earthquake of 6.6若羌6.6级强震
1.A Study of Qiang, Tuyuhun and Yuanhao;羌和吐谷浑、元昊之我见
2.On The Xiongnu and Qiang People s Activities in Lanzhou Area During The Eastern And Western Han Dynasties;两汉时期匈奴和羌在今兰州地区的活动述论
