1.Study on misfired self-compacting concrete;不发火自密实混凝土研究

1.To fail to discharge. Used of a firearm.不发火发火失败,用于灭火器
2.He has self-control and never loses his temper.他很有涵养,从不发火
3.Swanson was not heated or antipathetic.斯万生并不发火,也不现出反感。
4.You should learn to keep your temper.你应该学得有耐性,不发火
5.a proclivity towards sudden violent outbursts动不动就发火的癖性
6.You mustn't lose your temper with him.你不应该对他发火。
7.You're a bit prickly today!你今天动不动就发火!
8.She dared the anger of her father.她不怕惹她父亲发火。
9.Why don't you blow up occasionally?你为什么不偶尔发次火?
10.Control yourself ; don' t get angry.你要克制自己,不要发火。
11.Fireflies emit light but not heat.萤火虫发光但不放出热。
12.My brother has a short fuse and is likely to lose his temper at any time.我哥哥是火爆性子,动不动就发火。
13.He has a low Boiling point and was Beginning to simmer.他极易发火,此时又忍不住要发作了。
14.He cannot see injustice without heating.看到不平的事他就免不了要发火。
15.We suddenly discovered that it was too late to catch the train.我们突然发觉已来不及赶上火车了。
16.In fact, she was not a woman who would fly into a passion.事实上,她不是那种动辄发火的人。
17.She tends to lose her temper if you disagree with her.你要是不同意她的意见,她可能会发火。
18.Don' t get stroppy with me it' s not my fault !别对我发火--那不是我的错!

3)imperfect sparking不完全发火
5)nonluminous flame不发光火焰
6)Don't get into a rage.不要发火了。
